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Project Management

Presentation on flood relief

Members: Ramin Ahmed Nadia Zia Sabeen Salman Pallavi

The 2010 Pakistan floods began in late July 2010, resulting from heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan and affected the Indus River basin. Approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater, approximately 796,095 square kilometres (307,374 sq mi). According to Pakistani government data the floods directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure, with a death toll of close to 2,000

The Devastation
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had initially asked for $460 million for emergency relief, noting that the flood was the worst disaster he had ever seen. Only 20% of the relief funds requested had been received as of 15 August 2010. The U.N. had been concerned that aid was not arriving fast enough, and the World Health Organization reported that ten million people were forced to drink unsafe water. The Pakistani economy was harmed by extensive damage to infrastructure and crops. Damage to structures was estimated to exceed 4 billion USD, and wheat crop damages were estimated to be over 500 million USD. Total economic impact may have been as much as 43 billion USD

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Our Project Objective

1. To collect a relief fund of PKR 500,000 and complete project within 40 days. 2. To establish a medical relief base camp 3. To provide flood victims with necessary medical assistance 4. To provide a safety to flood victims 5. To provide a disease awareness program

Basic Requirements
1. Vaccines and Medicinal Equipment. 2. Camping equipment i.e. beds, tents, blankets etc. 3. Four male doctors and four female doctors along with twenty paramedics personnel. 4. Assistance from Pak Army.

Project Deliverables
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hiring Staff Installation of medical camp Establish a security parameter Providing medicine to victims Build awareness programs Maintenance

Objective Collecting funds Time to complete 5th day

Hiring necessary staff

Establish base camp Secure camp parameter

10th day
20th day 25th day

Evacuation of victims to safe zone in joint effort with Pak Army

Treat all victims and vaccinate them Conduct the awareness program to help prevent future diseases

30th day
35th day 40th day

Technical Requirements
1. All medicine and vaccines used are certified under UN standard protocols. 2. Camp equipments should meet relief regulatory standards. 3. Thermo-sensitive medication must be brought through standardized thermo-regulatory units. 4. Evacuation in assistance with the Pak army would be conducted through CH-47 Chinook, C-130, C-17 helicopters and by road evacuation would be done through Military ration trucks

Limits & Exclusions

1. 2. All medicine and camp equipment will be bought from the collected funds no other means of finance will be used. Every flood victim gets one shot of vaccine or if the vaccination has a longer course then it would have to be provided by other medical aid teams present at that time. Relief team are not responsible for the security of Victims as its the responsibility of the Pak Army. Relief team will provide medicinal support but cant provide food and clean water.



The following risks have been identified: 1. Unavailability of staff 2. Temperature regulation of thermo sensitive medicine 3. Harsh terrain for victim evacuation 4. Looters/ terrorists

Risk assessment matrix

Risk Event Likely hood Impact Detection Difficulty 2 Total Score

Unavailability of staff Thermo sensitive medicine Harsh terrain




Looters/ terrorists


Risk Response Matrix

Risk Event Risk Response Justification

Unavailability of staff


i. Run promotional campaigns on TV and newspapers

ii. Increase awareness by visiting schools and universities to attract youngsters

iii. Go to un or red cross

Medicine temperature control


i. Use Pak Army Air conditioned light

armored vehicles for thermo and photo sensitive medicinal equipment, especially vaccines. ii. Contract with the distributing intermediary and strictly penalize if any damage befalls the medicine.

Risk Event Risk Response Justification

Harsh Terrain


i. Due to terrible terrain created by the floods it would be the task of the Pak army to safely rescue and evacuate flood victims.

ii. Paramedics will assist Pak Army for on the spot first aid if it becomes necessary.

Looters/terrorists: Transfer


i. Contract Pak Army to post heavy security along the base camp perimeter ii. Paramedics team would be provided all necessary safety equipments e.g. kevlar vests, protective head gear and a side arm if necessary during rescue missions.

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