The Active and Passive Voice of The Verb

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The Active and Passive

Voice of the Verb

Active Voice: In the
active voice, the subject
of the sentence performs
the action expressed by
the verb.
Active Voice:
"The chef (subject) prepared
(verb) the delicious meal

(The subject is the doer of the action.)

Passive Voice: In the passive
voice, the subject of the
sentence receives the action
expressed by the verb. The
object of the active sentence
becomes the subject of the
passive sentence.
Passive Voice:
"The delicious meal (subject) was
prepared (verb) by the chef

(The subject is the receiver of the

action. The doer becomes the agent)
When the doer of the action needs
to be the focus of the sentence,
use the active voice, but if the
receiver of the action is more
important than the doer of the
action, then, use the Passive Voice
of the Verb to give focus on the
More Examples:

The dog chased the cat. (Active)

The cat was chased by the dog. (Passive)

Zander ate the cake. (Active)

The cake was eaten. (Passive)
Determine whether the verb of the sentence is in the
active or passive. If it is in the active voice, transform it
to passive. If the verb of the sentence is in the passive
voice, transform it to active.
●A drunk driver hit the boy.
Answer: Active Passive: The boy was hit by a drunk
●The package was taken.
Answer: Passive Active: Danny took the package.

1.She served the dishes.

2. Cathleen was summoned to the
Principal’s office.
3. Miko was drafted for the team.
4. Coach Sanders chose Stan to play
5. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and

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