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Turkish Language

And Literature II
Spoken English
Exercise 1

 CURL UP: To sit or lie in a position

with your arms and legs close to your
Curl up

 Kıvrılmak
Curl up

She curled up on the sofa to watch TV.

Exercise 2

 TUG: To pull something quickly and

usually with a lot of force.

Çekmek, çekiştirmek, asılmak


The kitten tugged at my shoe lace.


The little girl tugged at his father’s

beard to see if it was real.
Exercise 3

Sooner or later:
If you study English seriously, sooner or
later you will become fluent.
Sooner or later

Eninde sonunda (TDK:Önünde sonunda)

Sooner or later

Eğer İngilizceye ciddi ciddi çalışırsan,

önünde sonunda akıcı konuşabileceksin.
Exercise 4

All along:
You were right all along.
All along

 Başından beri, baştan beri

Başından beri haklıydın.
All along

 Ayşe has been lying all along.

All along

 Ayşe baştan beri yalan söylüyor.

Exercise 5

 As usual
Susan is late for school as usual.
As usual

 Susan her zamanki gibi okula geç kaldı.

As usual

 As usual, he forgot to take out the trash.

As usual

Her zamanki gibi çöpü çıkarmayı

Exercise 6

If someone is available he/she is not busy
and therefore able to do something.


 The person you’re calling is not

available at the moment.

 Aradığınız kişi şu anda müsait değil.


Mr. Johnson isn’t available at present.

He’s in conference.

 Bay Johnson şu anda müsait değil. O


Is Mr. Max available for the meeting?


Bay Max toplantı için müsait mi?

Exercise 7

Right Away
You need to get back here right away.
Right away

Bir an önce, derhal, anında

Hemen buraya geri gelmen gerek.
Right away

We should respond to her message right

Right away

Onun mesajına derhal cevap vermeliyiz.

Exercise 8

I’m parched.
I must get a drink. I’m parched!
I’m parched!

Susuzluktan ölüyorum, aşırı susadım.

Su almalıyım. Susuzluktan ölüyorum.
I’m thirsty

Exercise 9

At first
At first English was difficult for him, but
later she made great progress.
At first

Başlangıçta, ilk zamanlar

Başlangıçta İngilizce onun için zordu
ama sonradan müthiş bir gelişme
At first

At first I thought he was joking but then

I realized he meant it.
At first

At first I thought he was joking but then

I realized he meant it.
İlk zamanlar şaka yaptığını
düşünmüştüm ama sonra ciddi olduğunu
Exercise 10

At last
We waited for hours and then the bus
arrived at last.
At last

Nihayet, sonunda
Saatlerce bekledik ve nihayet otobüs
Exercise 11

Tidy up: to make a place tidy

He doesn’t like tidying up his room.
Tidy up

Ortalığı toparlamak
O odasını toplamayı sevmez.
Exercise 12

So far: until now, until the present time

This idiom is usually used with “ present
perfect tense”
So far

Şimdiye kadar
Bu deyim genellikle “present perfect
tense” ile kullanılır.
So far

So far, we haven’t been able to get news

from him.
So far

Şimdiye kadar ondan bir haber

So far

How many idioms have we studied so

So far

Şimdiye kadar kaç tane deyim çalıştık?

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