Module 5

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Theories and Principles in the

Use and Design of Technology
Driven Lessons
BOLINAS, Renezen
DEMAMAY, Angel mae
VERANO, Dan Carlo
SEBALLOS, Francis Joseph
ELISAN, Zonita
ROLDAN, Lance Russel
Lesson 1:

Intented Outcome / Learning Objectives

►Familiarized with Dale’s Cone of Experience and

provided classroom processes or practices that
exemplify each strata of the Cone of Experience.
►Provided examples of the various instructional
materials appropriate for given instructional contexts.

►Is a free application that you can use

to create a comic strip.
►There are figures and characters that
you can choose from and write the
dialogues that you can put in the
bubble thoughts.
The Cone of Experience

“ The cone is a visual analogy, and like all

analogies, it does not bear an exact and detailed
relationship to the complex elements it

–Edgar Dale
The Eight M’s 0f Teaching
1. Milieu-the learning environment
2. Matter-the content of Learning
3. Method- teaching and learning activities
4. Material- the resources of learning
5. Media-communication system
6. Motivation- arousing and sustaining interest in learning
7. Mastery- internalization of learning
8. Measurement- evidence that learning took place
The Cone of Experience
► Is a visual model that shows continuum of learning; a
pictorial device that present bands of Experience.
► It does not strictly define the bands to be mutually
exclusive but allows the fluid movement across the levels.
► For example, viewing a play is far different from being
part of it. It is far different from listening to somebody
explaining the architectural design from actually
executing the plan.
►The version of Dale’s Cone of Experience with
percentages as to which band will hone higher
order thinking skills and engage learners more
may be confusing because it may not
necessarily mean that learning better takes
place when materials or activities belong to
the upper level of the cone or that the nature
of involvement is more active if it is in the
Dales asserts that:
“The pattern of arrangement of the bands
experience is not difficulty but degree of
abstraction- the amount of immediate sensory
participation that is involved. A still photograph of a
tree is not more difficult to understand than a
dramatization of Hamlet. It is simply in itself a less
concrete teaching material than the
In our teaching, then, we do not always
begin with direct experience at the base of the
cone. Rather we begin with kind of experience
that is most appropriate to the needs and abilities
of particular learning situation. Then, of course we
vary this experience with many other types of
learning activities (Dale,1969 as cited in B. Corpuz
& P. Lucido, 2012).
The Band in Dale’s
Cone of Experience
Bruner’s three-tiered model of

►Enactive- series of actions.

►Iconic- a series of illustrations or icons
►Symbolic- a series of symbols
Thank You
Lesson 2: TPACK as a
Framework for Technology-
driven Teaching and Learning
Intended Outcome/Learning Objectives

► Familiarized oneself with TPACK and SAMR Model as framework in

integrating technology in the practice of teaching.
► Selected and employed an appropriate technology (tool or
application) in an instructional plan.
► Evaluate one’s capability in integrating technology in his lesson.
► Identified learning theories and principles applied in the design
and development of lessons through appropriate media and
technologies for teaching-learning.
►Shulman’s (2018) Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK)
►is a framework which involves the
teacher’s competence in delivering the
concepts being taught by simplifying
complex ones if needed or leading the
students to study a concept more deeply
and extensively.
This is made possible due to the
teacher’s understanding of the amount and
the content structure of knowledge.

►Mishra and Kochler (2006) continued to

build upon Schulman’s PCK and
incorporated technology hence, TPACK

► Isa framework that combines the teacher’s three

knowledge areas:
technological knowledge, content knowledge and
pedagogical knowledge.
► This framework shows the interconnectedness of
content knowledge and the integration of technology
in making teaching more engaging, relevant and
► Itlooks how these knowledge areas intercept
accessibly engaging to students.
Technological Pedagogical and Content
Knowledge - TPACK

►TPACK - is a theoretical model describing

the capabilities of 21st Century teachers.
►The teachers should be able to blend his
knowledge and capability in the content of
► Content Knowledge (CK)
-is the “what”
-understanding of the content such as language,
art, math, science and history among others. It is composed
of facts,concepts,theories or principles in a given

► Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

- is the “how”
- is the expert’s knowledge in the science of
teaching from educational and learning theories and
techniques as well as assessment of learning.

►Intersection of the pedagogical and content areas

of knowledge
►This how much the competencies the teachers
have making the student learn concepts and skills.
►This includes the knowledge of how to use
techniques that can meaningfully address
different learning styles while supporting content
with deeper understanding.
►The incorporation of technology knowledge into PCK
by Mishra and Kochler(2006) is relevant to 21st century
►Technology Knowledge(TK)
- this is the teacher’s knowledge to how
to select, use and integrate this tools in the teaching
and learning context.
- this is not only about the tools but
also the quality of content that students can assess
through appropriate applications and sites.
TCK or Technological-content Knowledge

► When technology is used in a specific subject

area to enrich and deepen student’s
understanding of content.
► Forexample to deepen student’s
understanding of a concept or area of study,
students can gather information and collect
data and evidence using technology tools and
present third information using application.

► Istechnology pedagogical knowledge is knowing how to

select, use or develop technology to manage student
► It allows student to learn content through digital tools.
► They can document and record evidence and plot out
strategy using collaborative tool where the group can
discuss they action plan while in or out of school the
drawn plan can be presented using a productivity
tool(i.e.Power point presentation or a digital tool) to
pertinent persons for feedback.
► Intersection of all knowledge areas
► It is about teachers know, how they teach and how
technology is used in the delivery of the lesson to make it
more engaging and making learning more relevant in the
► In conclusion, TPACK will start with content and then
pedagogy and layer in technology sometimes, you might
get excited about the technological tool and design a
lesson around it remember, it is NOT about the technology
tool but it is the right blend of the three knowledge
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

►Benjamin Bloom is a known educationist

who provided the cognitive taxonomy which
has greatly been used in education. His
students Anderson and Krathwohl made
some revisions. This is the Revised Bloom’s
Lesson3 : The Assure
►A guide in crafting an instructional flow that
can guide the teacher in integrating
appropriate technology and media into the
instructional process.
►Also refers to a systematic approach that the
teacher can use when writing an instructional
►The ASSURE model is a constructivist model
that uses 6 main steps in the Instructional
Systems Design (ISD) and planning process.
►A – Analyze Learners
►S- State Objectives
►S- Select methods, media and materials
►U- Utilize media and materials
►R- Require participation
►E- Evaluate and revise
Steps in Producing a Digital Story

► Brainstorming a story concept

► Create a story board that will contain the graphics, sounds,
text , narration and music needed.
► Collect pictures, materials and store them in an organized
► Using productivity tools, put them together using IMove,
moviemaker, vimeo, powerpoint presentation, powtoon,
power director , viva video, and the like.
► Edit, revise and share your story.
Elements in writing a script:

►Point of view
►Dramatic question
►Emotional content
►Storyboarding – is a valuable
initial phase in the digital storytelling
process. It is like doing a layout of the
text or the script, the images or
pictures that should go with it, the
narration or voiceover as well as the
transitions or effects that can be
employed to have an engaging
“Imagination, devotion, perseverance ,
together with divine grace, will ASSURE your

- Haile Selassie
Lesson 4: Models of
Technology- Enhanced
Intended Outcomes/Learning Objectives

►Identified how a technology tool is integrated in a

►Evaluated a simple lesson with the element of
technology integration and suggested how it can
be enhanced.
Learners can become:

►Contributors- learners can upload materials such as a

video or an audio, post a
message, submit an output in a drop box or add documents and
eBooks and add a picture or contribute to a digital world using a
►Creators - students can collate a digital portfolio or commonly
known as an ePortfolio or create a
virtual poster or an interactive resource. They can produce a
digital story, edit the entries and share.
► Communicators - using technology tools, students can
chat with peers, post a reply in a blog and contribute a
comment to a let thread flow. Creating a wiki, editing
and adding to it gives the students the chance to
communicate their thoughts. Using the chat room or the
Web Conferencing by Skype creates a dynamic to what a
learning place is.
► Collaborators - Capstone projects can be outputs of
collaboration. Students can participate in posting ideas in
a Forum where there can be an asynchronous discussion.
Using wikis to participate in group work with the aim
to accomplish a task or a comment on blogs are few ways
on performing the role of a collaborator in a new idea of
a learning place.
► BLOGS - one interesting tool to explore is the blog. It is a
webpage that you need to create and where you can write
and post your ideas. These are updated on a regular basis
which can inspire or educate those who read it. It is an online
journal that allows you to share with the world what you
think or feel.

► WORDPRESS - an online, open source website creation tool

- the easiest and most powerful
blogging and website content management system in existence
- is an excellent website platform for
a variety of websites, from blogging to ecommerce to
business and portfolio website
► is the website that hosts the open-
source version of the famous content management system
(CMS) known as “WordPress”:
►, it’s referring to a blogging service which is run
by Automatic. With, you get to use a custom version
of the WordPress software that’s easy to pick up, and you don’t have
to install it on your own:
► Once you know a digital tool or an application, the next step is to think how
you can use the tool when teaching a lesson in your class.

1. Blogging Ideas
a. Reflect on Reading. Using blogs, post your
reflections on a book that you are assigned to read.
b. Picture Prompt. Post a blog on your reflection
based on a picture. Students can be given a word limit in writing a
creative piece or an idea.
c. Stat! Given a limited, students post their
interpretation of a statistical data provided in class. This can be a
homework assigned to them.
d. Dream On! In a social studies class, students
can post about their dream destinations by describing the
culture, the people and the scenic spots. Pictures can be added to
enliven the posts.
2. Web-Conferencing Tools
a. Expert Guest Practitioner. Invite somebody who is an
expert in a particular field into a web conference(e.g. Skype).
b. Share and Compare. Using web-conferencing, data
from a science investigation can be shared to other groups or
students from other schools.
c. Mediated Tutorial. Through web-conferencing,
learners can set a time for a tutorial session with an assigned
peer. A variation can be a mediated tutorial by a teacher through
any of the web- conferencing tools for teachers(e.g. Skype, FB
messenger, Meeting Brunner, GoToMeeting Yugma, WebEx, etc.)
►PADLET- is another tool that can be accessed
online and suited for sharing information or
content and can allow engagement of students.
Although it can be used for business but with
creativity, it can be appropriate for educational
So the following steps may be a good
STEP 1: Identify the learning objectives based on a topic or content.
1. Determine if the objectives are observable or can be
manifested by the learner.
2. Consider the subject matter that needs to be covered in the
STEP2: Determine knowledge and skills
1. Analyze students' knowledge and skills.
2. Determine how students will be able to learn the knowledge
and skills.
3. Look for resources that can be useful in achieving the
STEP 3: Select a tool or an instructional aid to use.
1. Be familiar with the tool you have selected and learn
how to use it.
2. Consider the content that needs to be placed in the
tool or the information that goes with the use of the tool.
STEP 4: Determine the method of Assessment
1. Use a criteria to evaluate the technology tool or
instructional aid but will always consider the content as the most
important criterion.
2. Consider the quality of information, the technological
skills needed by the students or how you can present the technology
tool that would suit your

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