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CPE Recommendations and Implications for Future IFAD Country Programme

17 November 2011 Hanoi

A strengthened pro-poor marketoriented approach

Improving the business environment at the provincial levels; Provincial, district and commune market oriented participatory socio-economic development; Investment in human capital (particularly ethnic minorities) through equal access to job skills, agricultural extension, and markets; opportunities etc Physical investments that improve womens access to basic rural infrastructure and services, such as water, energy, roads and transport; Literacy and numeracy programmes to allow ethnic minorities

More realistic geographic coverage

Poor and climate change affected regions that have existing IFAD supported projects Mekong River Delta, Central Highlands, North Coast and North East Central Highlands, North Coast and North East highest poverty rates Mekong River Delta, Central Highlands sensitivity to climate risk Demand for products come from urban cities in the region Cross-learning between projects

A more favourable credit environment for smallholders

IFAD projects expand models of Peoples Credit Fund (PCF) ; Build capacities of Womens Unions and Farmers Unions to become Micro-Finance Institutions defined by the Decree 28. Models of the Womens Saving and Credit Groups should be up-scaled

Closer partnerships with multilateral organisations and private sector

IFIs parallel financing opportunities with the World Bank (Central Highlands) and Asian Development Bank in same region Bilateral donors (e.g. Germany and Luxembourg) - for technical cooperation, critical in the introduction of innovations Private sector lead firms, particularly through the World Economic Forum Group of PPPs and other bilateral active in PPPs

Increased counterpart funding from the Government

Provincial Peoples Committees - ownership of incorporating IFAD activities with the provincial plans, budget. IFAD support into a programme based approach (PBA) - stronger operational linkage and integration between IFAD financing and provincial budgetary allocations for the NTPNRD. IFAD supported Project/Programme Steering Committees - the NTP-NRD Project Steering Committees (PSC)

A strategic approach to the conservation of natural resources

Supporting Farmers adaptation through appropriate extension and research by provincial and national research networks Strengthening CC technology transfer and the upscaling of autonomous adaptation undertaken by smallholder farmers, Raising provincial staff awareness of CC risk and integrating climate proofing tools into lower level planning processes, Supporting improvement of provincial action plans for addressing climate change risks, Ensuring the incorporation of climate change factors into the provincial SEDP, Feeding these plans and lessons to the national level for incorporation into investment plans, national targeted

programmes and other policies.

Strategic objectives
SO1: Accelerate the transition in the rural sector toward sustainable market led development in poor provinces and associated regions; SO2: Substantially improve poor rural womens income from commodity and labour markets; SO3: Enhance the resilience of poor rural households natural resource and economic asset bases to climate change.

Enhanced policy dialogue

National SEDP 2011-2015 PM Decision 800for the implementation of Tam Nng Draft Government Decree on Local SEDP Guidelines Decision of Prime Minister 80 on procurement of agriculture produce Decree 151 on Collaborative Groups Law on Cooperatives Law on Land Management Law on Water Resources Management Decree 28 on microfinance Decree 165 on amending Decree 28 Decision 15 on the NTP-RCC

Operationalising policy feedback

Enhanced cooperation with the Provincial Peoples Councils and Provincial Peoples Committees Regional meetings of Management Boards for sharing of experience Share IFAD experience in NTP-NRD Project Steering Committees Work with MARD (Dept of Cooperatives and Rural Development and Dept of Science and Technology) Establish regular interaction with development partners around rural development issues through the International Cooperation Department in MARD Continue the partnership with the Farmers Union

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