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Addiction? No Way!

Health 8 Quarter 4 Module 1

Learning Competency:

1. Discuss gateway drugs (H8S-IVa-27);

Learning Objectives:
1. define what are gateway drugs;
2. identify the types of gateway drugs; and
3. illustrate the ways of preventing the abuse of gateway drugs
through a poster slogan.

Special instruction: Take a photo of yourself while doing each of the tasks in this lesson. Send it to me as a
proof that you are really doing these tasks I gave you.
Instruction: Use your notebook for your answers to this task.
Check if your answers are correct:
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. A
Instruction: Use your notebook for your answers to this task.
Check if your answers are correct:
Instruction: Use your notebook for your answers to this task.
Instruction: Use your notebook for your answers to this task.
Check if you got the right answers:
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. False
9. False
10. True
Check your answers:
1. Marijuana
2. Gateway drugs
3. Cigarette
4. Alcohol
5. Addiction
Instruction: Use your notebook for your answers
Submitted on Thursday. Use 1 whole long bond paper.
Instruction: Use one-half sheet of paper for your answers. Submit on Thursday.
Instruction: Use one-half sheet of paper for your answers. Submit on Thursday.
Instruction: Use one-half sheet of paper for your answers. Submit on Thursday.
Instruction: Use one-half sheet of paper for your answers. Submit on Thursday.

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