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Group 2
Presenter: Orata Donald
1. Kamalha Lhusunzo 2020-01-00550
2. Dickson Bugembe 2020-01-00537
3. Jonathan Stephen Mitango 2020-01-00538
4. Orata Donald 2020-01-00355
5. Dickson Taremwa 2020-01-00395
6. Edwin Kinara Nyandega 2020-01-00402
7. Laban Nkomeje 2020-01-00415
8. Nassali Bridget 2020-01-00419
9. Lillian Kirungi Mutungi 2020-01-00436
10. Isaac Engemu 2020-01-00438
11. Georgina Nalunkuuma 2020-01-00439
12. Sseggujja Denis 2020-01-00512
13. Mwanguhya Daniel 2020-01-00514
14. Kagyenda Fred 2018-08-02627
Describe the purpose and importance of a
research proposal, providing guidance on how
to effectively present and defend a research
proposal, including tips on oral communications
skills, visual-aids, responding to questions from
the audience.
(identifying a research problem and choose a
research topic and develop a clear research
 Definition of a research proposal
 Types of research proposal
 Purpose of a research proposal
 Advantages of a research proposal
 How to effectively present and defend a
research proposal
 A Sample of a research proposal.
 References
Definition of a Research Proposal
 A written document by a researcher that
outlines for a reader how the entire research
process is to be undertaken.
 Therefore, a research proposal serves as a
roadmap for a research project, outlining the
objectives, methods, and significance of the
Purpose of a research proposal
 Research proposal is a plan for a research.
 Research proposal is compulsory for approving
a research.
 It is a document to get contracts for the
 It is a document to review if the research to be
conducted is ethically acceptable.
 To asses the success of the research.
Importance of research proposal
 For examining what the researcher intends to
 To get contracts to carry out the research.
 Hint for discussing the project with professors
or research bodies.
 To understand the scope of the research
 To understand the significance of the research.
 To understand the research methodology
Importance of research proposal Contn…

 To find support for the research.

 Allows the researcher to review and critically
evaluate current the research program.
(Generate new ideas).
 Convince people for support.
 Keeps the researcher focused on the research.
Types of research proposals
1) Internal research proposals
2) External research proposals
Internal research proposals
 Academic
 Non-Academic
External research proposals
 Solicited
 Non solicited
Internal research proposals
Academic research proposals.
 For academic purposes.
 To convince a supervisor or an academic
committee that your topic and approach are
Internal research proposals
Non-Academic research proposals.
 Submitted by a university or college to the
research organisations.
External research proposals
Solicited research proposals.
 The one sent to people or organisations who
issue RFP
External research proposals cont…
 Un-Solicited research proposals.
 Sent without RFP
How to effectively present a
research proposal?
1. Communicate a Clear objective:
 Clearly state your research question and the
specific objectives of your project.
2. Emphasize the Significance:
 Emphasize the significance and potential
impact of your research. Explain properly how
it addresses a gap in knowledge or solves a
real-world problem.
How to effectively present a
research proposal Cont…
3. Clearly Outline the research methodology:
 Demonstrate clearly the rigor and suitability of
your methodology for achieving your
4. Time line:
 Provide a realistic timeline for the project.
Show your ability to manage and complete the
research in the timeline.
How to effectively present a
research proposal Cont…
5. Budget
 Present a detailed budget while justifying each
expense and demonstrate the cost
6. Collaborations:
 Mention clearly the collaborations with other
researchers or institutions while showing the
broader impact when you collaborate with
How to effectively present a
research proposal Cont…
 Highlight your qualifications and the expertise
of your team, explain why you’re well suited
to carry the research.
8. Communication plan:
 Outline how you will communicate progress
and results, keeping stakeholders informed
and engaged.
How to effectively present a
research proposal Cont…
9. Risk Management:
 Identify potential risks and explain how you
plan to mitigate them while demonstrating the
10. Clarity and conciseness:
 Keep your presentations clear, concise, and
tailored to your audience.
How to effectively present a research
proposal Cont…
11. Practice
 Practice your presentation to ensure confidence and

12. Visual aids:

 Utilize visual aids, such as slides or charts, to enhance
your presentation. Visuals can help convey complex
information, highlight key points, and engage the
audience. Ensure that your visual aids are clear, well-
designed, and support your main arguments.
How to effectively present a research
proposal Cont…
13. Responding to Questions:
 Anticipate potential questions and prepare
thoughtful responses in advance. Listen
carefully to questions from the audience, seek
clarification if needed, and respond concisely
and confidently. If you don't know the answer
to a question, it's acceptable to admit it and
offer to follow up later.
How to effectively present a research
proposal Cont…
14. Feasibility.
 Assess the feasibility of the research topic in
terms of available resources, time constraints,
and access to data or participants. Ensure that
the research can be realistically conducted
within the given constraints.
 Babbie, E. (2010). The practice of social
research (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
 Petter Laake;Research methodology in medical
and Biological studies
 Krippendorff, K. (2004a). Content analysis: An
introduction to its methodology (2nd ed.).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Thanks for Listening.

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