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Lesson 19: Act V, Scene vi, vii, viii and ix

Learning Objective
To understand and analyse events at the end of the play.
Targeting Assessment Objectives AO1(a) and AO1(b).

Success Criteria
• To read and understand Act V, Scene viii.
• To analyse the exchange between Macduff and Macbeth.
• To consider the impact of the end of the play.
Make a Prediction!
We are reaching the end of the play. What do you think is going to happen? Make a
The Pressure Mounts…
In Act V, Scene vi, Malcolm orders his soldiers to throw down their branches and push
forward to battle with Macbeth.

In Act V, Scene vii, Macbeth encounters Young Siward, an English soldier, and kills him.
Meanwhile, Macbeth’s castle has been captured.
Act V, Scene viii
Carefully read Act V, Scene viii.

1 Why has Macbeth avoided Macduff more than

any other soldier?

2 What does Macduff tell Macbeth and why is

this terrible news for him?

3 What choice does Macduff offer Macbeth?

What does Macbeth choose, and why?
Act V, Scene ix
At the end of the play, Macbeth is dead and Malcolm is hailed the new King of Scotland.

Read his speech, the last in the play. What do you think of this as an ending?
You’ve finished the play! Choose a roleplay task to bring
together your thoughts:

Individual task: Deliver a short news report as if you were a

reporter on the scene at Dunsinane. How will you explain to
your audience what has just happened?

Pairs task: One person choose the role of Macduff, and one
of an interviewer. What went on during that final battle with

Group task: Imagine you are the three witches (you could
also include Hecate), meeting after the battle is done. How
do you feel about your handiwork?
Fill in your Scene Summary Sheet with a sentence or two about Act V, Scenes vi, vii, viii
and ix.

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