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Making a pickled papaya

(atsara) through

 To produce an pickled papaya

(atsara) using locally sourced ingredients
and following the traditional recipe.
• Papaya Tidbits
• Sugar Grater
• Vinegar Knife
• Onion
 The results of this experiment demonstrate the process of lactic acid
fermentation in pickled green papaya. The pickled green papaya showed a
decrease in pH and an increase in lactic acid concentration over time,
indicating that the natural bacteria in the fruit were converting the sugars
into acids. This is consistent with the theory that lactic acid fermentation
occurs when pyruvic acid from glycolysis is reduced to lactic acid by
NADH, which is then oxidized to NAD+. The lactic acid produced by the
fermentation acts as a natural preservative, preventing the growth of harmful
microbes that cause spoilage. It also enhances the flavor of the pickled green
papaya, giving it a sour and tangy taste.
 In conclusion, we aimed to produce atsara, a traditional Filipino
condiment made from pickled green papaya, carrots,and peppers.
Our results showed that the atsara had a brighter color, a crunchier
texture,and a sweeter and sourer taste after the pickling process. We
concluded that the pickling process improved the quality and shelf
life of the atsara, and that our atsara was similar to the commercial
ones available in the market. We also suggested some possible
improvements for our experiment, such as using different types of
vinegar, sugar, and spices, and comparing the atsara with other
pickled products
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