Investment Planning

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Within one day

Within tomorrow

EURO 0.93

Fake momentum of stock all the momentum is

from retail trader but not the big player. Moving
line is on the government policy which change
into policy that further the policy become better

However all the big player is on the companion

side which cause there is some bad news behind
havent been made by the big players.

Conclusion : Exageratting hidden wealth caused

by the low price. Tomorrow going down
Within tomorrow


Although is fake momentum which is very

obvious but the momentum is supporting the
wealth which is pushing the price go up.

Wealth is in the column of asker which means all

the big player is exagerrating the price however
can aim for small profits in the short term as the
moving line producing the wealth and the
outcome produce back the moving line.

Conclusion : Can earn some short term money,

but not good for long term.
Within tomorrow


A fake news will be coming out which create a

momentum to the stock however the
momentum might be pushing the stock go down
as it is counter in the animal sign

There is a sudden change in the wealth. Pheonix

and also tiger in wealth must be indicating a very
fast change in the price fluctuate big

It is weak in the 12 growth phases.

Conclusion : it might cause a strong momentum

of pushing down the share price.
Within tomorrow

SCIB 0.76

Strong 12 growth phases and then the

manipulation of some policies or stock tips which
transform into a greater news which will further
produce the news.

It is an advancing god transformation, hence

there will be more better news coming up.

There is a sudden increase in the price of the

stock hence there is a white tiger there.

Conclusion : tomorrow share price will increase

Within tomorrow 16/7/21


All the public is making a fake momentum as

there is a tortoise in the output and the big
players are busy making some violation of rules.

The change in policy or contract will cause the

stock price to plunge as the moving line
transform into a companion

Conclusion : Big losses next Monday

Within tomorrow 16/7/21

BIG 0.94

Manipulation in the output means the

momentum causing there will be an increasing in
output which will become wealth element
produce in wealth.

Produce in wealth means there will be increase

in the price of the stock. Furthermore there will
be fire produce earth which is a good sign. No
clash in the animal sign.

12 growth phases, cow and horse is in strong

growth phase.

Conclusion : Big win next Monday


Within tomorrow 19/7/21

YGL 0.28

Sinister manipulation in the regulations or

company planning which will lead to a cause of
momentum from the big player.

However the momentum with dragon is above

the price which is the wealth. Anticipate is the
momentum driving the price go down but not go
up. And there is a fake in the price for current or
maybe on tomorrow trading.

Conclusion : Losses next wednesday

Within tomorrow 19/7/21


Advancing god means there will be increase in

price for this stock

Then there is a sudden change in the momentum

of the stock. Taking into the consideration of
exaggerating selling of from the asker which is
the big player. Anticipate the sudden change in
the momentum is selling off the stock where the
wave started by the big players.

Solid but weak selling off of the stock by big

players strong momentum from retail trader.

Conclusion : Increase in price but not much

Within tomorrow 19/7/21

PEKAT 0.765
Same element self clash. There will be a solid
change in policy or maybe operations which will
cause an increase in the momentum of the stock.
The public is looking forward on the news and
react to it which cause the momentum to grow.

In 12 growth phases the strength of the big

player selling is stronger that the output
element. Retail pushing up and big player selling

At the same time the transform element is earth

which counter water. Counter means that the
outcome may not be as good as expected.

Conclusion : Price go up at first and then go

Within tomorrow 21/7/21


Exaggeration in the output which will cause

losses at the end of the trading day.

Win at first for the momentum pushing up but

because at the end it transform into companion
which means is losses hence at the end might be
draw back all profits which will lead to losses in
the stock price.

There will be sudden change in the stock price

where tiger in wealth so assume the goreng is
true but at the end all sell down

Conclusion : Lose money output pushing down

the price
Within tomorrow 16/7/21


The exaggerating in the price or maybe the

undervalued of the price attracts players to buy
in the stock which transform into output and the
output element is fire which produce earth.

Another thing is the output is at line 5 while the

wealth is at line 4 which means there is still
growth opportunity for the day

Lose money most probably because of asker is at

the wealth and but public is at the companion
side which implies the losses to the retail traders
Companion above the output
Conclusion : Lose
Within tomorrow 21/7/21


There is a fake profits and also fake price which is

use to seduce players going in. Then next
Monday the fake price will lead to a losses in the
stock price because it transform into companion
which is losses of the stock price.

Manipulation of the stock price cause the big

players to win money however the public is
winning now only but not next Monday

There is a clash in the earth and water

Conclusion : Losses
Within tomorrow 21/7/21

KIALIM 0.595

Fake news disseminated which transform into

wealth stimulates the public to go inside
together. There is a solid output with chief on the
output and also all public focusing on the output

Public pushing up the price but the wealth is

limited because the wealth is above the output
line. Companion is losses is smaller than wealth
hence the up momentum is higher than the
downward momentum

Conclusion : Profit

Within 22/7/21


Strong 12 growth phases in both the influence

and also wealth. The exaggeration of the change
in policy or operations bring solid effect to
stimulate the momentum toward the stocks.

Strong 12 growth phases in the wealth also

hence the momentum must be pushing up the
price and there is no companion in the chart

A lot of people is more focus on the news waiting

for the solid news to come hence the price will
somehow stagnant

Conclusion : Profit
Within tomorrow 22/7/21

ESAFE 0.38

Fake news and manipulating news which will

lead to the losses of the stock due to companion.
Furthermore it is in the strong growth phase.

There will be a fake output (tortoise output)

which means there will be a slight goreng in the
stock which drives the price go up however at
the end it will end with losses.

Conclusion : Losses
Within tomorrow 22/7/21


Retreating god of influence, the retreating god

might be the effect going smaller and smaller.
Hence the effect towards the stock price is either
going down or maybe it is stagnant with not
much price movement.

Strong growth phases in the company operation

and solid companion hence will be losses today.
Sudden change in the wealth with a white tiger
sudden drop in price

Conclusion : Losses
Within tomorrow 22/7/21


Pheonix in companion or phoenix in wealth

usually will have different result, maybe the
meaning might be exaggerating which is making
a fake information which seems like earning
money or which seems like losing money but
actually is fake.

The tortoise in resource is wood produce fire

which the resource is actually producing the
companion but weak 12 growth phases.

Conclusion : Losses next Monday

Within tomorrow 22/7/21


Totally no wealth in the chart, the momentum is

also fake in the chart which will only cause
influence which might affect some operation or

No wealth in the chart might be main cause that

the stock is making losses today

Conclusion : Losses

Within tomorrow 22/7/21

BIG 1.27

Exaggerating in influence is good which provide

the public a sentiment that will boost the stock
price. Which transform into output that boost
the stock.

Output element is strong growth and the wealth

element is the strongest in growth phases.
Sudden increase in wealth which is cause by the
output. All the big player is focus on the output
hence can try because big player push the price
go up

Conclusion : Profit


Within tomorrow 23/7/21

YBS 0.515

Exaggeration in output.
The effect of the exaggeration is very vital, the
exaggeration in the output brings out the
message that the output is fake because it has
been exaggerated. Hence the produce in output
also will be weak

12 growth phases for the output also weak for

both before and after transformation however
the companion is a strong growth phases.

Conclusion : Loss
Within tomorrow 23/7/21


Tortoise which represents fake in the losses and a

lot of the public investor also focusing in the
companion side which is losses.

Strong wealth with weak companion. Long term

growth. But short term might be drop

Drop in first then only go up but at the end also

will back to normal or maybe opening price

Conclusion : Stagnant

Within tomorrow 23/7/21

UCREST 0.345

Companion weak but transform into strong

wealth based on 12 growth phases. There is the
manipulation in the output by the big players
hence the stock might be fluctuating

During the day will cause a sudden drop in the

price because there is a tiger in companion.

Strong wealth with weak companion as main

focus point in a chart will bring effect of stagnant

Conclusion : Stagnant

Within tomorrow 23/7/21

Strong wealth transform into weak output, there

will be an increase in the price however there
will be no momentum keep pushing up the share
price. Hence might be a slow up in the price of

The wealth is a sudden increase due to tiger. Fake

output which is above the wealth.

先上后下 . Have strong price but no output to

push so going down

Conclusion : Up and down fluctuate.

Within tomorrow 26/7/21
GUH 0.51

Solid in the changing of company operations,

derived from the sudden change in the news due
to tiger in resource. The solid change in the
influence transform into a strong growth phases
of output.

There is a strong support in the momentum of

the stock where the outcome is at the output
column and it is above the wealth.

Made a mistake at the exaggeration of the losses

which means at first will go down a little bit only
it will start the momentum which cause the price
to go up

Conclusion : Going up

Hook in the wealth which means the profit is sabotage and might be
resulted by the tortoise in the output
Within tomorrow 26/7/21
MTAG 0.645

Always need to lookout in the exaggeration of

the wealth just like in the chart although there is
the transformation of wealth however there is an
exaggeration which means the wealth could be

Companion is above the wealth which means the

downward momentum might be strong too. And
there is a tortoise in the wealth which means the
public can only resulting in a fake feel of the

Conclusion : Up and down fluctuate.

Within tomorrow 26/7/21
EWEIN 0.395

Solid companion with dragon and there is a

sudden change in the momentum and also
output which means the momentum from
pushing upwards to become pushing

Company operation transform into solid wealth

but same lookout for exaggeration in wealth. The
increase in price might be fake which is use to
seduce public going into plays. No output
support hence no good

Conclusion : Stagnant and might go down, up

first then down
Within tomorrow 27/7/21

Exaggeration in companion transform into

companion. An exaggeration might be result in
fake pushing down momentum however
transformation into companion further support
the price go down.

Asker in companion which means the big player

don want the price to go up controlling the price

Conclusion : Stagnant and go down

Within tomorrow 27/7/21
MIECO 0.395

Strong resource in 12 growth phases but

transform into weak wealth. The hidden wealth
means it is not happening today.

Plus the transform element is counter back the

original which means the price movement is not

Conclusion : Stagnant and increase a little bit

Within tomorrow 26/7/21

The exaggeration in the element really stands for

opposite effect. Although the wealth transform
into output but there is a phoenix at the output
which means the momentum at first is used to
faked public go into trades but it is actually not

Sudden change in price which will lead to

increase in momentum becax in 12GP the output
is strong animal element. Solid wealth might as
well means the price for now is good but no
output means no growth

Conclusion : Stagnant
Within tomorrow 27/7/21

TSRCAP 0.405

Solid news will result into momentum pushing up

the stock price at first. It will go down at the end
of the market because can see all public is in the
companion side which means at the end all
people will lose money due to the sudden
change in the direction of the stock.

There is a hook in the wealth which means

money is leaking so might be earn at first but
lose at the end.

Conclusion : Earn at first but lose at the end

Within tomorrow 27/7/21

PUC 0.18

Exaggeration in news doesn’t matter because the

exaggeration will also cause the market
sentiment to react according to the news.

However from the chart we can see transform

into strong wealth element with solid companion
at the public. Hence the inference for this trade
will be super price surge at first but will lose at
the ending of market. Supported by fake output
and also tiger in wealth. Sudden change with
fake output supporting.

When output gone then the price will also drop


Conclusion : Earn at first but lose at the end

Within tomorrow 27/7/21

JAG 0.37

Strong 12GP in rooster output however there is a

DE in output hence it means the output will not
take effect due to DE is affecting the results.

Public planned to push the momentum however

there is to no avail due to DE. There might be a
sudden change in the price of the stock

Conclusion : Lose
Within tomorrow 28/7/21

KARYON 0.275

Exaggerating in the resource means news are

coming out which will lead to losses shown in
companion and it is strong at 12GP

The losses that appear today will be in a sudden

which shown from the tiger element

This chart is a big no no becax it is summore

supported by solid companion and all public is
losing money

Conclusion : Big nono lose money

Within tomorrow 28/7/21

SERSOL 0.495

DE in the influence, the change in the company

operation only will transform into output which
is strong in 12GP. However the influence is not
happening due to DE so the output will also not
take place.

Without momentum and then there is a sudden

change in price might be strong fluctuation
where there will be increase in price at first but
at then going back to normal price or losses.

Conclusion : Earn at first but lose at the end

Within tomorrow 28/7/21

MIECO 0.565

Strong wealth transform into strong output in

the 12GP although is sinister planning behind but
at least it is not phoenix and tortoise.

Whenever the public is at companion, usually it

will be a losing day, it might be showing that
there is momentum but mostly all ppl that join in
the trade will lose money.

The losing of money is it cause by the clash in the

animal sign between the day and also the wealth
animal sign

Conclusion : Profit
Within tomorrow 28/7/21

PUC 0.18

Fake change in the operations, usually fake

change also stands for good effect only
temporary. Transforming into strong 12GP with
output means the momentum is good tomorrow.

Solid news for today which is not fake and all the
big players get to know already. But the DE takes
place in the influence which means the change
might not take place and the output might not

All public is at wealth so anticipate there might

be players who will earn profit tomorrow. When
got earn money then can sell. Wealth is weak
hence profit might be small

Conclusion : Profit
Within tomorrow 28/7/21

KYM 0.705

Solid output with the strong 12GP, the influence

also turns to strong 12GP wealth. We can see all
the big players are pushing the momentum
tomorrow however there is a DE in the chart
which means the influence change will not take
place yet.

Need to hold back first although there is solid

output supported by big players. There might be
a sudden plunge in the stock since tiger in

DE really carry the meaning of effect not coming

out yet.

Conclusion : Profit
Within tomorrow 28/7/21

SERSOL 0.505

Exaggeration in the companion and also tortoise

in companion which shows tomorrow plunge
might be a fake that wash away all players then
will come back to its original position again.

There will be momentum production however

the chicken animal sign is a DE which means the
change will not take place yet.

Although all the players is going in I think they

only go in to support the price and speculating
this stock only.

Conclusion : Stagnant
Within tomorrow 29/7/21


Exaggeration in the companion where there will

be strong throw down but only use to fake the
public traders go out of trades.

Strong price but only with weak normal output

hence might be the current price is strong
already however the output is strong enough to
pushed it further.

Wealth transform into resource which means

today might have some solid news coming out
which is use to support today or tomorrow surge

Conclusion : Profit but not much

Within tomorrow 29/7/21


Solid wealth in public which means public will

earn money if public earn money more ppl will
be going in. Strong 12GP for wealth and
transformed wealth. Sudden increase in the
momentum another strong 12GP also.

Fucking wrong in the companion at the highest

level which means the downward momentum is
so high compare to the output which is on the
first line only

Conclusion : losses
Within tomorrow 3/8/21


There is really a surge in the price go to 0.395 but

didn’t take profit on time then throw back down
until losses. Hence the sudden in the wealth
really shown in the stock movement however
really cannot anticipate when is the timing to get
the profit. Need to reduce my target profit in
order to get short profit which is easier
Within the next month
Within the next month


There will be a sudden announcement of the

company or maybe contract which will cause the
change in the policies or maybe stock tips coming

Big player is doing something behind shown by

the deities of snake which is related to wealth
producing activities.

Conclusion : Announce of new contract causing

the change in stock tips which might cause the
public to anticipate for more wealth.
Within next month

SAPNRG 0.135

Exaggerating news will launch next month which

will cause a surge in price.

This month is countering the news hence news

not coming out but next month will be coming
out which cause surge in the price

However it will be a fake output which will cause

temporary momentum only. Hence next month
got chance to sell then sell.

Barriers to entry very weak currently, same like


Conclusion: Sudden price go up causing by the

news , however the animal is counter which
means maybe the effect is not promising.
Within next month

PUC 0.16

In the good 12 growth phases of the stock

Within next month there will be a increase in

output which will cause a new policy coming out.
Guess it might be sudden surge in the price
which will cause the UMA query of the stock.

Hence there might be a speculative move for the

stock aim for short term earnings.

Big player are planning to make some

exaggerating news to boost the share price.

Conclusion : can buy until next month aim for

small profits and run
Within next month


There will be bad news coming up or bad

announcement coming out which will lead to the
losing money of this stock. Stock price going

There is a fake in the wealth which means fake

price, having higher price than ever. Overvalued
The big players are supporting but when change
there might be a drop in the price when all big
players run next month.

Conclusion : Drop in price due to bad

announcement next month.
Within next month

EURO 0.855

Coming up will having a strong news coming out

of the company which will lead to a drop in the
share price of EURO. Exaggerating price now
which is overvalued.

Snake in the output something fake behind

manipulating the momentum which it is not real
although there might be an increase in price but
fluctuate which might cause losses.

Conclusion: Price for next month will drop.

Within next month

AT 0.075

Companion to wealth which is a good research

on anticipating changing in the losses into money
on next month. The relationship between the
animal sign is counter hence the effect might not
be promising.

There might be sudden change in some stock


Conclusion : Losing money

Within next year
Within end of this year


Dragon in wealth but not yet activated

Tortoise influence which is stands for fake

policies, speculative policy which will cause
advancing god of speculative output

There will be sudden change in news from the

big player which cause the speculative

Public is exaggerating the news of making losses

Conclusion : can hold until the end of this year

when the speculative increase happen then can
sell, in long term no good.
Within end of this year

SAPNRG 0.135

Wealth transform into retreating god (monkey

back to rabbit) hence means that there will be
drop in share price.

Sinister move in the wealth which might change

the direction of the price causing to announce
some news which will further losing money on
the wealth

There is a fake output on the above which

causing the price to go down

Conclusion : Price will go down by the effect of

the news which casued by their own price
Within the end of the year


There is a fake output (tortoise) on the

momentum of the stock which indicates conman
is there and then transform into wealth.

Appear of conman causing the price to surge up

and the earth is producing the metal Goat wealth
is stands for 75% which is a good return

There is a tiger which is a sudden change in the

price by the big players.

Conclusion : price increase due to conman

Within the end of the year


There is a fake output (tortoise) on the

momentum of the stock which indicates conman
is there and then transform into wealth.

Appear of conman causing the price to surge up

and the earth is producing the metal Goat wealth
is stands for 75% which is a good return

There is a tiger which is a sudden change in the

price by the big players.

Conclusion : price increase due to conman

Within the end of the year

ROHAS 0.31

Sudden increase in the output which will lead to

wealth element. There is no DE in both output
and wealth

Dragon in wealth which is supported by the

public and the big players are in the changing in
the regulation. Although with sinister thoughts
but the output is strong.

Conclusion : Uptrend
Real case by Dato Joey
Within the end of the year

Wanderer hexagram and then the
animal sign is clashing between the
asker and outcome

So the chances is very low the wealth

is at hook means a violation of rules.
Wealth is fire element here is not
very strong because is in the month
of July but going into autumn, wealth
suppose to be in fire , metal is strong
in august , companion is going strong
so losses is going strong
DE in my wealth
Then there is 2 companion
with phoenix and dragon,
within 1 week will lose
dead zone price goes down counter between month and the animal
from money to contract then back to money
nothing could go wrong when your wealth supported by output
from wealth to wealth the best
output producing wealth which is a combo which is a very good forecast
policy change (influence) create the news (resource), the
announcement does not change the wealth much and also
change the outcome much
regulations at first which is not favoruable but change into
something that is favorable , produce something good in
reverse growth transform into snake which is fire produce the dragon, possible
price and value going up

The DE means the investment is not yet activated. It will activate between 5 to 6
months follow the number count of the animal sign
big mess no leader, share price is pretty good, not good for the
long run but short run ok, output is supporting the wealth
hence in short run can earn some money but in long term
output is tortoise long term no good
companion suing the company on losing money and everyone
is speculating, fake profits is from tortoise
losing money and taking even more money to lose , another
companion not moving no effect, counter outcome
dog and dragon is a total clash with opposite direction causing
a sharp turn indicated take note please. sudden change in the
government regulations which cause the current uncertain
profit change to sudden increase in the price
the institution want to buy but the policy is exaggerating .
however the profit is not good which is a bluff , there is a
hidden fund behind to support but becax of tortoise there will
be a loss of money in long term
wealth have abrupt changes becax of solid change in the
government regulations , absolute change have abrupt effect
on share price
my competitor can only talk becax it is pheonix so they can do
nothing to affect your aim stocks, and also the wealth change
into output which is good for the price supported by
genuine competitor in the long term is not good and my
supporter is shit exaggerated profit and competitor stronger
than you think
Output above wealth line then there is a potential of further
growth If output below wealth then might be low momentum
to push the wealth Can use 12 growth phases to identify both
the momentum and also wealth in which stage to see whether
it is a good investment or not
exaggerating in the losses the asker seems like selling but they are not really selling, the
might be making selling to spread out some news which might cause new buyers to join
in on certain investment, six clashes means there are alot of internal changes but in the
long term it might still be a good sign for this chart
identify the stage of the wealth by using the day stem, in this moment is sick which is slightly
going downward. Output at the prosperous, always check the strength of the focus line. In this
chart it is in a bathe stage which is consider strong in competitors wealth transform into the
influence then it is change in the government policy need to look at whether it is counter or not
in the animal sign
if there are 2 wealth line, ways to identify which one is the major wealth is see whether they are with asker or with
outcome. If both outcome and asker then choose asker. if both oso not kena then we look at the moving line, the
fourth identification is see which one is closer to asker line The elements everything between the output line and
the wealth line shows the process of the long term profit so need to find out the story happening inside , there is a
tiger in companion means during the process of the going up there will be a sudden drop in price however in long
term is good Hidden means you would not see the actual value
Hidden means there will be no actual effect coming out shown
in the market , no output in the chart hence no potential
growth. The relationship between the two hidden output and
also resource means there is a counter
The month stem is clash with the wealth which means ox and
goat clash , changing in the key person in the long run, the price
is always up and down The clash in the transform of dragon
element at the wealth means it is prosperous in 12 growth
phases which is strong growth phase

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