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Hotel Recommendation System​

Presented by:
Ashok Poudel (25108/76)
Sabin Bhandari (25154/76)
Sandesh Gyawali (25160/76)
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Proposed Solution
4. Objectives
5. Research Methodology
6. Algorithms Used
7. Use-Case Diagram
8. Tools Used
9. Conclusion
Introduction: ​
 A hotel recommendation system is a software application that
recommends hotels to users based on their preferences. ​

 The system typically uses a variety of factors, such as user
ratings and reviews, to generate recommendations.​

Problem Statement:​
 Finding the right hotel can be challenging, especially for
first-time visitors. There are many factors to consider,
such as location, price, amenities, and reviews. ​

 Hotel recommendation system can help users find the
right hotel for their needs and preferences quickly and
easily. ​

Proposed solutions:​
 The proposed hotel recommendation system will use a
combination of collaborative filtering and content-based
filtering to generate personalized recommendations for users. ​

 Collaborative filtering recommends hotels to users based on

the preferences of other users with similar preferences. ​

 Content-based filtering recommends hotels to users based on

their past booking history and preferences.​
 Provide personalized recommendations to users based on their

 Help users discover new hotels that they may not have considered
otherwise. ​

 Enhance the recommendation system through continuous

user feedback and iterative improvements.

 Integrate a secure and privacy compliant mechanism to handle user
data and ensure confidentiality. ​

Research Methodology:​
a. Requirement Identification

i.) Literature Review:

A study proposed a hybrid hotel recommendation system for the Nepal Tourism
Board's website that combines collaborative filtering and content-based filtering.

There is needed to evaluate the performance of these systems in real-world settings.

The system was evaluated using a survey of tourists, and the results showed that the
system was able to generate accurate and personalized recommendations.

There are a few companies that offer hotel recommendation systems for Nepal, such
as Nepal Tourism Board, TripAdvisor,etc.
Research Methodology:​
a. Requirement Identification

i) Study of Existing System:

 Nepal Tourism Board Hotel Recommendation System:

It recommends hotels based on a variety of criteria, including location, budget, amenities, and

Namaste Nepal Hotel Recommendation System:

It recommends hotels based on a variety of criteria, including location, budget, amenities, and
reviews. And it also offers users the ability to book hotels directly through the website.

TripAdvisor Nepal:
This popular travel website also offers a hotel recommendation system for Nepal.
It recommends hotels based on user reviews and ratings.
Research Methodology:​

ii) Understanding User Requirements: iii) User Profiling: iv) Usability Testing:
a. User Interviews and Surveys a. User Data Analysis a. Prototyping
b. Segmentation b. Usability Testing
b. Market Research
c. Feedback Analysis
c. Data Collection and Processing
d. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

v) Evaluation and Validation: vi) Continuous Improvement

a. Testing Scenarios a. User Feedback Integration
b. A/B Testing b. Data Update Strategy
c. User Acceptance Testing
Research Methodology:​

b. Requirement Collection:

i) Functional Requirement: ii) Non-Functional Requirement:

a. Search and filtering a. Usability

b. Recommendations b. Performance
c. Hotel information c. Reliability
d. Security
e. Scalability
f. Maintainability
Algorithms Used:
Collaborative Algorithm: User Hotel A Hotel B Hotel C -

A 5 - 3

B - 4 5

C 2 3 -

- - - -
Let's say we have a user-item matrix:
User A has rated Hotel A with a score of 5 and Hotel C with a score of 3.
User B has rated Hotel B with a score of 4 and Hotel C with a score of 5.
User C has rated Hotel A with a score of 2 and Hotel B with a score of 3.

 Calculate the similarity between users (e.g., using cosine similarity).

 Identify the most similar users to the target user (e.g., top k similar users).
 Predict the target user's rating for unrated hotels based on the ratings of the similar users.
 Recommend the top-rated hotels to the target user based on the predicted ratings.

The collaborative filtering algorithm thus helps generate personalized hotel recommendations by leveraging
similarities between users' preferences and interactions with hotels.
Algorithms Used:
Content-based Algorithm:
Let's illustrate this with a simple example:

Features: Location, Price, Star Rating, Amenities

User's preferences: Prioritizes location and amenities, willing to pay a mid-range price.

User’s Profile: For a hotel:

Location weight: 0.4 Location score: 4.5 (out of 5)
Price weight: 0.3 Price score: 3.0 (out of 5)
Star Rating weight: 0.2 Star Rating score: 4.0 (out of 5)
Amenities weight: 0.1 Amenities score: 4.8 (out of 5)

Score for this hotel:  The hotels are ranked based on their scores, and the
Score = (4.5 * 0.4) + (3.0 * 0.3) + top- ranked hotels are recommended to the user.
(4.0 * 0.2) + (4.8 * 0.1) = 4.08
 Content-based filtering thus focuses on the
characteristics of the items (hotels) and tailors
recommendations to the user's preferences.
Use-Case Diagram:
Tools Used:
Programming language: Python
Web framework: Django
ML libraries: scikit-learn, TensorFlow
NLP libraries: spaCy, NLTK
Working Platform: MS-Teams
 In conclusion, a hotel recommendation system for Nepal is a
feasible and beneficial solution to the challenges of finding the
right hotel in Nepal.

 The system will use a variety of data sources and machine

learning techniques to generate personalized recommendations
for users based on their needs and preferences.

 The system is expected to save tourists time and frustration,

help them discover new and unique hotels, and promote the
tourism industry in Nepal.

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