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All About Italy

Presented by:
Farida Kamal
Y 5A
All about Italy

Despite its tiny size, Italy showcases

some of the world's most
breathtaking and most varied natural
scenery. With its rolling hills, deep
valleys, and rugged coastline, there is
no shortage of beautiful landscapes
to explore, whether you appreciate
the sea, the mountains or both!
Italy has the oldest population in
Europe, and estimates suggest the
average age in Italy will be 54 years
by 2050. In fact, Sardinia is one of
the world's five Blue Zones: places
where residents live the longest.
Italy’s traditional food

Naturally there are some basic

foods which can be found all over
Italy, and now in many other
countries. These are pasta, pizza,
cannoli pastry desserts, ice cream
and red or white wine. Calamari
dishes of fried squid (fried
calamari) are often on the menu.
Olives have been grown in Italy for
thousands of years.
Italy’s flag

The most popular - which has

become the accepted fact - is
that the colors represent
Italy itself: white for the
snowy Alps and other
mountain regions; green for
the plains and the hills; and
red for the blood spilt in the
Italian wars of independence
The leaning tower of

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, or

simply, the Tower of Pisa, is the
campanile, or freestanding bell
tower, of Pisa Cathedral. It is known
for its nearly four-degree lean, the
result of an unstable foundation.
The tower began to lean during
construction in the 12th
century, due to soft ground which
could not properly support the
structure's weight. It worsened
through the completion of
construction in the 14th century. By
1990, the tilt had reached 5.5
Rome was first called The Eternal city)
by the Roman poet Tibullus in the 1st
century BC, and the expression was
also taken up by Ovid, Virgil, and Livy.
Rome is also called "Caput Mundi"
Rome, the “Eternal City,” brims with
ancient history, from the Colosseum to
the port of Ostia Antica to majestic
Vatican City and the Sistine Chapel.
Because of its history, art, architecture,
and beauty – and perhaps its gelato and
pasta! – Rome is one of our most
popular cities. city
Ruins of
Pompeii was home to many
Italians until around noon on
August 24, 79 CE, a huge eruption
from Mount Vesuvius showered
volcanic debris over the city of
Pompeii, followed the next day by
clouds of blisteringly hot gases.
Buildings were destroyed, the
population was crushed or
asphyxiated, and the city was
buried beneath a blanket of ash
and pumice.
Venice, known also as the “City of
Canals,” “The Floating City,” and
“Serenissima,” is arguably one of
Italy's most picturesque cities.
With its winding canals, striking
architecture, and beautiful bridges,
Venice is a popular destination for

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