The Syriyan

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Ameena sehar

Syrian Arab republic
Baathist ministers in the central government including uAR president hourani
resigned in december 1959 bathisit discontent with cairo central government was
indicative of growing unrest throughout syria . not only lefitisht but all syrian groups
presented naseer's measures to integrate the two countries
businessman,merchants ,landowners,intellectuals and army feared of growing
syrian authority of egyptians in all phases of syrian life
The syrian arab republic
On september 28 1961 syrian officers captured egyptian marshall amer and other
egyptian officers ordering them to leave the country at first they were reports of an
attempt to prevent the revolution by egyptian paratroopers but they received orders
from naseer to surrender peacefully a right of syrian government was established
under Mahmun al kuzbari a political figure who had served as representative of
various large syrian industrial firms and held office in the UAR right of center syrian
cabinets this regime abolished cairo decisions of limiting the amount of landholdings
and distribution of land to peasants . it also denationalized large industry which had
been taken over the government including the five a complex textile industries in
which families associated switch the new government held shares.
National revolutionary command

In 1963 a led by baathists seized control of the government and established a

national council of the revolutionary command NCR. the new baathist junta
reported the whole question of arab unity enlarging the concept include syria
egypt and iraq neogiations among the three poteintial members of the unitedarab
republic were conducted in cairo but unfortunately the agreement is not accepted
because of differences of opinions with in the baathist regime
Bathisits two principilates factions progressive vs moderates
The progressive favoured a one party democracy guided by neo marxist ideology,
placing emphasis on radical reconstruction of sriyan society although ostensibly
naturalists in foreign policy orientation the progressive stove for closer ties with
soviet union and placed less emphasis on the concept of arab unity than did
there;principal antagonists with in the party on the other hand moderates while
favouring social reform less keen to enact legislation which could allienate large
sections of population they advocate closer ties with syria arab neighbours and
were more favourable toward allowing military to strengthen syria positions against
The Assad era
The struggle between the two factions of the baath was resolved in 1970 when
general hafez al assad seized power . he too was alwai from peasant family who
rose through ranks to top command his policies blended those of radicals and
moderate baathistin 1970 coup Assad deposed most leaders of the militant
progressive and was less enthusiastic in support of palestine . asad followed a
cautious path to avoid provoking intervention by israel . and also to break out of
syriya isolation he joined new federation of arab republic includingf syria libya and
The nationalist baath arab socialist union
Movement of arab socialist and communities that emerged from 1973 elections and they were different non communist front members were nasserists who
differences were difficult to discern
The lebanese civil war

This war has advantages and disadvantages during 1975-1977 by sending over 30 ,000 syriyan troops into lebonan en dminating the most dominaty position in arab league on other hand a large syrian force
raised aaphression among severalarab states and in israel

A major dilemma facing the regime was its growing isolation both with in the country and the arab world the fact that the president assad and his most trusted abides represented either a political mionority the baath or sect considered heretical by syriya
sunni majority led to increased tension with in them and economic recession and growing evidence of graft and corruption in the administration also caused serious decline in assad popularity

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