L1 Communication

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(noun) – a private conversation between
two person

Ex. Most likely President Marcos and President Xi

Jinping would have a tete-a-tete about the South
China Sea.
Lesson 1
Nature and Process
Lesson Objectives:
 to define communication
 to explain the nature and
process of communication
Direction: Form five groups. Make a
jingle defining Communication. The
jingle must have a stanza with 4 lines
and a chorus. (5mins)
Criteria: Content-10 points
Creativity-5 points
What is Communication?
Communication is a process of sharing
information from one person to another
within and across channels, contexts, and
(McCormack, 2014)
Channels- the medium used to communicate
a message affects how the audience will
receive the message.
Different channels in Communication
Context - can be defined as the surroundings,
circumstances, environment, background, or
settings that determine, specify, or clarify the
meaning of an event or other occurrence.

The context helps you more to fully understand

Culture - refers to the complex collection of
knowledge, folklore, language, rules, rituals,
habits, lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs, and
customs that link and give a common identity
to a particular group of people at a specific
point in time.
Nature of Communication
1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or
more people.
Nature of Communication
3. Communication can be expressed
through written or spoken words,
actions, or both spoken words and
nonverbal actions at the same time.
Let’s work and Learn!
1. Explain how clouds form.

2. Solve and Explain:

4x2y3 * 2x3y3 = N
Communication happens in different
places. How is communication useful in
different setups.
Complete any of the following statement listed

Communication makes us______________

Communication helps us_______________
We should value communication
Master Level!
In an essay form explain…

Why is communication important?”

Video presentation
Let’s Analyze!
Does the communication on the video
Let’s Analyze!
How does knowing the message, the
channel important in communication?
Elements of
the source of the information or message

a manager who wants to inform his subordinates

about the introduction of a new product
the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by
the speaker in words or in actions

message is the introduction of new product

the process of converting the message into
words, actions, or other forms that the receiver
will understand

message is connected in words and actions

the medium, passage or route through which
encoded message is passed by the sender to the

face-to-face, mobile, electronic, written, and

manager informs about the introduction of a new
product in a meeting through a PowerPoint
the process of interpreting the encoded message
of the speaker by the receiver
the recipient of the message or someone who
decodes the message

subordinates serve as receivers

the reactions, responses, or information
provided by the receiver
the environment where communication takes
1. Physical
- refers to the concrete environment

2. Cultural
- refers to the values, beliefs, lifestyles, and
behaviors of a group of people
3. Social-psychological
- involves the norms of the group in a
particular situation, including the
intimacy level among speakers and the
formality of the exchange
4. Temporal
- the positioning of a message within a
sequence of conversational events
the factors that the affect the flow of

noise, jargon, emotions, level of confidence

An excerpt from Safe House
by Andrew Vachss

I'd heard Hercules was heavy-lifting for hire. Not

a made man, not even part of an organization. He
was a disposable samurai, and whatever he
wanted to tell me wouldn't be good news.
An excerpt from Safe House
by Andrew Vachss

What is the message of the excerpt?

Communication is a process of
sharing _____1_____ from one
person to another within and
across channels, _____2_____ ,
and cultures.
Let’s try this out!

Direction: Identify the elements present

in the example below.
Mrs. Cruz wants her child, Maxon who is
a TVL student, to apply what he learned
in Housekeeping in his room, but Mrs.
Cruz doesn’t want to tell it to him
directly. So, she turned off the television
and started piling up his dirty clothes.
3. Who are the speaker and
4. What is the channel used in the
5. Where is the physical context of
the conversation?
What you Learned!
Create a concept map about the topic
that we discussed.
• http://www.glottopedia.org/index.php/Performative
• https://www.grin.com/document/341843
• https://www.communicationtheory.org/speech-act-theory/
Communication is a process of
sharing INFORMATION from
one person to another within and
across channels, CONTEXT/S,
and cultures.
3. Who are the speaker and
CHILD (speaker)
MOTHER (receiver)
4. What is the channel used in
the conversation?
5. Where is the physical context
of the conversation?
1 Short Quiz in Oral Communication
1. In which of the following situation is a
verbal communication necessary?
a.Calling someone on the phone
b.Listening to a radio program
c.Hurrying to your classroom
d.Running to a track meet
2. The following are forms of non-verbal
communication except
a.Reciting in class
b.Hugging a friend
3. Nana Delia would like to ask Rico about an
upcoming event on Monday. In the
communication process, Nana Delia is in the step
of _____.
a.Giving feedback
b.Activating the stimulus
c.Decoding the message
d.Ending the conversation
4. Which of the following is not a channel?
a.Phone call
5. Maria has a habit of ignoring the message
of her classmates. Which of the following
elements is usually missing from the
interactions with Mana?
6. Which doesn’t belong to the group?
7. Communication can be expressed through the
following except?
c.Written or spoken words
d.Both spoken words and actions
8. In the communication process, the sender
performs the following except:
a.Decoding ideas
b.Encoding ideas
c.Generating ideas
d.Sending the message
9. Which of the following elements of communication refers
to the process of converting the idea into words or actions by
the speaker?
10. Which of the following cannot be considered
nature of communication?
a.Communication is a process.
b.Communication only occurs between two
c.Communication can be expressed in words, in
actions, or both at the same time.
d.Communication occurs between the speaker and
the receiver.
11. Which order best explains the process of
A. The Receiver gets the message.
b. The speaker transmits or sends out a
c. The speaker generates an idea.
d. The speaker encodes an idea or converts
the idea into word.
e. The receiver send or provides feedback.
12. Decoding an idea means____.

a.Generating an idea
b.Sending out the message
c.Converting the idea into words or actions
d.Interpreting the message based on the context
13. Which of the situations shows communication
as information dissemination?
a.A lecture on Subject-Verb Agreement
b.Delivering a valedictory address
c.A mother sharing the pain of not respected by
her children
d.Friends getting together and enjoying each
other’s company
14. Which of the situation shows communication
as emotional expression
a.A lecture on Subject- Verb Agreement
b.Delivering a valedictory address
c.A mother sharing the pain of not respected by
her children
d.Friends getting together and enjoying each
other’s company
15. According to this model, communication has
occurred when a message has been sent and
a.Transactional model
b.Constitutive model
c.Linear model
d.Interactive model
16. Which of the following ideas is Not a
proposition of the Transactional Model?
a.Meaning is in people, not in words.
b.Communication is complete once the message
has been sent and received.
c.Communication creates shared meaning.
d.Communication involves both content and
relationship dynamic.
17. The following elements were part of the
Transactional Model except:
a.Non-verbal communication
18. It is a one-way activity in which information
flows from the receiver to the sender.
a.Transactional Communication model
b.Interactive communication model
c.Linear communication model
d.Interaction communication model
19. It presents a communication not only as a two-
way process but also as a simultaneous activity.
a.Interactive Communication Model
b.Linear Communication Model
c.Transactional Communication Model
d.Transaction communication Model
20. What communication model is used when a
referee said, “jump ball” and the players
positioned to do it?
a.Interactive Communication Model
b.Linear Communication Model
c.Transactional Communication Model
d.Transaction communication Model
21.The best example of Shannon-Weaver’s
interactive model of communication is_____.
a.Telephone conversation
b.Public speaking
c.Panel discussion that everyone takes turn to
d.A child improving his ability to communicate.
22.According to the linear model of
communication, at any given point in time a
person is sending a message and receiving a
23. The dynamic process that involves participants
and encoding message is called:
a.Linear Communication Model
b.Transactional Model of Communication
c.Interactive Model of Communication
d.Line Communication Model
24. We received and respond to messages from
another person at the same time that she or he is
receiving and responding to us is an example of
the ______model.
a.Linear Communication Model
b.Transactional Model of Communication
c.Interactive Model of Communication
d.Line Communication Model
25. You answer your first question at a job
interview and the interviewer frowns. Which
characteristics of communication best describes
the situation?
a.Feedback can be verbal or non-verbal
b.Communication can be verbal only
c.Communication can be non-verbal only
d.Communication is stressful.
26. Which of the following is NOT a weakness of
the linear model of communication has:
a.It doesn’t include feedback.
b.It doesn’t include noise.
c.It assumes listeners are passive not active
d. It assumes sending and receiving are separate,
not simultaneous activity.
27. It is known as the mother of all
communication .
a.Transactional Model
b.Shannon-Weaver Model
c.Schramm Model
d.Line Model
28. Without the presence of this element the
speaker will not know whether the receiver
understands the message or not.
29. Which model of communication is
unidirectional and does not require mutual
30. Inaugural Speech of the President of United
a. Linear Communication Model
b. Interactive Communication Model
c. Transaction Communication Model
d. Line Communication Model

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