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 A free way of
thinking and acting
in private and
public life.
 It is the fundamental belief
in a political ideal where
individuals are free to pursue
their own goals in their own
ways provided they do not
infringe on the equal liberty of
Liberal – from Latin
liber, free & up to the
end of the 18 century

signified only “worthy

of a free man”.
 Stoics believed that some
matters were within the
person’s power to control
and others were not.
 Person’s power is the will
to act or not to act, to do or
to avoid.
 Not within a person’s
power is the nature of
things and the laws that
govern them.
John Locke: “Freedom and
equality of all persons are
governed by a law of nature
that obliges everyone to
respect the freedom of self-
determinaton in others and
to treat others as equals.
Basic Principle:
 Human rights – are rights that
the individual deserves to enjoy as
a human being and member of a
society. They protect the
individual as well as the freedom
and dignity of that individual.
Basic Principle:
 Equality - means there can be no
discrimination. They demand to
improve their lives - therefore
liberals emphasize to improving
education for all. Liberals . In
short, believe in equality before
the law and equality of
Basic Principle:
 Rule of Law - The most
basic idea underlying the
principle of rule of law is
that law is supreme. It is law
that rules and nothing else
Basic Principle:
 Individual freedom – refers to
individual and his/her rights and
responsibilities. Every single person is
important. Liberals believe that people
must decide for themselves and not be
told what to do all the time. They must
be free to lead the life they want to lead,
provided that in doing so they do not
limit someone else's freedom.
Basic Principle:
 Private property - this means that each
person owns him or herself and therefore cannot
be owned by someone else, that is, no one can be
a slave. Such a free person can own other
property: clothes, books, furniture, land, houses,
cars and even ideas, so-called intellectual
Secondly, owners of property must also be able
to come together peacefully and sell their
property and buy other people's property freely.
This is only possible in an economically free
Basic Principle:
 Economic Freedom - consists
of a number of ingredients, the
most important being personal
choice, voluntary exchange,
freedom to enter and compete in
markets and protection of people
and property from aggression by
Liberal Democracy
-becomes the only political system
under which these values can
really exist.
- there are safeguards to protect
minorities through a constitutional
procedure and due democratic
Liberal Democracy
- observes the rule of law, which
limits the power of the state and
ensures judicial independence.
- prizes pluralism and tolerance. It
sees dissent and disagreement as
being normal and even as something
positive. A majority might be right or
Chief Attributes:
a. Reason, not faith or
emotion, is the only true
guide of man’s actions.
Man is essentially good
and perfectible.
b. There are certain natural
laws in human affairs –
social, political, and
economics – that can be
discovered by scientific
c. There are certain
inalienable rights
peculiar to man by
virtue of his humanity,
and the sole purpose of
the state is to preserve
and protect this rights.
d. History is a record of
continual progress in which
mankind, thru its own effort,
is steadily improving. Change
in the social and political
order should therefore be
welcomed and encouraged,
not feared and impeded.
e. Revealed and organized
religion is not necessary
to mans moral progress.
f. Individual freedom is
best assured by
Classical Liberalism:
 Is a political ideology, a
branch of liberalism which
advocates individual liberties
and limited government
under the rule of law
 Stresses economic freedom
Modern Liberalism:
 A tradition within liberalism
that provides a qualified
endorsement for social and
economic intervention as a
means of prompting personal
Political Liberalism:
 Is the belief that individuals
are the basis of law and society,
and that it’s institutions exist to
further the ends of individuals,
without showing favor to those
of higher social rank.
Cultural Liberalism:
 Focuses on the rights of
individuals pertaining to
conscience and lifestyle,
including such issues like
sexual freedom, religious
Economic Liberalism:
 Is an ideology which
supports the individual
rights of property and
freedom of contract.
Social Liberalism:
 New, reform or welfare
 Economic ideology
 Label for economic liberalizations,
free trade and open markets.
 Supports the privatization of
nationalized industries,
deregulation, and enhancing the
role of the private sector in modern
 Economic ideology
 Label for economic liberalizations,
free trade and open markets.
 Supports the privatization of
nationalized industries,
deregulation, and enhancing the
role of the private sector in modern

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