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The Gift

MarketinBy Purav Gurbani

g Process
Creating an identity for a company
Our logo design process
Our logo design process began with brainstorming some ideas. These were
fuelled by a motivation which was to create a logo which persuaded others that
our company would be one of great quality. We had explored various concept, but
none had seemed to represent any of our brand values. But, each re creation of
our logo had bought us one step closer to an emblem that embodies our brand.
Our final logo features a blend of colours that we believe show quality, and also
may associate with gift giving. Here is our final piece.
Marketing design for posters
Our posters maintain the familiar theme featured in our brand emblem, Blue and
Gold. Our posters aim to ignite curiosity and excitement about our company, The
Gift Mix. We use bold and dynamic designs, which appeal to a diverse range of
tastes and preferences. Each poster is created to appeal to different audiences,
and appeals to different occasions and celebrations. We also have an Instagram
account, which aims to further spread awareness of our business. Here is an
example of our posters, and here is also our Instagram account.
Thank you
As our business continues to expand, we are eager to get feedback. Your support
is very valuable to our business. Thank you for your time.

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