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1est|ng Computer Software

Cem kaner
!ack lalk
Pung Cuoc nguyen
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W Cb[ecLlves and LlmlLs of @esLlng
8eallsLlc LesL plannlng ls domlnaLed by Lhe need Lo
selecL a few LesL cases from a huge seL of
?ou cannoL fully/compleLely LesL a program
@he prlme beneflL of LesLlng ls lmproved quallLy
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W SofLware Lrrors
user lnLerface Lrrors
Lrror Pandllng (one of Lhe leasL LesLed areas)
8oundary8elaLed Lrrors
CalculaLlon Lrrors
lnlLlal and LaLer SLages (happens only Lhe flrsL Llme)
ConLrol llow Lrrors (menus Lo submenus)
Lrrors ln Pandllng and lnLerpreLlng uaLa (beLween
8ace CondlLlons
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W SofLware Lrrors (conLlnued)
Load CondlLlons
Source and verslon ConLrol
uocumenLaLlon (manual book)
@esLlng Lrrors (code procedures user error)
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W 8eporLlng and Analyzlng 8ugs
@he polnL ls Lo geL bugs flxed
A good reporL ls wrlLLen slmple undersLandable
reproduclble leglble and non[udgmenLal
W @he 8ug @racklng SysLem
@he sysLem lnLroduces pro[ecL accounLablllLy
users of Lhe sysLem (@esLers ro[ecL Manager
rogrammer roducL Manager @echnlcal SupporL
WrlLer @esL Manager Senlor LxecuLlves Lawyers)
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @he 8ug @racklng SysLem (conLlnued)
@he auLhors sLrongly dlscourage provldlng
personal performance daLa
CeneraLe many useful reporLs (weekly sLaLus
deferred paLches)
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL @ypes and @esL Case ueslgn
reLesLlng sLage
W 8equlremenLs revlew
W ueslgn revlew
Codlng sLage
W WhlLebox/Classbox @esLlng
@esLlng sLage
W 8lackbox @esLlng
luncLlonal @esLlng
SysLem @esLlng
Load @esLlng
ConflguraLlon @esLlng
@esL only one devlce per group Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe errors common Lo LhaL
W user Manuals
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL @ypes and @esL Case ueslgn (conLlnued)
Lqulvalence Classes (same resulL from Lwo
dlfferenL LesLs)
W luncLlonal Lqulvalence @esLlng (auLomaLlon random
8oundary Analysls
@esLlng sLaLe LranslLlons (ex Menus)
8ace CondlLlons
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL @ypes and @esL Case ueslgn (conLlnued)
8egresslon (bug flxes llbrary of LesLs)
W @esLlng @ools
8aslc @ools
W llle compare uLlllLy llle vlewers
AuLomaLed 8egresslon @esLs
SLandards compllancechecklng programs
@ools for code coverage asserLlon checks memory
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL lannlng and uocumenLaLlon
@esL lan as a producL and @esL lan as Lool
Coal of @esL lans and uocs
W laclllLaLe Lechnlcal Lasks of LesLlng (sLudy program
more compleLe coverage)
W uescrlbe LesLlng Lasks and processes (slze depLh of
LesLlng [ob)
W Crganlze LesLlng pro[ecL (lmprove lndlvldual
accounLablllLy schedule)
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL lannlng and uocumenLaLlon (conLlnued)
WhlLe box vs 8lack box
W @hey are complemenLary @hey flnd dlfferenL Lypes of
SuggesL evoluLlonary meLhod for developlng LesL
W SLarL small and bulld and add new secLlons as you go
along Avold huge LesL plan aL Lhe sLarL of LesLlng
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W @esL lannlng and uocumenLaLlon (conLlnued)
W @esL lan (deflned by lLLL SLandard 829)
W AccepLance @esL CrlLerla
W @esL ueslgn spec
W @esL Summary 8eporL (compleLe a cycle of LesLlng)
W Some Mlnor docs
@esL case spec and @esL procedure spec
@esL lLem LransmlLLal reporL
@esL scrlpL
@esL log
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W SofLware uevelopmenL Model lmpllcaLlons for
W ?ou musL revlew Lhe ul early
W SLarL wrlLlng LesL plan as early as posslble (rlsk assess)
W ?ou cannoL sLarL LesLlng unLll laLe ln Lhe pro[ecL
W When you sLarL LesLlng you are on Lhe crlLlcal paLh
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W SofLware uevelopmenL Model lmpllcaLlons for
W SLarL rellablllLy LesLlng as soon as flrsL level of
funcLlonallLy plan Lo sLaff early
W lan waves of usablllLy LesLs as pro[ecL grows more
W WrlLe LesL plan as you go
W uo your mosL powerful LesLlng as soon as posslble
because pro[ecL mlghL be sLopped and shlpped aL any
@esLlng CompuLer SofLware
W Managlng a LesLlng group
ManagemenL ls Lhe real quallLy conLrol group ln
any company
rovlde predlcLablllLy Lo Lhe pro[ecL manager
ulfferenL @ypes of @esLlng groups
W CC enforces sLandards
W CA senlor people lnvolves aL all sLages
W @esLlng servlces flnd bugs
W uevelopmenL Servlces debug lnlLlal Lech supporL

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