San Juan de La Maguana

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By: Lía Martínez

It was one of the first cities San Juan de la Maguana is the

founded on the island; it was head municipality and capital of
founded in 1503 and was the province of San Juan, in the
given the name of San Juan western region of the Dominican
de la Maguana for San Juan Republic.
Bautista and for the Taino
name of the valley:
In San Juan de la Maguana, the feast of
San Juan Bautista is celebrated on June
24. In Las Matas de Farfán, the
festivities dedicated to Santa Lucía are
celebrated on December 13, in El
Cercado, San Pedro on June 29 and La
Altagracia on January 21.
San Juan there are still magical and
religious beliefs such as the influence of
sorcerers, galipotes, bacás and the " In
mal de ojos".
The carabiné is their typical dance and
is a rhythm inherited from European
In the culinary aspect, San Juan has
been characterized by its typical dishes
such as chenchén, chacá and buche

The main dish is Chenchén is a creamy

and salty dish, which in addition to the
cracked or cracked corn. It contains
abundant milk, whole and evaporated,
as well as butter, salt and a touch of
sugar. Its texture is often compared to
risotto and it is considered a great
substitute for rice.
THANK YOU FOR Arco del Triunfo
YOUR ATTENTION in San Juan de la Maguana

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