Introduction To Dimensional Analysis in Heat Transfer

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Introduction to

Dimensional Analysis in
Heat Transfer

Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool in the field of heat transfer,

allowing engineers to understand and predict complex thermal
phenomena. By focusing on the fundamental dimensions of a
problem, this approach provides insights into the key parameters
driving heat flow and enables the development of effective models
and simulations.
● Dimensional analysis is a method of dimensions.
● It is a mathematical technique used in research work for design and for conducting
model tests.
● It deals with the dimensions of the physical quantities involved in the phenomenon,
which is made with respect to an arbitrarily fixed value.
● Length L, mass M, time 𝜭, temperature T are four fixed dimensions are also called
as fundamental dimensions or fundamental quantity, which are of importance in
Fluid Mechanics and heat transfer .
● Secondary or derived quantities are those quantities which possess more than one
fundamental dimension. For example, velocity is denoted by distance per unit time,
density by mass per unit volume) and acceleration by distance per second square.
Then velocity, density and acceleration become secondary or derived quantities.
Fundamental Dimensions and Units in Heat

Mass Length Time Temperature

Mass is a fundamental Length is another Time is the third Temperature is the
dimension in heat fundamental fundamental fourth fundamental
transfer, typically dimension, commonly dimension, with the dimension in heat
measured in kilograms measured in meters standard unit being transfer, measured in
(kg). (m). seconds (s). degrees Celsius (°C) or
Kelvin (K).
Importance of Dimensional Analysis in Heat
Ensures Physical Consistency Simplifies Complex Problems
Dimensional analysis helps ensure that the
By reducing the number of variables,
physical equations and models used in heat
dimensional analysis allows engineers to
transfer are dimensionally consistent,
simplify and solve complex heat transfer
enhancing their accuracy and reliability.
problems more efficiently.

Guides Experimentation Enables Scaling and Modeling

Dimensional analysis provides a framework The dimensionless groups derived from
for designing meaningful experiments, dimensional analysis enable the scaling of heat
allowing researchers to identify the most transfer processes from small-scale experiments
critical parameters and optimize their testing to full-size applications and the development of
procedures. accurate predictive models.
Reynolds Number and its Role in
Heat Transfer
The Reynolds number (Re or Reynold's number) is a critical
dimensionless parameter in heat transfer analysis. It represents the
ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces within a fluid flow, and is a
key indicator of whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.

The Reynolds number plays a crucial role in determining the heat

transfer coefficient, friction factors, and overall heat transfer rates in
both internal and external flow situations. Understanding and
properly applying the Reynolds number is essential for accurately
modeling and predicting heat transfer processes.
Major Dimensionless Numbers in Heat Transfer
Nusselt Number (Nu) Reynolds Number Prandtl Number (Pr) Grashof Number (Gr)
The ratio of convective Describes the ratio of Relates the momentum Quantifies the ratio of
to conductive heat inertial to viscous and thermal buoyancy to viscous
transfer, indicating the forces, crucial for diffusivities, influencing forces, governing
efficiency of heat understanding fluid the temperature and natural convection
exchange processes. flow and heat transfer. velocity boundary heat transfer.
Nusselt Number and its Significance
The Nusselt number is a crucial dimensionless parameter in heat transfer
that represents the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer. It is
named after Wilhelm Nusselt, a German engineer who pioneered the study
of heat transfer.

The Nusselt number is essential in calculating heat transfer rates, predicting

the effectiveness of heat exchangers, and understanding fluid flow and
thermal boundary layer development.
Prandtl Number and its
The Prandtl number (Pr) is a dimensionless quantity that represents
the ratio of the momentum diffusivity (kinematic viscosity) to the
thermal diffusivity of a fluid. It plays a crucial role in understanding
heat transfer phenomena in various applications.

The Prandtl number provides insights into the relative thickness of

the velocity boundary layer and the thermal boundary layer. This
relationship is essential in predicting heat transfer rates, especially
in forced convection and mixed convection scenarios.
● Dimensional homogeneity means the dimensions of each terms in an equation on both sides are
● Thus if the dimensions of each term on both sides of an equation are the same the equation is
known as dimensionally homogeneous equation.
● The powers of fundamental dimensions (i.e., L, M, Ө, T) on both sides of the equation will be
identical for a dimensionally homogeneous equation.
● Such equations are independent of the system of units.


● If the number of variable involved in a physical phenomenon are known, then the relation
among the variables can be determined by the following two methods :
● 1. Rayleigh's method
● 2. Buckingham's π-theorem.
Types of Dimensional Analysis: Rayleigh Method and Buckingham Pi
Rayleigh Method Buckingham πTheorem Comparison of Methods
The Rayleigh method is a The Buckingham Pi Theorem While the Rayleigh method is
straightforward technique for is a more general and simpler, the Buckingham Pi
dimensional analysis that powerful approach that allows Theorem provides a more
involves expressing a for the reduction of the systematic approach to
physical quantity as a product number of variables in a dimensional analysis, making it
of powers of the fundamental physical problem by the preferred choice for complex
dimensions. It is particularly identifying dimensionless problems involving multiple
useful for simple problems groups or 𝚷 terms. It is widely variables and physical
with a few variables. used in fluid mechanics and quantities.
heat transfer.
Rayleigh's Method.
● This method is used for determining the expression for a variable which
depends upon maximum three or four variables only.
● If the number of independent variables becomes more than four, then it is
very difficult to find the expression for the dependent variable.
● Let X is a variable, which depends on X1, X2, and X3, variables.
● Then according to Rayleigh's method X is a function of X1, X2, and X3,
variables and mathematically it can be written as X = f [X1, X2, X3]
● This can also be written as X = K. X1a .X2b . X3c
● where K is constant and a, b and c are arbitrary powers.
● The values of a, b and c are obtained by comparing the powers of the
fundamental dimension on both sides.
● Thus the expression is obtained for dependent variable
Buckingham's 𝝅 Theorem
● The Rayleigh's method is more laborious if the variables are more than the number of
fundamental dimensions (M, L, T).

● This difficulty is overcome by using Buckingham's 𝝅 -theorem, which states, "If there
are n variables in a physical phenomenon and if these variables contain m fundamental
dimensions (M, L, T), then the variables are arranged into (n - m) dimensionless terms.

● Each term is called 𝝅 - term (n-m)

● Let X,, X2, X3, ..., Xn, are the variables involved in a physical problem.
● Let X1 be the dependent variable and X2, X3, ..., Xn, are the independent variables on
which X1 depends.
● Then X1 is a function of X2, X3, ..., Xn, and mathematically it is expressed as
X1 = f (X2, X3, ..., Xn) can also written as f1 (X1, X2, X3, ..., Xn) = 0
● Above Equation is a dimensionally homogeneous equation.
● It contains n variables.
● If there are m fundamental dimensions then according to Buckingham's 𝛑 - theorem,
above equation can be written in terms of number of dimensionless groups or 𝛑 -terms in
which number of 𝛑 -terms is equal to (n - m).
● The equation reduced to f (𝛑1, 𝛑2, ..., 𝛑n-m) = 0
● Each of 𝛑-terms is dimensionless and is independent of the system.
● Division or multiplication by a constant does not change the character of the 𝛑-term.
● Each 𝛑-term contains m + 1 variables, where m is the number of fundamental
dimensions and is also called repeating variables.
● Let in the above case X2,X3, and X4, are repeating variables if the fundamental
dimension m (M, L, T) = 3. Then each 𝛑-term is written as
● Each equation is solved by the principle of dimensional homogeneity and values of a1, b1,
c1 etc., are obtained.
● These values are substituted in equation above and values of 𝛑1, 𝛑2, ..., 𝛑n-m are obtained.

● These values of it's are substituted in equation f (𝛑1, 𝛑2, ..., 𝛑n-m) = 0.
● The final equation for the phenomenon is obtained by expressing any one of the 𝛑-terms
as a function of others as
Method of Selecting Repeating Variables.
● The number of repeating variables are equal to the number of fundamental dimensions
of the problem.
● The choice of repeating variables is governed by the following considerations :
1. As far as possible, the dependent variable should not be selected as repeating variable.
2. The repeating variables should be chosen in such a way that one variable contains
geometric property, other variable contains flow property and third variable contains
fluid property.
● Variables with Geometric Property are (i) Length, l (ii) d (iii) Height, H etc.
● Variables with flow property are (i) Velocity, V (ii) Acceleration, a etc.
● Variables with fluid property : (i) μ, (ii) ρ, (iii) ω etc.
3. The repeating variables selected should not form a dimensionless group.
4. The repeating variables together must have the same number of fundamental
5. No two repeating variables should have the same dimensions.
● In most of fluid mechanics problems, the choice of repeating variables may be (i) d, v, ρ
(ii) l, v, ρ or (iii) l, v, μ or (iv) d, v, μ.

Procedure for Solving Problems by Buckingham's π-theorem.

Step 1. f (X1, X2,... Xn) = 0
Step 2. Total number of variables, n = 7.
Step 3. Number of fundamental dimensions, m = 4.
Step 4. Number of dimensionless π-terms = n - m = 7 - 4= 3.
Step 5. Thus three π-terms say f (𝛑1, 𝛑2, ..., 𝛑n-m) = 0
Step 6. Out of 7 variables, 4 variables are to be selected as repeating
variable. Each π term = m + 1 variables, where m is equal to 4
Step 8. In Repeating variables, one variable should have geometric
property, the second variable should have flow property, and third one
fluid property.
Step 9. These requirements are fulfilled by selecting l, v & ρ /μ as
repeating variables.
Step 10. The repeating variables themselves should not form a
dimensionless term and should have themselves fundamental
dimensions equal to m, 4 here.
Step 11. Each π term is written according to the equation
Step 12. Each π term is solved according to principle of dimensional
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Dimensional Analysis Dimensionless Numbers in Heat Widespread Applications
Fundamentals Transfer

Dimensional analysis is a Dimensional analysis has

Key dimensionless numbers like
powerful tool that enables widespread applications in
Nusselt, Reynolds, and Prandtl
engineers to understand the engineering, enabling the design,
capture the essential physics of
relationships between physical scale-up, and analysis of complex
heat transfer and provide a
quantities in heat transfer and heat transfer systems with
framework for empirical
develop insightful models. confidence.

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