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Here is where your presentation begins
Learning Objectives
1 2 3
Understand what is qualitative research Knows the differences Knows the kinds of qualitative
method and the characteristics of between Qualitative and research and the method of doing
Qualitative research quantitative research qualitative research

4 5 6
• Understand what is Ethnography • Understand what is Narrative • Understand what is Phenological
research research research
• Able to present the procedure of • Able to present the procedure of • Able to present the procedure of doing
doing Ethnography research doing Narrative research Phenological research
• Able to give examples of • Able to give examples of Narrative • Able to give examples of Phenological
Ethnography research taken from research taken from journal research taken from journal
Learning Objectives
7 8 9
• Understand what is Grounded • Understand what is Case study • Understand what is Participatory Action
theory research research
• Able to present the procedure of • Able to present the procedure of • Able to present the procedure of doing
doing Grounded theory doing Case study research Participatory Action research
• Able to give examples of • Able to give examples of Case • Able to give examples of Participatory
Grounded Theory taken from study research taken from journal Action research taken from journal

10 11 12
• Understand what is Discourse Analysis • Understand what is Content Journal Review on Each Kinds
• Able to present the procedure of doing Analysis
Discourse Analysis • Able to present the procedure of
of Research
• Able to give examples of Discourse doing Content Analysis
Analysis taken from journal • Able to give examples of Content
Analysis taken from journal
Learning Objectives

13 14 15
Research Proposal Writing Research Proposal Research Proposal
and Presentation Writing and Writing and
Presentation Presentation


Research Proposal
Topis of discussion in Qualitative Research
Meet 1 1. Introduction; 2. what is qualitative research method and the characteristics of Qualitative research

Meet 2 The differences between Qualitative and quantitative research

Meet 3 Kinds of qualitative research and the method of doing qualitative research

Meet 4 Ethnography Research

Meet 5 Narrative Research

Meet 6 Phenomenological Research

Meet 7 Grounded Theory

Meet 8 Case study Research

Topis of discussion in Intro to Linguistics
Meet 9 Participatory Action Research

Meet 10 Discourse Analysis

Meet 11 Content Analysis

Meet 12 Journal Review

Meet 13 Research Proposal Writing and Presentation

Meet 14 Research Proposal Writing and Presentation

Meet 15 Research Proposal Writing and Presentation

Meet 16 Research Proposal submission

Students Assignment Planning
01 Meet 1,2,3 03 Meet 12. Jurnal Reading
Choose a journal (between 2015-2023).
Lecturing and discussion
Based on that article then do the same
research in your area
Meet 4-11 . Group topic
02 Presentation
1. Do a mqximum 15-20 minutes presentation
04 Meet 13-15 Research Proposal
on the topic from meet 4-11 with
2. Start by giving the concept, definition taken Report the result of your research
from many sources, don’t forget to give the same way as the article you
examples. You can use video as well
3. Design activities to understand the topic by
involving students/friend as much as possible
4. Present the summary of the topic at the end
of your presentation 05. Research Proposal submission
5. This is an individual task
What is Qualitative Research

1. a method of inquiry employed in 2. aims to gather an in-depth

several different academic disciplines understanding of human behaviour
such as social sciences and natural and the reasons that govern such
sciences but also in non-academic behaviour.
contexts including market research,
business, and service demonstrations 3. investigates the why and how of
by non-profits decision making, not just what,
where, when.

1. Ethnography 2. Narrative Research 3. Phenomenological


4. Grounded Theory 5. Case Study Research 6. Participatory Action

Research (PAR)

1. Discourse
Analysis 2. Content Analysis

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