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Nature and Detection

Aims and Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to

• Explain the nature of heteroskedasticity

• Understand the causes and consequences of


• Perform tests to determine whether a regression

model has heteroskedastic errors
Nature of Heteroskedasticity

Heteroskedasticity is a systematic pattern in

the errors where the variances of the errors
are not constant.
Ordinary least squares assumes that all
observations are equally reliable.
Kuadrat terkecil biasa mengasumsikan bahwa
semua pengamatan sama-sama handal
Regression Model
Yi = 1 + 2Xi + Ui

Homoskedasticity: Var(Ui) = 2

Or E(Ui2) = 2

Heteroskedasticity: Var(Ui) = i2

Or E(Ui2) = i2
Homoskedastic pattern of errors
. . . .
.. . . . .
. . . ...
... .. .
. . .. . .
. .. . . . .
. .

Income Xi
The Homoskedastic Case

f(Yi) Yi
p ti o
s um
X1 X2 X3 X4 Xi
Heteroskedastic pattern of errors
Yi .
. .
. . . .
. .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . .. . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. .

Income Xi
The Heteroskedastic Case


o n
p ti
s um
. rich people

poor people

X1 X2 X3 Income Xi

Household’s consumption and income:

• Household with a low income do not have much flexibility in spending. Most of
the income will go for basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing and
• Rich families have a great deal of flexibility in spending. Some might be large
consumers, others might be large savers and investors in real estate, stock
market. This implies that actual consumption might be quite different from
average consumption. Higher income households have a larger dispersion
around mean consumption than lower income households.
Why (other reasons)----------
Var(Ui) = i2
• Error learning model…learn more less errors
• Discretionary income…only for higher income earners---
gives more choices in spending and saving
• Data collecting techniques-better techniques better
results and less errors
• Existence of outliers
• Due to specification errors-important variables omitted
• Skewness-eg. Income, only top few owns larger sum of
• Incorrect data transformation
• Incorrect functional form
Consequences of Heteroskedasticity

1. Ordinary least squares estimators still linear, unbiased and

consistent. {Unbiasedness and consistency requires that  has
zero mean and is uncorrelated with X.}
2. Ordinary least squares estimators not efficient. The estimated
variances and covariances of the ’s are biased and
inconsistent. Tests of hypotheses are no longer valid.
3. Confidence intervals based on usual standard errors are wrong.
4. The OLS estimators are no longer BLUE and will be
inefficient. Forecasts will also be inefficient.
^ ^
Yi = 1 + 2Xi + ei
heteroskedasticity: Var(ei) = i2
Formula for ordinary least squares variance
(homoskedastic disturbances):  2
Var ( ˆ ) 
2 2

Formula for ordinary least squares variance

(heteroskedastic disturbances): ˆ
Var (  2 ) 
 xi  i
2 2

 x 
2 2

Therefore when errors are heteroskedastic ordinary

least squares estimators are inefficient (i.e. not “best”)
Detecting Heteroskedasticity
Y  ˆ  ˆ X  ˆ X  e
i 1 2 2i 3 3i i

ei2 : squared residuals provide proxies for U i2

(variance of the population)
Preliminary Analysis
• Data - Heteroskedasticity often occurs in cross
sectional data (exceptions: ARCH, panel data)

• Graphical examination of residuals - plot e i or ei2

against each explanatory variable or against predicted
Residual Plots

Plot residuals against one variable at a time after

sorting the data by that variable to try to find a
heteroskedastic pattern in the data. Whether there
is relationship or not, no relationship no. hetero.
. . .
.. . .
. .
. .. .
0 . . . . ..
. .
. . Ŷ
. . .
Residual Plots

Relationship could be linear, quadratic or others

. .
. . .
e 2
.. .
. . .
. . . . ..
0 . .. . . .
. . Xi
. . .
Formal Tests for Heteroskedasticity
The Goldfeld-Quandt Test

1. Identify a variable (say Z) to which the error variance is related.

Sort data set according to increasing values of Z, (smallest to
largest). fF

2. Divide the sample into the first n1 and the last n2, thus omit the
middle c observations. The number of observations to be omitted is
arbitrary and usually between one-sixth and one-third.

3. Estimate separate regressions on first n1 observations and last n2

observations. Obtain the error sum of squares – SSE1 and SSE2.
The Goldfeld-Quandt Test

SSE 2 /( n 2  k  1)
• 4. Compute F 
SSE1 /( n 1  k  1)

If disturbances are homoskedastic then Var(Ui) should be the

same for both samples
Jika gangguan yang homoskedastic kemudian Var (Ui) harus
sama untuk kedua sampel
The Goldfeld-Quandt Test

5. Specify null and alternative hypothesis

There is no heteroscedasticity
Ho: 1 = 2 2 2

H1: 22 > 12 There is heteroscedasticity

6. Test statistic
2 2

GQ  ~ F( n  k 1, n  k 1)
1 2 1 2

Compare test statistic value with critical value from

F-distribution table
Dependent Variable: EXPTR

Method: Least Squares

Sample: 1 20

Included observations: 20
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
INC 0.094943 0.055501 1.710669 0.1043
C 0.196430 1.396950 0.140614 0.8897
R-squared 0.139842 Mean dependent var 2.377750
Adjusted R-squared 0.092055 S.D. dependent var 2.677782
S.E. of regression 2.551554 Akaike info criterion 4.805922
Sum squared resid 117.1877 Schwarz criterion 4.905495
Log likelihood -46.05922 F-statistic 2.926389
Durbin-Watson stat 2.338219 Prob(F-statistic) 0.104321
Dependent Variable: EXPTR
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 32 51
Included observations: 20
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
INC 0.060328 0.005976 10.09445 0.0000
C -1.021211 1.516486 -0.673406 0.5092
R-squared 0.849872 Mean dependent var 11.61565
Adjusted R-
squared 0.841532 S.D. dependent var 9.615438
S.E. of regression 3.827718 Akaike info criterion 5.617054
Sum squared resid 263.7257 Schwarz criterion 5.716628
Log likelihood -54.17054 F-statistic 101.8980
Durbin-Watson stat 2.259341 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

GQ = SSE2/SSE1 =263.7257/117.1877 = 2.34

At =0.05, F0.05,18,18= 2.222. Decision: Reject H0.

There is heteroscedasticity
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) Tests

Let the model be

Y = 0 + 1X1 + 2X2 + ….+ kXk + 
Where the error variance is 2 = E(2)
Form the auxiliary equations:
2 = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp – BREUSCH-PAGAN
 = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp - GLESJER
ln 2 = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp – HARVEY-GODFREY
Zs are variables with known values (some or all of the Zs might be
the Xs in the model)
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) Tests
• H0 : 1= 2= …..= p= 0. (homoscedasticity)
• H1 : at least one of the   0. (heteroscedasticity)

• Because we do not know  , we use estimate obtained by

applying OLS to the model, i.e we would use 2 for 2 .

1. Estimate model using OLS – obtained the residuals

m = Y - 0 - 1X1 - 2X2 - ….- kXk
2. Square the residuals and form the auxiliary regression
2 = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp
3. Compute test statistic LM=nR2, where n is the number of
observations used in estimating the auxiliary regression.
4. Obtain critical value from 2 distribution
(df = no. of explanatory variables in auxiliary regression)
5. Decision rule: if test statistic > critical 2 value
then reject null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity

Dependent Variable: UHATSQ

Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 2.192914 4.636127 0.473006 0.6383
INC 0.056935 0.028510 1.997036 0.0514
R-squared 0.075265 Mean dependent var 8.178634
Adjusted R-squared 0.056393 S.D. dependent var 26.00254
S.E. of regression 25.25872 Akaike info criterion 9.334646
Sum squared resid 31262.14 Schwarz criterion 9.410404
Log likelihood -236.0335 F-statistic 3.988154
Durbin-Watson stat 2.126292 Prob(F-statistic) 0.051391

LM = nR2 = 51 X 0.075265 = 3.838515

At =0.10,2 (1) = 2.70554. Decision: Reject H0.
There is heteroscedasticity
1. Estimate model using OLS – obtained the residuals
m = Y - 0 - 1X1 - 2X2 - ….- kXk
2. Compute the absolute value of residuals and form the auxiliary
regression  = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp
3. Compute test statistic LM=nR2, where n is the number of
observations used in estimating the auxiliary regression.
4. Obtain critical value from 2 distribution
(df = no. of explanatory variables in auxiliary regression)
5. Decision rule: if test statistic > critical 2 value
then reject null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity
Dependent Variable: UHATABS
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 0.759643 0.396291 1.916882 0.0611

INC 0.008259 0.002437 3.388887 0.0014
R-squared 0.189876 Mean dependent var 1.627895
Adjusted R-squared 0.173343 S.D. dependent var 2.374692
S.E. of regression 2.159087 Akaike info criterion 4.415674
Sum squared resid 228.4211 Schwarz criterion 4.491431
Log likelihood -110.5997 F-statistic 11.48455
Durbin-Watson stat 2.209347 Prob(F-statistic) 0.001393

LM = nR2 = 51 X 0.189876 = 9.683676

At =0.10,2 (1) = 2.70554. Decision: Reject H0.
There is heteroscedasticity

1. Estimate model using OLS – obtained the residuals

m = Y - 0 - 1X1 - 2X2 - ….- kXk
2. Take logarithm of squared residuals and form the auxiliary
regression ln 2 = 0 + 1Z1 + 2Z2 + …..+ pZp
3. Compute test statistic LM=nR2, where n is the number of
observations used in estimating the auxiliary regression.
4. Obtain critical value from 2 distribution
(df = no. of explanatory variables in auxiliary regression)
5. Decision rule: if test statistic > critical 2 value
then reject null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity

Dependent Variable: LUHATSQ

Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -1.628557 0.447713 -3.637502 0.0007
INC 0.010068 0.002753 3.656767 0.0006
R-squared 0.214390 Mean dependent var -0.570103
Adjusted R-squared 0.198357 S.D. dependent var 2.724365
S.E. of regression 2.439246 Akaike info criterion 4.659681
Sum squared resid 291.5462 Schwarz criterion 4.735439
Log likelihood -116.8219 F-statistic 13.37194
Durbin-Watson stat 2.185878 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000623

LM = nR2 = 51 X 0. 21439 = 10.93389

At =0.10,2 (1) = 2.70554. Decision: Reject H0.

There is heteroscedasticity
PARK TEST – special case of the Harvey-Godfrey Test

1. Estimate model using OLS – obtained the residuals

m = Y - 0 - 1X1 - 2X2 - ….- kXk
2. Take logarithm of Squared residuals and form the
auxiliary regression ln 2 = 0 + 1lnX1
3. If there is more than one explanatory variable, run the
regression against each X variable
4. Test on 1 by the usual t test. A significant t statistic is a rejection
of no heteroskedasticity.

Dependent Variable: LUHATSQ

Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -5.941761 1.339337 -4.436346 0.0001
LINC 1.305717 0.315417 4.139647 0.0001
R-squared 0.259110 Mean dependent var -0.570103
Adjusted R-squared 0.243990 S.D. dependent var 2.724365
S.E. of regression 2.368804 Akaike info criterion 4.601074
Sum squared resid 274.9504 Schwarz criterion 4.676831
Log likelihood -115.3274 F-statistic 17.13667
Durbin-Watson stat 2.222692 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000137

Since Prob(t-stat)=0.0001  =0.05, Reject H0.

There is heteroscedasticity
White’s Test

1. Estimate Yˆi  ˆ1  ˆ 2 X 2i  ˆ3 X 3i

And obtain the residuals and square it
2. Run the following auxiliary regression:
e  A0  A1 X 2i  A2 X 3i  A3 X  A4 X  A5 X 2i X 3i  Vi

3. Calculate White test statistic from auxiliary

nR ~  d . f .
2 2

4. Obtain critical value from 2 distribution

(df = no. of explanatory variables in auxiliary regression)

5. Decision rule: if test statistic > critical 2 value

then reject null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity
Dependent Variable: UHAT2SQ
Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -1.325156 6.550338 -0.202304 0.8406
INC 0.314301 0.469365 0.669629 0.5065
POP -3.298486 10.38129 -0.317734 0.7522
INCSQ -0.010942 0.008184 -1.337009 0.1879
POPSQ -4.798280 4.068829 -1.179278 0.2445
INC_POP 0.454811 0.362085 1.256089 0.2156
R-squared 0.115692 Mean dependent var 7.856032
Adjusted R-squared 0.017435 S.D. dependent var 24.97196
Durbin-Watson stat 2.092671 Prob(F-statistic) 0.335158

LM = nR2 = 51 X 0.115692 = 5.90029.

At =0.10,2 (5) =11.0705. Decision: Do not Reject H0.

There is no evidence of heteroscedasticity

White Heteroskedasticity Test:

F-statistic 1.177448 Prob. F(5,45) 0.335158
Obs*R-squared 5.900287 Prob. Chi-Square(5) 0.316043
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID^2
Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -1.325156 6.550338 -0.202304 0.8406
INC 0.314301 0.469365 0.669629 0.5065
INC^2 -0.010942 0.008184 -1.337009 0.1879
INC*POP 0.454811 0.362085 1.256089 0.2156
POP -3.298486 10.38129 -0.317734 0.7522
POP^2 -4.798280 4.068829 -1.179278 0.2445
R-squared 0.115692 Mean dependent var 7.856032
Adjusted R-squared 0.017435 S.D. dependent var 24.97196

Dependent Variable: UHAT2SQ

Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 0.532684 6.421115 0.082958 0.9342
INC 0.324953 0.472227 0.688129 0.4948
POP -4.838522 10.37317 -0.466446 0.6431
INCSQ -0.000712 0.000813 -0.876456 0.3853
POPSQ 0.289100 0.391617 0.738220 0.4641
R-squared 0.084687 Mean dependent var 7.856032
Adjusted R-squared 0.005094 S.D. dependent var 24.97196
S.E. of regression 24.90827 Akaike info criterion 9.361171
Durbin-Watson stat 2.221426 Prob(F-statistic) 0.385124

LM = nR2 = 51 X 0.084687 = 4.319037

At =0.10,2 (4) =9.48773. Decision: Do not Reject H0.
There is no evidence of heteroscedasticity

White Heteroskedasticity Test:

F-statistic 1.064006 Prob. F(4,46) 0.385124
Obs*R-squared 4.319031 Prob. Chi-Square(4) 0.364548
Test Equation:
Dependent Variable: RESID^2
Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 51
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 0.532684 6.421115 0.082958 0.9342
INC 0.324953 0.472227 0.688129 0.4948
INC^2 -0.000712 0.000813 -0.876456 0.3853
POP -4.838522 10.37317 -0.466446 0.6431
POP^2 0.289100 0.391617 0.738220 0.4641
R-squared 0.084687 Mean dependent var 7.856032
Adjusted R-squared 0.005094 S.D. dependent var 24.97196
S.E. of regression 24.90827 Akaike info criterion 9.361171
Durbin-Watson stat 2.221426 Prob(F-statistic) 0.385124

Aims and Learning Objectives

By the end of this session students should be able to:

• Use the weighted least squares procedure to deal

with heteroskedasticity

• How reformulating the model may help remove apparent

heteroskedasticity problems

• Understand what the normality assumption means and why it is

Remedies for Heteroskedasticity

• Weighted Least Squares

• Redefine the variables

Weighted Least Squares

Intuitively, we want to explicitly take account of the variability of

consumption for different income groups

As mentioned earlier, that OLS in the presence of

heteroskedasticity is LUE but not BLUE

OLS assigns equal weights (importance) to each observation

We would like to use an estimation method such that observations

with greater variability are given less weight than those with
smaller variability
Generalized (or Weighted) Least Squares

Case 1: Disturbance term is known

Yi  1   2 X 2i   3 X 3i  U i
Var(Ui) = i2
Divide by i to obtain:

Yi 1 X 2i X 3i Ui
 1  2  3 
i i i i i
The variance of the disturbance term in the transformed
regression is
 Ui 
E  
 i 
Therefore 1
 E (U ) 2

 2 i

 ( )  1

 2 i
The variance of the transformed disturbance term is now
homoskedastic (and therefore BLUE)
Generalized (or Weighted) Least Squares
Case 2: Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity with known
Proportional Factor

Yi  1   2 X 2i   3 X 3i  U i
Var(Ui) = i2
The variance is
assumed to be
proportional to
the value of di2
where σ i
= σ 2
d i
Standard deviation proportional to d i

Yi  1   2 X 2i   3 X 3i  U i
variance: var(Ui) = i2 i2 = 2 di2
standard deviation: σi = σdi

To correct for heteroskedasticity divide the model by d i

Yi 1 X 2i X 3i U i
 1   2  3 
di di di di di
Yi 1 X 2i X 3i U i
 1   2  3 
di di di di di

i =  1
+  2 Xi2
+  3 i3 + Vi
X *

 Ui  2 di 2
Var (Vi )  E      2

 di  di 2

Ui is heteroskedastic, but Vi is homoskedastic

Weighted Least Squares

1. Decide which variable is proportional to the heteroskedasticity
(di could be one of the X variables or predicted Y).

2. Divide all terms in the original model by the square root of that
variable (divide by di).

3. Run least squares on the transformed model which has new Yi,
Xi2 and Xi3 variables
Feasible Generalized Least Squares

The GLS procedure consists of dividing each variable by σ and then

applying OLS to the resulting transformed model.
As the structure of the heteroscedasticity is generally unknown (i.e σ
is unknown), a researcher must first obtain estimates of σ by
some means and then use the WLS procedure – this method is
known Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS).
The actual procedure for estimating  has, however, varied widely in
Feasible Generalized Least Squares

STEP I . Estimate equation by OLS and obtain residuals 

and their squares 2
STEP II. Estimate the auxiliary equation by regressing 2
against a constant, X1 , X2 and X12 , X22 (squares term) and
X1X2 (cross term)
STEP III. Use the estimates of the auxiliary regression and
obtain the predicted variance.
STEP IV. Set the weight wt = 1/σt and use weighted least
Feasible Generalized Least Squares

• The WLS estimates obtained in this way are consistent

and so are the estimated variances and covariances of
the estimates. Also, the estimates are asymptotically likely
to be more efficient than OLS estimators.
• PROBLEM – there is no guarantee that the predicted
variances in steps III will be positive for all t [Breusch-
Pagan and Glesjer]. If any of them is exactly zero, then
corresponding weight is undefined. If any of them is
negative, we cannot take the square root.
• If this situation arises for some observations, then we can
used the original 2 [Breusch-Pagan] or  [Glesjer]
Hetero-corrected standard error
estimators (unknown variance)
• An option after OLS – to produce robust standard
• Three possible options
– The error variance is propotional to Xi2
– The error variance is propotional to Xi
– The error variance is propotional to square of the
mean of Y (or estimated Y as proxy)
• This will involve transformation
• Another alternative – use difference functional form

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