Vocab Medical

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• Abdomen: The belly, that part of the
body that contains all of the structures
between the chest and the pelvis.
• Abdominal cavity: The cavity within
the abdomen, the space between the
abdominal wall and the spine.
• Accessory digestive organ: An organ
that helps with digestion but is not
part of the digestive tract. The
accessory digestive organs are the
tongue, salivary glands, pancreas,
liver, and gallbladder.
• Abduction: The movement of a limb
away from the midline of the body.
The opposite of abduction is
• Adduction: Movement of a limb toward
the midline of the body. The opposite of
adduction is abduction.
• Alzheimer's disease: A progressive
degenerative disease of the brain that leads
to dementia.
• Alveoli: The plural of alveolus. The
alveoli are tiny air sacs within the lungs
where the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide takes place.
• Anatomical position: The position with the
body erect with the arms at the sides and
the palms forward.
• Anemia: The condition of having a lower-
• Artery: A vessel that carries blood high in oxygen
content away from the heart to the farthest reaches
of the body.
• Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms that can
exist either as independent (free-living) organisms
or as parasites (dependent on another organism for
life). The plural of bacterium.
• Bedsore: A painful, often reddened area of
degenerating, ulcerated skin that is caused by
pressure and lack of movement and is worsened
by exposure to urine or other irritating substances.
• Blood: The familiar red fluid in the body that
contains white and red blood cells, platelets,
proteins, and other elements. The blood is
transported throughout the body by the circulatory
• Blood pressure: The blood pressure is the
pressure of the blood within the arteries. It
is produced primarily by the contraction of
the heart muscle.
• Bone: Bone is the substance that forms the
skeleton of the body.
• Bone marrow: The soft blood-forming
tissue that fills the cavities of bones and
contains fat and immature and mature
blood cells, including white blood cells,
red blood cells, and platelets.
• Bruise: Injury of the soft tissues that results
in breakage of the local capillaries and
leakage of red blood cells.

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