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Computer Network

Yasser Nawzad
Relation ships
1 - Peer-to peer network
 A peer-to-peer network is a network where the
computers act as both workstations and servers.

 great for small, simple networks.

 In a peer-to-peer networking setup, every computer is

an equal, a peer in the network.

 Each machine can have resources that are shared

with any other machine.
Peer-to peer network (cont..)
Advantages of Peer-to-Peer Networks

■Cost: Because peer-to-peer networking does not

require a dedicated server.

■Easy of installation: The built-in support for peer-

to-peer networking in modern operating systems
makes installing and configuring a peer-to-peer
network a straightforward process.

■Maintenance: A small peer-to-peer network is

easy to maintain.
Disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer Networks

■ Security: In a decentralized model, a network wide

security policy cannot be enforced from a server; rather,
security needs to be applied to each computer and
resource individually.

■Limited numbers of computers: Peer-to-peer networking

is effective only on small networks.

■Data backup: Because files and data are located on

individual computers, each system must have its data
backed up individually.
2 - Client and Server computer role in
 Server computer is a core component of the network,
providing a link to the resources necessary to perform
any task.

 The link it provides could be to a resource existing on

the server itself or a resource on a client computer.

 Client computers normally request and receive

information over the network client. Client computers
also depends primarily on the central server for
processing activities
Client/Server Networking (cont..)
Advantages of Client-Server Networks

■Centralized management and security: The ability

to manage the network from a single location.

■Extension: In a client- server network,

administrators can easily add computers and
■Simplified backups: On client- server networks,
files and folders typically reside in a single
Disadvantages of Client-Server Networks

■High cost: A server-based network requires

additional hardware and software.

■Administration requirements: Client/server

networks require additional administrative skills.

■Single point of failure: If the server fails, the

clients can’t access the services that reside on
the server.

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