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I. General Objective:
This RLE aims to enable the students to acquire and develop the skills to make beds correctly and to appreciate the importance of the proper bed making technique in providing comfort to the client.

II. Specific Objectives:

The students are expected to:
1. State the principles of infection control and body mechanics related to bed making. 2. Describe the correct procedure for making an unoccupied or open bed

III. Learning Activities:

1. Review the objectives 2. Discuss the learning contents of the RLE 3. Demonstrate how to make an unoccupied or open bed.

IV. Evaluation Criteria:

1. 2. 3. Paper and pencil test Quality of participation Performance in the return Demonstration.


One of the most important part of the environment of a person, particularly is he is ill, is the BED. Knowing how to make different types of beds is a paramount importance for the nurse. A clean, wrinkle free bed that remains intact even when the client moves around does a great deal for the clients physical and psychological comfort.


Apply these principles of basic infection control to all bed making procedures.
1. Microorganisms move through space on air currents. Therefore, handle linens carefully. Avoid shaking them or tossing them. In addition, avoid throwing them on the floor to prevent the spread of any bacteria either on the linens or on the floor. 2. Microorganism are transferred from one another whenever one object touches another. Therefore, hold both soiled and clean linens away from your uniform to prevent contamination of the clean linens by the uniform and contamination of the uniform by the soiled linen.

3. Proper hand washing removes microorganisms that would be transferred by the hands from one item to another. Therefore, Wash your hands before you begin and after you finish bed making.


Apply these principles of body mechanics to all bed making procedures.

1. A person/ object is more stable if the center of gravity is close to the base of the support. Therefore, when you must bend, bend your knees, not your back, to keep the center of gravity directly above and close to the base of support and to help prevent fatigue. 2. Facing the direction of the task to be performed and turning the entire body in one plane (rather than twisting) lessens the possibility of back injury. Therefore, face your entire body in the direction that you are working or moving and avoid twisting to prevent back strain or injury.

3. Smooth rhythmical movements to moderate speed require less energy. Therefore, organize your work. Conserve steps by making as few trips around the bed as possible. 4. It takes less energy to work on a surface at an appropriate height (usually waist level) than it does to stoop or stretch to reach the surface. Therefore, raise the bed to an appropriate height for maximum working comfort for yourself to prevent fatigue.

is preparation of the bed with a new set of linens


1. Close bed- bed which is covered to the top. 2. Open bed- bed with the top sheet fanfolded, ready for a newly-admitted patient. 3. Occupied bed- bed which is made the client on it. 4. Surgical bed/ Post-op bed- bed ready to admit a client recovering from anesthesia after surgery.

ARTICLES NEEDED: (arranged according to order of use)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bottom Sheet Rubber Sheet Draw Sheet Top Sheet Pillowcase

Special Considerations in Bedmaking:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Practice good body mechanics. Strip one bed / linen at a time. Finish one side of the bed at a time. Avoid over reaching. It causes muscle pain. 5. Avoid fanning soiled linens. It may cause contamination of the environment.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Confine surface of bed linen that has been in direct contact with the patient. Place bed linens in a pillowcase, to be discarded into a linen hamper. Keep soiled linens away from the uniform. Apply bed sheets in the following order: a. Bottom sheet b. Rubber sheet c. Draw sheet d. Top sheet and blanket (Optional) e. Pillowcase

10. Make mitered corner to ensure neat bed. 11. The smooth surface of the bed sheets should come in contact with the clients skin. 12. For post-op bed:
Place pillow against the head board. Place towel on the head part. Placement of the rubber sheet and the draw sheet depends on the type of surgery. Prepare the following at the bedside: IV pole, emesis basin, BP apparatus, suction apparatus, oxygen device.

13. For occupied bed, maintain safety of the client. Another nurse must stay on the other side of the bed or put up the side rail on that side. 14. Maintain privacy of the client during the entire procedure. 15. Wash hands thoroughly after the procedure.

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