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Name: _____________________________________

Grade and Section: __________________________

Dear Learner,

Welcome to Catch-Up Friday: DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), affectionately

known as Dokid, Od Taow Ro Langun Woy Od Basa Ki, in our school-based literacy and numeracy
intervention class. Specifically designed for junior high school beginners, this assessment and
intervention kit aims to enhance foundational skills in literacy and numeracy.

Over the next 60 minutes, we'll conduct a comprehensive assessment that guides
tailored interventions for each student. Recognizing the uniqueness of every learner, whether
embarking on their junior high school journey or seeking additional support, this class is committed
to providing personalized attention and resources for success.

Directions for Learners:

Read Actively: Focus on understanding the main idea and details of each passage.
Answer All Questions: Respond to multiple-choice, short answer, and problem-solving tasks for
each passage.
Choose the Best Answer: Select the choice that aligns best with the passage content.
Be Precise: Write clear, concise responses with proper grammar and spelling.
Manage Your Time: Complete the assessment in 60 minutes, including reading passages and
answering questions.
No Collaboration: This is an individual task; refrain from collaboration or external resources.
Ask for Clarifications: Raise your hand for questions or clarifications during the assessment.

This assessment identifies strengths and areas needing support in literacy, numeracy
and Scientific skills, enhancing your educational experience. Do your best, and the results will guide
effective interventions for your development.

Good luck!

Ma’am Meh Lai

"Radiant Me: A Symphony of Colors

I'm unique,
a sight so neat,
Golden hair
and eyes that greet.
Fair skin bright,
a lovely treat,
Confidence in every feat,
a journey sweet.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher
Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher

Title of the Selection

Word Count: The total number of words in the

selection. 85 words
Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.

Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped

during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Rhyming Words
Rhyming words are words that have similar sounds at the end.
neat – great
treat - feat
Writing Activity: Provide the appropriate word to complete each thought.
Radiant Rhymes: My Colorful Learning Adventure" Score

In "Radiant Me: Symphony of Colors," I uncover the magic of _______________.

Each __________, like rare flair, makes reading a joy. Counting words becomes a bright task, a
stride in literacy. Misread and skipped words are hiccups, but fixing them brings bliss.
Punctuation, a symphony's guide, adds rhythm to my journey. With each correct word, my
adventure shines, making reading a vivid and radiant experience.


Understanding the Selection: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does the speaker describe their appearance in the world of colors?

2. What comparisons are used to highlight the speaker's golden locks and eyes?

3. In what way is the speaker's skin described as a canvas?


4. How are the nose, lips, and ears characterized in terms of alignment and charm?

5. How does the speaker express their approach to life in the junior high tale, and what role do
colors play in guiding them?
Numeric Essence: A Rhyming Odyssey

I like numbers,
colors so fine,
Yellow hair,
eyes that shine.
On my skin, numbers play,
A joyful dance,
day by day,
in a playful array.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher
Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher

Title of the Selection

Word Count: The total number of words in the 84 words

Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.

Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped

during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Speed-Up 1 _____

given answer given answer given answer given answer given answer

1+1 9+1 2+1 8+1 3+1

1-1 9-1 2-1 8-1 3-1

1-0 9-0 2-0 8-0 3-0

1+0 9+0 2+0 8+0 3+0

-1+1 -9+1 -2+1 -8+1 -3+1

-1-1 -9-1 -2-1 -8-1 -3-1

-1-0 -9-0 -2-0 -8-0 -3-0

-1+0 -1+9 -1+2 -1+8 -1+3

0+1 0+9 0+2 0+8 0+3

0-1 0-9 0-2 0-8 0-3

Speed-Up 2 Score
given answer given answer given answer given answer given answer

1+2 9+2 2+10 90+2 3+20

1-2 9-2 2-10 90-2 3-20

1-3 9-3 2-20 90-3 2-20

1+3 9+3 2+20 80+3 2+20

-2+1 -9+2 -3+20 -80+2 -3+20

-3-1 -9-2 -3-20 -80-2 -3-30

-1-2 -9-3 -3-20 -80-3 -2-30

-1+3 -1+3 -3+20 -3+90 -2+30

0+2 2+9 20+2 2+90 3+20

0-2 3-9 20-3 2-90 2-20

Speed-Up 3 Score

given answer given answer given answer given answer given answer

1+4 9+4 4+10 70+4 4+50

1-4 9-4 4-10 70-4 4-50

1-5 9-5 5-20 60-5 5-40

1+5 9+5 5+20 60+5 5+40

-4+1 -9+4 -4+20 -70+4 -4+50

-4-1 -9-4 -4-20 -70-4 -4-50

-5-2 -5-5 -5-20 -60-5 -5-40

-1+5 -5+3 -5+20 -5+60 -5+40

0+4 4+9 20+4 4+70 4+50

0-5 4-9 20-5 5-70 5-50

Science Symphony: A Body's Rhyme

In science,
a body tale unfolds,
Golden strands,
eyes like gold.
Ears catch whispers,
nose, lips, and ears,
Harmony appears,
dispelling fears.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher

Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher

Title of the Selection

Word Count: The total number of words in the 92 words

Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.

Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped

during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Reading Time: Read the selection and answer the question that follows:

Welcome, junior scientists! Today, let's embark on a fascinating exploration of the

physiology and parts of the face and its organs. Our face is a masterpiece of biological engineering,
consisting of intricate structures that play crucial roles in our daily lives.

Firstly, let's talk about the eyes – marvelous windows to the world. These organs are
responsible for our sense of sight, capturing and interpreting the visual stimuli around us. The
pupils regulate the amount of light entering, while the lens focuses images onto the retina, which
sends signals to the brain for processing.

Moving on, the nose is not just a prominent feature; it's a vital organ for our sense of smell.
Specialized cells in the nasal cavity detect odors, sending signals to the brain, influencing our
perceptions and memories.

Our lips and mouth are essential for communication and nourishment. Lips are not only
expressive but also help with tasks like whistling and kissing. Meanwhile, the mouth houses the
tongue, teeth, and salivary glands, initiating the process of digestion through mastication and
enzyme release.

The ears, not just for hearing but also crucial for balance, consist of the outer ear, middle ear,
and inner ear. Sound waves are captured, transformed into electrical signals, and interpreted by the
brain for our perception of sound.

In summary, the face is a complex ensemble of organs, each with a distinct function. By
understanding the physiology of these parts, we gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the
human body. Science unlocks the mysteries of our existence, allowing us to marvel at the
intricacies of our own faces and the world around us.
Scrutinizing Activity: Fill-out the missing information from the selection and how you
perceived it.

Parts of the Face Function Describe in the Usage in Daily

poem Life
Eyes capture light,
focusing it on the
retina, where
convert it into
electrical signals for
visual perception.

Nose detects odors

using specialized cells
in the nasal cavity,
sending signals to the
brain for interpretation
and olfactory

Ears capture sound

waves, transmitting
vibrations through the
auditory system to the
brain for interpretation
and hearing perception.

Mouth initiates
digestion by breaking
down food with teeth
and saliva, and
communication through
speech and expression.

Senses provide vital

information about the
environment, enabling
perception, awareness,
and response for
survival and daily
Writing Activity: Provide the appropriate word to complete each thought.
"Exploring the Wonders of Our Faces: A Student's Perspective" Score

As a junior scientist, diving into the realm of facial physiology has been a captivating
journey. Our face, a biological masterpiece, fascinated me with its intricate structures and vital
roles. Learning about the eyes, my marvelous windows to the world, heightened my
understanding of sight's complexity – from light regulation to image processing in the brain.

Discovering the nose's importance in smell perception revealed its role beyond appearance.
The mouth, with its expressive lips and digestive functions, proved essential for communication
and nourishment. Unveiling the ears' intricate workings, not just for hearing but also for balance,
broadened my appreciation for their sensory contributions.

This exploration highlighted the complexity of our facial organs, each playing a distinct role.
The lesson not only enriched my scientific knowledge but also instilled a deeper appreciation for
the marvels of our bodies. Science indeed unlocks the mysteries, allowing us to marvel at our
own faces and the wonders around us.

Learning with Kindness and Words

In learning's world,
kindness leads,
Reading, writing
brighten needs.
Values guide,
compassion shared,
In diversity, respect declared.
Challenges faced,
together we care,
A learning journey,
love we bear.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher

Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher

Title of the Selection

Word Count: The total number of words in the 131 words

Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.

Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped

during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Reading Time: Read the selection and answer the question that follows:

"Harmony in Learning: Nurturing Minds with Kindness, Literacy, and Indigenous Values
In our learning environment, we embark on a journey where the fusion of kindness, literacy,
and Indigenous values like hard work and industriousness lays the foundation for our collective
growth. The tools of reading and writing serve as our compass, guiding us through the vast
landscapes of knowledge, while the spirit of hard work infuses our endeavors with resilience.

As the teacher, my goal is to cultivate an atmosphere where these tools not only lead to
information but also instill essential values deeply rooted in our Indigenous heritage. For students
facing challenges, my door is always open, and the virtue of hard work becomes our guiding
principle. Together, we stand in the realm of respect, recognizing that good manners,
industriousness, and perseverance are the keys unlocking the doors to harmonious and industrious

Patience, respect, and the ethos of hard work are woven into the fabric of our classroom,
creating a tapestry of empathy and diligence. Facing challenges becomes a shared endeavor, and
with kindness, hard work, and industrious spirits, we navigate the hurdles. Each student is valued,
and in this learning journey, compassion and the Indigenous values of hard work and
industriousness remain constant companions.

Diversity is our strength, and the stories we create through reading and writing celebrate the
unique tales each student brings, integrating the values of hard work and industriousness into our
shared quest for knowledge and understanding.
Find the Word Activity: Find the following important values to learn.

a b c d e z x y w v o n
o p k i n d n e s s x y
q r i n c l u s i o n o
p e r s e v e r a n c e
r s t u v a b c d e f m
a p a t i e n c e b c p
z e d e f m b o p r y a
x c d i l i g e n c e t
c t e n a c i t y v b h
a s d f l i t e r a c y
c o m p a s s i o n j k
kindness perseverance Inclusion diligence patience

tenacity compassion respect literacy empathy

Fill in the Blank: Values and Applications: Supply the appropriate values to complete each
sentences below.
1.___________: Show ___________ by understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
2.___________: When faced with challenges, it's important to approach them with ___________.
3.___________: ___________ involves consistently putting effort into your work and studies.
4.___________: Never give up, and always practice ___________ in your pursuits.
5.___________: Treat others with ___________ by recognizing their worth and showing
6.___________: Developing good ___________ skills is crucial for effective communication.
7.___________: Embrace ___________ by appreciating and including diverse perspectives.
8.___________: In the face of difficulties, demonstrate ___________ by persisting and pushing
9.___________: Exhibit ___________ by being kind and understanding towards those around you.
10.___________: Foster an environment of ___________ by being friendly and considerate to
Writing Activity: Provide the appropriate word to complete each thought.

In our ____________ journey, the blend of kindness, literacy, and Indigenous values forms
the essence of our growth. The teacher fosters an environment where reading and writing not only
impart knowledge but also instill _____________rooted in our Indigenous _________________.
Facing challenges, we find solace in hard work, resilience, and perseverance, guided by the open
door of the teacher.

Together, we navigate a realm of respect, good manners, and industrious spirits. Patience and
empathy weave into our daily fabric, creating a tapestry of understanding and diligence. Every
student is valued, and compassion, alongside Indigenous values, walks with us in our learning
expedition. Our ________________is our strength, and through stories crafted in words, we
celebrate each unique narrative. The values of hard work and industriousness become integral in
our shared pursuit of knowledge, shaping a harmonious and understanding

"Harmony of Dreams"
Dreamy skies,
visions soar,
Dance, talents galore.
Words paint a song,
Colors chime along.
Spotlight's glow,
a star's ascent,
Dreamer's symphony,
dreams present.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher
Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher
Title of the Selection
Word Count: The total number of words in the
selection. 139 words
Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.
Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped
during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Sight Words
In Song Dreams Making
The That Alive Ready
Of Where I'm Every
And Truly Star Brush
I Belong With Unfolds
My Colors And Canvas
A Dance Step Dancer
Dance Rhythm Journey Poet
Find In Of World
Moon The My Seeds
With Where Are

sight words in practice reading

In the world of dreams, I dance under the moon,
finding my rhythm with a song that truly belongs. Colors dance
in the moonlight as I step into the journey of a dancer and
poet. The canvas unfolds, a symphony of my own in a world
where dreams are alive. I'm a star, ready with every
brushstroke, creating a poetic journey in the world of dreams.
Synonyms are words with similar meanings, offering variety in expression and enabling richer
language by providing alternative choices.
Harmony - Melody Palette - Spectrum Ready - Prepared
World - Universe Vibrant - Lively Step - Movement
Visions - Imagination Belong - Fit Brushstroke - Stroke
Grace - Elegance Colors - Hues Journey - Voyage
Dance - Ballet Rhyme - Rhythm Unfolds - Reveals
Moonlight - Twilight Crafting - Creating Canvas - Surface
Talents - Skills Tales - Stories Essence - Core
Twirl - Spin Spotlight - Limelight Drawn - Pulled
Weave - Intertwine Alive - Thriving Melody - Tune
Enchanting - Captivating Star - Luminary Seeds - Beginnings
Embrace - Hug Making - Creating Sown - Planted
Symphony - Composition

Activity 2: Read the poem again, using the pair of synonyms, choose the _____
correct pair of words to complete the sentences. Score
In the ________________________ of dreams, where ___________________ take flight,
I find my ________________________, a _________________________ in the moonlight.

Talents _____________________ and _______________, an ________________ embrace,

A ________________________ of skills, each with its own ___________________________.

With words as my ____________________________, I paint a __________________ song,

A __________________________ that whispers where I truly _______________________.

Colors ________________________ in rhythm, a __________________________ in rhyme,

Crafting _____________________ of wonder, a ____________________'s timeless climb.

In the ______________________'s ______________, where dreams come ______________,

I'm a ___________________ in the ___________________, ready to ____________________.

With every ____________________ and ___________________, a _______________ unfolds,

A __________________________ of talents, a ______________________ to be told.

A dancer in the _________________________, a poet in the _____________________,

In the _______________________ of dreams, my ________________________ is drawn.

A ______________________ melody, a _____________________ of my __________________,

A dreamer's ___________________________, where ________________________ are sown.
Writing Activity: Provide the appropriate word to complete each thought.
Dreamer's Symphony: An Ode to Imagination
"Harmony of Dreams" is a poetic voyage where imagination soars. It eloquently paints a dreamer's world
filled with grace, dance, and enchanting talents. The vivid language, like a vibrant song, allows me to
visualize the dance in the moonlight and feel the rhythmic kaleidoscope of colors. The poet's use of words
as a palette resonates, making me reflect on where I truly belong.

The spotlight's glow marks the transition from dream to reality, where I, too, feel like a star ready to
thrive. The journey unfolds with every step, each brushstroke creating a unique canvas of talents. The
poem beautifully captures the essence of being a dancer in the twilight, a poet in the dawn—a harmonious
melody of my own creation, where dreams are sown like seeds.


Understanding the Selection: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does the poet describe the world in "Harmony of Dreams"?

2. What is the significance of talents in the poem, and how are they portrayed?
3. Explain the metaphorical use of the words "palette" and "vibrant song" in the context of the
4. How does the spotlight symbolize the transition from dreams to reality, according to the poet?
5. Reflect on the poet's use of the metaphor "A dancer in the twilight, a poet in the dawn." What does it
convey about the speaker's identity in the world of dreams?
Dreamer's Crescendo: An Overture
of Ordinal Wonder

Dream realm's flight,

grace in moon's light.
Talents twirl,
symphony embrace.
Words as palette,
crafting tales,
Dreamer's symphony,
where imagination sails,
in whimsical trails.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher
Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher

Title of the Selection

Word Count: The total number of words in the 172 words

Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.

Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped

during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Speed-Up 1 _____

given answer given answer given answer given answer given answer

1+9 9+19 2+9 8+79 49+1

1-9 9-19 2-9 8-79 49-1

1-8 9-18 2-8 8-78 48-0

1+8 9+18 2+8 8+78 48+0

-1+9 -9+19 -2+9 -8+69 -39+1

-1-9 -9-19 -2-9 -8-68 -38-1

-1-8 -9-18 -2-8 -8-59 -29-0

-1+8 -1+18 -1+8 -1+58 -28+3

9+1 19+9 9+2 0+59 29+3

8-1 18-9 8-2 0-58 28-3

Speed-Up 2 Score
given answer given answ given answer given answer given answer

1+7 9+97 27+10 87+2 3+37

1-7 9-97 27-10 87-2 3-36

1-6 9-96 26-20 86-3 2-37

1+6 9+96 26+20 86+3 2+37

-2+7 -9+97 -27+20 -87+2 -3+36

-3-7 -9-97 -27-20 -87-2 -3-36

-1-6 -9-96 -26-20 -86-3 -2-37

-1+6 -1+96 -26+20 -3+86 -2+37

7+2 97+9 20+27 2+87 3+37

6-2 96-9 20-26 2-86 2-36

Speed-Up 3 Score

given answ given answer given answer given answer given answ
er er

100+4 9+24 4+94 74+4 54+50

100-4 9-24 4-95 75-4 55-50

100-5 9-25 5-84 64-5 45-40

100+5 9+25 5+85 65+5 44+40

-4+100 -9+24 -4+94 -74+4 -54+50

-4-100 -9-24 -4-95 -75-4 -44-50

-5-100 -5-25 -5-84 -64-5 -45-40

-100+5 -25+3 -5+85 -5+65 -54+40

100+4 24+9 94+4 4+74 55+50

100-5 25-9 20-85 5-75 45-50

Microcosmic Overture:
A Dreamer's Symphony of Matter

In dreams so small,
atoms in the air,
Nucleus dances,
moonlight's fair.
Particles twirl,
embrace so sweet,
Scientific song,
talents meet,
a melody neat.
Reading Activity: Read the selection thrice by reading it to
1. yourself 2. your classmate 3. your teacher
Rubrics Yourself Classmate Teacher
Title of the Selection
Word Count: The total number of words in the
selection. 173 words
Misread Words: The count of words that were read
Unread Words: The number of words that were not
read at all.
Skipped Words: The count of words that were skipped
during reading.
Unread Punctuation: The number of punctuation marks
or symbols that were not read.
Correctly Read Words: The total count of words read

Science-related words
Atom Nucleus Isotopic
Molecules Particles Laboratory
Compounds Molecular Mole (unit)
Isotopes Chemical Scientific
Microcosm Elemental

Science-related words practice reading

In the controlled environment of the laboratory, scientists engage in
meticulous observations to decipher the intricate behaviors of atoms and molecules,
unraveling the mysteries within the microcosm. The nucleus, a pivotal component
of atoms, assumes a paramount role in dictating their stability and influencing
isotopic variations. Chemical reactions manifest as atoms intricately combine,
forming diverse molecules that contribute to the vast array of compounds studied in
chemistry. Researchers delve into the exploration of isotopes, scrutinizing their
distinct properties and uncovering their applications across various scientific
domains. The concept of moles, a fundamental unit in chemistry, becomes
indispensable in facilitating precise measurements of substances, playing a crucial
role in experimental investigations and analyses.
Scrutinizing Activity: Fill-out the missing information from the selection and how you
perceived it.

Parts of the Face Definition Describe in the Usage in Daily

poem Life
Atom: The basic unit
of matter, consisting
of a nucleus with
protons and
neutrons, orbited by

Molecules: Groups of
atoms bonded together,
forming the smallest
units of a chemical
compound with distinct

Compound: A substance
composed of two or
more different elements
chemically bonded in
fixed ratios, exhibiting
unique properties.

Combinations of
different substances
physically intermingled,
lacking chemical bonds,
allowing components to
retain their individual
Elements: Fundamental
substances that cannot
be chemically broken
down further, with each
element characterized
by unique properties.
For example, oxygen is
an essential gaseous

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