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Presented By:

Laiba Sanaullah
Imama keyani

Submitted To: Mam zen

Introduction to the
India-Pakistan Water
The longstanding dispute over the Indus River waters between India and
Pakistan has its origins in the 1947 Partition. Both countries lay claim to the
river's resources, which are crucial for their agricultural and economic
Factors Leading to Conflict Over Water
Population Growth Climate Change Lack of Infrastructure
Increasing populations in both Unpredictable rainfall patterns
countries have raised demand and glacial melt have reduced Inadequate water storage and
for Indus River water, leading water supply, exacerbating distribution systems have
to tensions. resource scarcity. hindered equitable access and
The India-Pakistan Water Dispute
1 Indus Water Treaty (1960)
The treaty allocated the Indus River's western tributaries to Pakistan and the eastern
tributaries to India.

2 Disputes and Accusations

Both sides have accused each other of violating the treaty and diverting more than
their fair share of water.

3 Unresolved Tensions
Despite the treaty, disputes over the management and utilization of Indus River
waters continue to this day.
Factors Worsening the Water Conflict
Geopolitical Tensions Lack of Trust Domestic Politics

The longstanding political and Mistrust and suspicion between Nationalist narratives and
military rivalry between India the two countries have hindered political compulsions in both
and Pakistan has exacerbated the effective cooperation and countries have made the water
water dispute. conflict resolution. issue a sensitive topic.
Potential for Armed Conflict

Water Scarcity Nationalist Rhetoric Lack of Dialogue

Increasing water scarcity due to Nationalist narratives and Failure to engage in meaningful
climate change and population rhetoric could escalate the dialogue and conflict resolution
growth could heighten tensions. dispute and lead to armed could result in the dispute
confrontation. spiraling out of control.
Implications of the Conflict
1 Economic Development 2 Regional Stability
The dispute has hindered the economic The water conflict has contributed to
development of both countries, regional tensions and instability,
particularly in the agriculture and hampering cooperation on other issues.
energy sectors.

3 Environmental Concerns
Unsustainable water management practices have led to environmental degradation and
resource depletion.
Pathways for Cooperation

Dialogue Treaty Revisions Technological Solutions

Engaging in constructive dialogue Revisiting and updating the Indus Exploring joint technological
and negotiations to find mutually Water Treaty to address initiatives to improve water
acceptable solutions. contemporary challenges. management and conservation.
Geopolitical Implications
Influence in the Region The water dispute has become a proxy for the
larger geopolitical rivalry between India and
Pakistan, with both countries seeking to assert their
regional dominance.

Global Interventions The dispute has attracted the attention of global

powers, who have attempted to mediate and
influence the resolution of the conflict.

Environmental Impact The mismanagement of water resources due to the

conflict has led to environmental degradation, with
far-reaching consequences for the region.
Need for Cooperation Regional Stability Global Implications
Addressing the water conflict The resolution of this dispute
Resolving the India-Pakistan is crucial for promoting could have far-reaching
water dispute will require a regional stability and implications for global water
shift towards cooperation and sustainable development in governance and conflict
shared interests, rather than South Asia. resolution efforts.
confrontation and zero-sum

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