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ROLL NO: 22GE1A0569

Introduction to
Online Voting System

The online voting system is a secure and convenient way for citizens to
participate in elections and make their voices heard. This comprehensive system
streamlines the entire voting process, from voter registration to ballot casting and
results reporting.
Project Objectives

1 Accessibility 2 Security
Ensure all eligible voters can easily access Implement robust security measures to
and use the online voting system. protect the integrity of the voting process.

3 Transparency 4 Efficiency
Provide clear and comprehensive Streamline the voting process to save time
information to build trust in the system. and resources for both voters and
System Architecture
Front-end Back-end Authentication

Intuitive user interface for Secure servers for data Robust identity verification to
voter registration, ballot storage, vote tallying, and ensure only eligible voters can
access, and submission. results reporting. participate.
User Registration and Authentication
Identity Verification 1
Voters must provide personal
information and documents to confirm
their eligibility. 2 Account Creation
Voters create a secure account with a
unique username and password.
Two-Factor Authentication 3
An additional layer of security to
protect against unauthorized access.
Ballot Creation and Management

Ballot Design Ballot Ballot Security Ballot Tracking

Intuitive layout and Measures to prevent Real-time updates on
clear instructions for Automated creation of tampering and ensure the status of submitted
voters. personalized ballots ballot integrity. ballots.
for each voter.
Secure Voting Process
Voter Verification
Confirm voter identity and eligibility before ballot access.

Ballot Encryption
Encrypt ballots to protect voter privacy and prevent tampering.

Tamper-Evident Audit
Regularly audit the system to detect and prevent any irregularities.
Programming Languages
Front-end Back-end
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user Python, Java, or Node.js for server-side logic
interface and interactive features. and data processing.

Database Security
SQL or NoSQL databases for secure storage Cryptographic libraries and frameworks to
of voter information and ballots. ensure the integrity of the system.
Vote Tallying and Results Reporting
Secure Aggregation Tamper-resistant algorithms to tally votes
without compromising privacy.

Real-time Updates Timely reporting of results to provide

transparency and public trust.

Audit Trails Detailed logs and records to enable post-

election verification and analysis.

Accessibility Intuitive visualizations and reports for all

stakeholders to understand the results.
Conclusion and Future Enhancements

1 Continuous Improvement 2 Mobile Voting

Regularly update the system to address Develop mobile apps to enable voting from
emerging security threats and user needs. anywhere, further improving accessibility.

3 Blockchain Integration 4 International Adoption

Explore the use of blockchain technology to Share the success of this online voting
enhance the security and transparency of system with other countries to promote
the voting process. global democratic participation.

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