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Determine which form of society is referred to by the given

_____1. This society is based on knowledge, information,
and the sale of services.
Post -Industrial Society
_____2. This society is based on ownership of land.
Feudal Society
_____3. The earliest and the simplest form of society.
Haunting and Gathering Society
The Human Life Cycle Birth to Death in
less than 2 minutes Animated
How do you view death?

What are your experiences/feelings

about the death of your loved ones?
Why do people fear death?
Students will be able to:
a. explain death and its significance in the
existence of the person
b. recognize the meaning of their own lives.
Unlocking of Difficulties

Death - end of bodily functions which signals

the end of a person’s life
- separation of the body and the spirit
Terminus –full stop or end of line

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