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Who gives food aid?

Presented by: Arham | Material by: Both Hamza, Haseeb and Ibrahim
Oxfam is the short form of Oxford Famine Relief
What is Oxfam?
• Where is it based?
• How does it distribute aid?
• How does it raise money?
• How many people does it
employ worldwide?
Introduction to OXFAM
What is Oxfam?

• Oxfam International was formed in 1995 by a group of non-government organisations.

It is a charity to provide food aid and other necessities.
• The Oxfam International Secretariat is based in Nairobi, Kenya.
• Oxfam is working in around 70 countries.
• There are 21 member organisations of Oxfam [Oxfam(country name)] based in: in
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Britain,
Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Quebec,
South Africa, Spain, Turkey and the United States.
• Where Do they have their offices?

Their offices are located in: Addis

Ababa, Oxford, Brussels, Geneva, New
York, Moscow and Washington DC.
• How many offices and employees?
They have
around 10,000 employees and 50,000
interns and volunteers
Of money comes from fundraising
Executive director
• Gabriela Bucher is Executive Director of worked alongside children and
Oxfam International. She is an communities affected by Colombia’s
experienced global social justice leader decades-long armed conflict and
and deeply committed to gender equality contributed to peace building, influencing
and human rights, and to tackling the country’s approach on restorative
economic inequality. Ms Bucher, who justice for children.
grew up in Cali, Colombia, is a champion
for feminist leadership and believes in the
power of collaboration. Prior to Oxfam,
Ms. Bucher was the Chief Operating
Officer at Plan International, and led
Fundación Plan Colombia where she
How do they give aid?
Some examples of recent aid given

• They engage directly with communities to ensure that people living in poverty can
improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.They
push for safer worker conditions and fairer trade and wages for the poor.
The countries they have been providing
1mil euro=220610149.30 pkr or
220mil 610k 149.30 pkr
Some quotes
“Poverty is not natural it
is man-made..
And overcoming poverty
is not a gesture of charity
It Is an act of justice”

Nelson Mandela
“Your actions matter.
No action or voice
is too small to
make a difference.”

Vanessa Nakate | Ugandan Climate Activist

• How much money comes from
• When was Oxfam formed?
• What does Oxfam stand for?
• Where is Oxfam’s secretariat office
based in?
• What is the most money they spent/are
spending in a country?
take a sticky note, write your name on it, than answer one of these questions and paste it on the Chart.
State one thing we can do to help out the needy?
Give an example of how transportation and distribution can affect the needy?
Slide 11 background by: Arham
Images by: Group
Information by: Group
Activity by: Hamza Sajjad
Questions by: Hamza khan
Made with: keynote
What we have learnt

• What is Oxfam
• Questions and answers relating to Oxfam
• Statistics of where oxfam spends money on and which countries get how much money
spent on them
• Biography of their Executive director
• Information on Oxfam

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