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More Prepositions

Here is a list for reference:

• According to
According to is used to cite an authority or source of information.
 According to the latest census, Houston, has more than a million inhabitants.
 According to the critics, the play is excellent.
Here is a list for reference:
• Against
Against means “in opposition to”.
 Salmon swim upstream, against the current.
 Nations fight wars againts other nations that threaten them.
Here is a list for reference:
• As far as
As far as is used to indicate a limit reached in the course of an activity.
 We walked as far as the park before we got tired.
 He threw the ball as far as the fence.
Here is a list for reference:
• Before, after
Before means “earlier than the time of”, after means later than the time of”.
 He studies before an examination.
 He relaxes after work every day.
Here is a list for reference:
• Despite, in spite of
Despite, like in spite of, has the meaning of “without regard to”. It is often used in
expression despite the fact that.
 They are playing football despite the rain.
 They are playing despite the fact that it is raining.
 She came to school today in spite of the doctor’s warnings.
Here is a list for reference:
• During
During relates an activity to a specific period of time. The activity may be either
constant or intermittent.
 My Cousin lived in St. Louis during most of her childhood.
 We ate hot dogs and drank soda during the football game.
Here is a list for reference:
• Inside
Inside means that something is contained by a limit or boundary.
 The paper is inside the drawer.
 You will find your gift inside that box.
Here is a list for reference:
• Like, unlike, just like
Like means “similar to”. Unlike means “different from”.
 She looks like her mother.
 The film is unlike the book.
Just like means “exactly the same as”.
 You look just like your brother.
Here is a list for reference:
• Near
Near means “not far away from”.
 The bank is near the post office.
 Her car is parked near the school.
Here is a list for reference:
• Off
Off shows that something is removed from contact or connection with a place it
occupied before.
 He took the book off the shelf.
 I lost a button off my coat.
Here is a list for reference:
• Opposite
Opposite means “directly across from”.
 She sits opposite me in the cafetaria every day.
 There is a new building opposite our house.
Here is a list for reference:
• Until
Until indicates the continuation of an action or a state up to a specified point.
 I will wait for you until five o’clock.
 He lived there until his marriage.
Here is a list for reference:
• Upon
Upon means “on top of” or “as a result of”.
 They placed a crown upon Caesar’s head.
 Upon hearing that he was in town, I telephoned him.
Upon is also used with depend and verbs of similar meaning (rely, count).
 You can depend upon my promise.
 He cannot be relied upon.

On may replace upon in all of these examples. On is somewhat less formal than
Here is a list for reference:
• Within
Within indicates that something is inside described limits.
 The mail will arrive within an hour.
 That decision is not within my area of authority; it is beyond my jurisdiction.
Use before, after, during, since, until orwithin in the appropriate places.
1. It has not rained _______ April.
2. You should brush your teeth _______ bedtime.
3. Please buy some bread on the way home _______ work.
4. He will be here _______ the next thirty minutes.
5. They play football _______ the fall.
Analyze the difference meaning between inside and within in the following
1. She walked inside the class.
2. She walked within the class.
Use inside, outside, near, opposite orupon in the appropriate places.
1. Was there a card _______ the box of flowers?
2. She is standing _______ her parents.
3. There is a park _______ their house. It’s across the street.
4. Lay your head _______ my shoulder.
5. Are there many bookstores _______ the large cities?

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