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 My name is

 David Santiago Sánchez Cano.

Tell us about yourself?

 I am a software developer with experience in web and mobile application

development. I am passionate about creating innovative technological solutions
that improve people's lives and optimize business processes.
What motivates you?

 I am motivated by facing technical challenges and finding creative solutions to

complex problems. I am also inspired by working in collaborative teams where I
can learn and grow professionally.
What are your hobbies?

 In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies, participating in software

development communities, and contributing to open-source projects. I also enjoy
outdoor activities like hiking and photography.
What are your future plans if you get this
 If I get this job, my goal is to continue developing my technical skills and
contribute to the team's and company's success. I would like to learn more about
the technologies used in the company and collaborate on exciting projects.
What are your future goals or what are
your career goals?
 My future goals include becoming an expert in software development, leading
development teams, and contributing to the creation of innovative products that
have a positive impact on society.
What do you see as a major success in
your life?
 What do you see as a major success in your life? I consider completing a complex
software project within the set timeline and budget, which has been widely
adopted and appreciated by end users, as one of my major successes.
Why did you leave your last job?

 I decided to leave my last job because I was looking for new challenges and
professional growth opportunities that were not available in my previous position.
I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and knowledge in a new and
stimulating environment like this.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

 In five years, I see myself leading software development teams on important and
challenging projects. I would also like to continue learning and growing
professionally, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the
field of software development.
 Thank you very much."

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