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Caring for a Sick Child

Behavior Patterns

According to Marotz 1993, 3 years child

are more susceptible to illness and
Behavior Patterns
 First sign of a child becoming ill,
changes in daily activity.

 Changes in sleeping and

eating patterns.
Common Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases Signs and Symptoms Control Measures
Chicken Pox Slight fever, irritability, red rash, colds Practice good personal hygiene
Proper hand washing

Sore Eyes Redness of the white portion of the eye, Antibiotic treatment
swelling of the lids with yellow discharge Strict personal hygiene and proper hand
from the eye. washing

Colds Highly contagious, infection of the upper Increase intake of fluids and rest
respiratory tract accompanied by slight
fever, chills, runny nose and fatigue

Dysentry Vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, headache Careful hand washing after bowel

Measles Fever, cough, runny nose, sensitivity to

Good personal hygiene

Mumps Fever, swelling of the salivary glands Immunization

Ringworm Infection of the scalp, skin, nails, dry

skin and scaly or moist and crusted
Treatment with fungicidal ointment

Scabies Itching, pest burrows or form linear

tunnels under the skin
Treatment with prescribed soap
Diarrhea and Vomiting
Diarrhea - An increase in the frequency
of bowel movements and the discharge
of watery loose tool.

Vomiting is usually a symptom of an

acute illness or some health problems
such as ear infections, indigestion, or
severe coughing.
Dehydration – the body is drying out it is
a serious condition and it requires
Allergy – skin reactions
occur as a result of
exposure to a number of
environmental allergens.
Assessment :
Answer the following questions.
1. Could you hold or cuddle a child with
high fever or diarrhea?
2. How might you react if an infant or a
child just vomited on your new

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