L2 Adapted Water Diary

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Can you name any countries you would consider to frequently have water shortages?
Which continent are most of the countries in?
Water Diary
LO: To write a water diary using evidence of water shortages.
Describe problems of access to clean water KEY WORDS
Foundation •Sanitation
Developing Explain some impacts from poor access to clean water •Life expectancy
Explain a variety of impacts from poor access to clean •Adult literacy rate
Secure water using key words. •Infant mortality
Connect to other themes of geography to explain impacts rate
Excellent of poor water access •GDP
Keyword match-up: draw a line to the correct definition. Finish early - skip to next slide

KEY WORDS Conditions

relating to
public health
•Sanitation such as Number of
sewage adults who
•Life expectancy treatment and can read and
clean water. write.
•Adult literacy rate
The average
•Infant mortality age people
live to.

•GDP The number The amount

Task: Write down your key of children of money
who die under
definitions the age of 1.
made by a
country from
What do these have to do
with water?
Main Task

Create a water diary entry about life without
access to clean drinking water.

●Use facts and statistics to backup your

●Use keywords.
●Writing support on the next slide and GC.
Create a water diary entry about life without access to clean drinking water.

Foundation Developing Secure Excellent

Evidence Vague – limited A few examples of Strong use of specific dates, Variety of specific dates,
use of specific dates, locations, facts or locations, facts and figures locations, facts and figures
data figures
Explains Points Points are sometimes Points explained frequently Points all joined together to
Impacts stated/listed. explained using ‘so’, starting to tie in facts using create a strong argument
‘because’, ‘this means ‘so’, ‘because’, ‘this means using examples within and
that’… that’… ‘so’, ‘because’, ‘this means
Key Words None used 1-3 used correctly 4-6 used correctly 7 + used

Reading Task

Read the article written by Wateraid and identify by highlighting or underlining what
the problems are in the country of your article and what solutions have been put in

This will help when it comes to

Writing your diary entry
Feed Forward Action Task
Facts relating to clean water
Some facts relating to clean water include

• 1.1 billion people don’t have access to clean water.

• Every day 4000 children die.
• A child dies every 15 seconds.
• 2.6 billion people don’t have access to a clean toilet.

Which is the biggest problem & why?

Feed Forward Action Task
Solutions to poor access to clean water
• Building wells.
• Providing toilets.
• Educate children about hygiene.

Which do you think would be most effective and why?

Developing Secure Excellent

4-6 key 7-9 key 10+ key

words used words used words used
correctly correctly correctly
Developing Secure Excellent
Use ‘so’ or
Uses ‘so’ or Uses ‘so’ or
‘because’ in
‘because’ in ‘because’
Key Words most
some twice in most
Sanitation Stress Dehydration Diarrhoea sentences
sentences sentences
Diseases Education Rural Leisure time
2-3 facts
Cholera Healthcare
Quality of
LEDC (LIC) 1 fact used 3+ facts used
life used
Exit Pass

On the Google Classroom question, give me a statistic relating to access to

clean water.

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