Presentation On Community Based Riverine Flood Risk Assessment at The Jamuna Char - Land Area in Bangladesh

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Community Based Riverine Flood risk Assessment
At the Jamuna Char -land Area in Bangladesh

Supervisor Name:
Department of Geography and Environment
Pabna University of Science and technology.
Student Name:
Tania Sultana
Student Id: 170938
Department of Geography and Environment
Pabna University of Science and technology
• Riverine flood risk assessment is an essential aspect of disaster risk reduction in Bangladesh, which is
highly vulnerable to flooding due to its geographic location and the presence of several large rivers,
including the Jamuna River. The Jamuna Char land area in Bangladesh is particularly susceptible to
flooding, which is why a community-based approach is necessary for assessing and mitigating flood risk.

• The Jamuna Char land area is a complex ecosystem that is vulnerable to both riverine and flash floods. The
area is inhabited by marginalized communities who rely on agriculture and fishing for their livelihoods.
Flooding in this area can have severe consequences, including loss of life, damage to homes and
infrastructure, and the destruction of crops and livestock.

• To assess flood risk in the Jamuna Char land area, a community-based approach would involve working
closely with local communities to identify the hazards, vulnerabilities, and capacities related to flooding.
This would include conducting surveys and interviews with community members to gather information on
their perceptions of flood risk, the extent of their exposure to flooding, and their ability to cope with and
recover from flood.

• Based on the findings of the flood risk assessment, community members and stakeholders would develop
strategies to reduce the impact of flooding. These strategies could include early warning systems,
community-based flood preparedness plans, and the construction of flood shelters and embankments. The
involvement of local communities in the design and implementation of these strategies is critical to their
Objectives of the study area:

1. To Assess Community-based flood risk in the study area .

2.To develop a flood risk management plan by the local community.
Methodology & Conceptual Framework:
Objectives Data Collecting tools Issues Variables
Primary data: • Water and sanitation • Tube-well ,deep Tube-well, pond ,river
Household Survey etc..
FGDs • Cooking
PRA • Fuel, food ,etc.
Interview Schedule • Education
• Literacy rate. Household, Educational
institute, Women Empowerment.
To Asses community based flood risk
• Transportation
in the study area • Boat, Road etc.

• Food Security • Seasonal crop mapping ,Cultivation

pattern, Available foods Income level,

• Health • Hospital ,Clinic, Disease.

To develop a flood risk Household survey • To ensure proper relief .

• Rice, chira ,oil ,sugar etc.
management plan by the local Interview schedule
community FGDs • Attending Flood risk management • Flood Discussion meeting .
PRA(KII, transect walk) program.
Field visit
• Take measures to prepare for flooding • News , Radio, TV, Raise the living room.
in the community . Store dry food etc..
Study area of location:

• Chou Hali Upazila is one of the most vulnerable region of Bangladesh in terms of riverbank Erosion. The jamuna
river along Chou Hali Upazila has been suffering from riverbank erosion for long time. The Research was
conducted in the entire Upazila.
• Chou Hali is located at 24.2111°N 89.7208°E It has 19899 households and total area 243.67 km2.
Result & Discussion:
• Risk Assessment
• A flood risk assessment (FRA) is an assessment of the risk of flooding from all
flooding mechanisms, the identification of flood mitigation measures and should
provide advice on actions to be taken before and during a flood .

 The Assess Community Based flood risk area :

1. Identify the area
Chow Hali Upazila , khaskhawlia Union & Village Dokkhin jotpara’

2.Collect Data From Focus group discussion & my Experience.

3.Engage with the community Household survey ,FGD, interview schedule , transect walk)
Field visit.

4.Assess vulnerability Health facilities ,water supply, Infrastructure like Dam, house .

5.Develop recommendations Should take Appropriate measures to reduce flood risk, developing flood
mitigation plan Improving flood warning system ,promoting community
education and awareness . Community’s vulnerability to flooding,
Household survey data:
Major Occupation Average Average age of Average Average Average

Household the Household Year of Schooling Total Income Total

of the Household
Size Head Head Expenditure

Agriculture 46.7


Employee 12.3
4.84 46.87 6.33 154836.07 104106.56
Fishermen Wage- 9.0


Boat man
Risk Assessment:
Community flood risk assessment in Sectoral data:

Risk Assessment



20 20
House hold num


10 10 10



water cooking Education Transportation Communica- Sanitation

Risk% 30 20 10 10 10 20
Community Risk Management plan:
Flood Risk Management Plan

 Adequate Capacity Building.

 Power Relation build up .

Local Community
 To increase the knowledge of flood risk
Managing among local community.

 Land management by people.

 Funding before flood.

 Livelihood planning.
The assessment should also involve the development of recommendations
for measures to reduce flood risk and improve community resilience. This
may include infrastructure improvements, early warning systems,
community education and awareness campaigns, and disaster response
planning. Finally, the effectiveness of the recommendations should be
regularly monitored and evaluated to assess their impact and identify
opportunities for further improvement. By following these steps, a
community-based riverine flood risk assessment in the Jamuna Char land
area can help identify practical measures to reduce flood risk and improve
resilience in the face of future flood events, ultimately helping to protect
the community and ensure its long-term sustainability.
A community-based riverine flood risk assessment in the Jamuna Char land
area in Bangladesh can provide valuable insights into the specific risks facing
the community and help identify practical measures to reduce those risks and
improve resilience in the face of future flood events. The assessment should
involve a comprehensive data collection process, including historical flood data
and social and economic vulnerability data. This information can be used to
identify areas of the community that are most at risk of flooding and the critical
infrastructure, vulnerable populations, and economic activities that could be
affected. Community engagement is also critical to the success of the
assessment, including conducting surveys, hosting community meetings, and
working with community-based organizations. This can provide valuable input
from community members and help ensure that the flood risk management plan
is tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the community.

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