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• Making a hot drink, snack preparation, washing the dishes,

as well as planning breakfast and other meals

• What equipment has been provided/recommended?
• Can they do the task themselves? Do they need help? If so with what aspect of the task? What type of help?
Did you prompt them?
• Are they safe?
• Do they need to sit? Or hold worktop
• Ready meals or fresh meals? What type? Who does their shopping?
• If unable to shop, how will they get meals/ drinks at home? Carers, flasks, meals left out, hot meal service?
• How do they carry items?

• Physical
• Balance- do they need to sit? Or hold worktop Cognitive
Can they keep their attention?
• Do they have equipment - ?perch stool, trolley, other
kitchen aids
Carrying and walking at the same time - attention
Can they initiate/start the task?
• Strength – can they carry the kettle, open jars?
Can they make a decision – tea or coffee, teapot, cup?
• Upper limb use, grip, hand use, dexterity Can they carry out each step of the task?
• How do they use the cutlery? Object use?
• ROM and ability to reach for items in high cupboard or
Do they turn the taps off, keep kettle out of water in sink –
bottom of fridge safety awareness
Can they find items on both sides?
• Vision – can they see them clearly and find on both sides
Use both arms?
• Can they get to kitchen? How? Do you need to prompt them
• Can they carry a cup whilst walking ? balance Do they get stuck on part of the task?
Do they repeat a step? Forget a step? Complete in appropriate
Can they recognise the kettle is switched off – problem solve?
Can they remember where they items are? Can they recall what
they are doing?

• Prompt when needed and over time aim to reduce amount of assistance / prompts
• A "Normal" prompt could be reading a recipe or the instructions on the tin/pack
• Use of copying/ visual cues to guide patient with cognitive / communication difficulties.
• Can be used to increase awareness of the affected side of the body/ environment i.e.
placing items to one side to encourage looking/searching on that side (scanning).
• Repeat methods and steps in the same manner each time to aid carry over from session
to session

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