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Introduction to Ramadan

Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and devotion for Muslims around the
world. The fasting period lasts from dawn to sunset, refraining from food, drink,
and negative behaviors.

Importance of maintaining a healthy diet
during Ramadan
Nutrient-Rich Choices Hydration Moderation

Focus on incorporating fruits, Emphasize hydrating foods like Avoid excessive fried foods,
vegetables, and whole grains watermelon, cucumbers, and sweets, and heavy desserts to
for a balanced diet. soups for suhoor and iftar. maintain a healthy balance.

Prioritize lean protein sources, Avoid excessive salt, caffeine, Opt for lighter cooking
such as poultry, fish, and and sugary beverages that can methods like grilling, boiling,
lentils. lead to dehydration. and steaming.
Tips for staying hydrated during fasting
1 Water Intake 2 Electrolyte Balance
Consume at least 8 glasses of water Include fruits like bananas and dates to
between iftar and suhoor to ensure replenish essential minerals lost during
proper hydration. fasting hours.

3 Herbal Infusions
Enjoy herbal teas like mint, chamomile, or ginger to stay hydrated without caffeine.
Nutritional guidelines for suhoor and
Include slow-digesting foods like whole grains, oats, and proteins to sustain energy
throughout the fasting hours.

Break the fast with hydrating fruits, dates, and a balanced meal consisting of grains,
proteins, and vegetables.
Recommended foods for Ramadan
Complex Carbs Protein Sources
Include brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes Choose lean proteins like chicken, fish,
for sustained energy release during fasting lentils, and beans for muscle repair and
hours. maintenance.

Hydrating Fruits
Watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges serve as excellent sources of hydration and essential vitamins.
Strategies for managing energy levels

Rest and Sleep 1

Prioritize a balanced sleep schedule of
7-8 hours to maintain energy levels
throughout the fast. 2 Mindful Movement
Incorporate gentle exercises like
stretching and walking to improve
Mid-Day Breaks 3 circulation and reduce fatigue.
Allocate short breaks to relax and re-
energize during the fasting period,
especially on hot days.
Suggestions for incorporating physical

5 2-3
Incorporate light activities like yoga, tai chi, or gentle Select early morning or evening hours for workouts,
aerobics to stay active and rejuvenated. ensuring minimal strain during fasting hours.
Conclusion and final thoughts on
maintaining a healthy Ramadan fasting
Mental Well-Being Self-Reflection Community Support
Focus on maintaining Use the opportunity of Engage with local
positivity, patience, and a Ramadan to reflect on community initiatives to
sense of gratitude during personal health habits and promote healthy fasting
the fasting period for overall make positive changes in practices and support fellow
well-being. daily routines. fasters.

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