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real llfe example

bllllo noelene
sLore nal
leLory Lroer 33
gross proflL margls of 30
9000 sLores
SLI |s cons|dered one of the most prof|tab|e
reta||ers |n the wor|d
SLI |s cons|dered one of the most prof|tab|e
reta||ers |n the wor|d
SL! AglllLy
SL! lesLs l realLlme sysLems Lo deLenL
nages l nsLomer preferenes ad Lran
sales ad nsLomer daLa aL eery sLore
SaLelllLe lls noenL lLs sLores wlL
dlsLrlbLlo neLers sppllers ad loglsLlns
SL! reallonaLes leLory amog
sLores ad renoflgres sLore
seles Lree Llmes dally Lo naLer
Lo dlffereL nsLomer grops aL
dlffereL ors
8eeflLs from
belg aglle
SL! AdapLablllLy
SL! ad a sLraLegy Lo noneLraLe lLs sLores l ey
lonaLlos lsLead of blldlg oLleLs all oer Le
LaLer o SL! denlded Lo respply sLores Lree or
more Llmes a day
@raff|c congest|on every t|me the company
rep|en|shed stores
lL ased lLs sppllers from Le same reglo Lo
nosolldaLe slpmeLs l a slgle Lrn lsLead
of slg seeral of Lem
new lds of elnles lle moLornynles boaLs
ad ee ellnopLers were aqlred
SL! AllgmeL
AllgmeL beLwee SL!'s lLeresLs ad Lose of lLs
parLers ls nlear ,ake SevenL|even Iapan
successfu| and share the rewards Ia|| to
de||ver on t|me and pay a pena|ty lf a Lrn
ls laLe by more La 30 mlLes Le narrler
as Lo pay a pealLy eqal Lo Le gross
margl of Le prodnLs narrled Lo Le sLore
Carriers deliver products to stores, no one verifies the truck's
contents. That aIIows carriers to save time and money, since
drivers don't have to wait after dropping off merchandise.
SEJ schedules deliveries to each store within a ten-minute
margin. Employees reconfigure store shelves at least three times
daily so that storefronts cater to different consumer segments
and demands at different hours.
e Anademln ef 1e l Spply
Cal AdapLlg Le Car Lo Le ClrnlL
Le Spply Cal Lo Le MareL"
,cCu||en et a| (2006)
lrom oe rane Lo Le oLer l order Lo perform well o Le ew nlrnlL Le nar
msL be adapLed 8y ad[sLlg Le aerodyamln nompoeLs Le norerlg
naranLerlsLlns na be lmproed aL Le expese of sLralgLlle performane
AdapLaLlo ls llmlLed Lo Le rage noneled by Le deslger lor frLer
lmproemeLs Le nar a ma[or redeslg msL Lo Lae plane 1e basln dlmeslos
sape aerodyamlns ad noLrol pllosopy wlll be naged oL a adapLaLlo
bL a sbsLaLlal LrasformaLlo
1e l Spply Cal AdapLlg Le Car Lo Le ClrnlL
Le Spply Cal Lo Le MareL"
8ad bsless pranLlne epslno 8rasll

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