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Criteria B – Developing Ideas

Expectations for criterion B

Assessment Criterion
The student:
i. develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success
criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the
ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly
interpreted by others
iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection
with detailed reference to the design specification
iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and
outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
Strand 1 - Design specification
Assessment criteria for this (strand 1)

“ Developed detailed design specifications, which

explain the success criteria for the design of a
solution based on the analysis of the research”.

• You now need complete your design specification.

• This Specification must be completed on the product you

design on your ‘final design’ page.

• You should use ACCESS FM to help you with this.

• Remember, the specification should contain lots of

information but avoid repeating yourself at any stage!
Product Specification
• What does the product
look like
• Colour, shape, texture,
How is the product made How much will it cost to
theme etc.
• Materials, processes etc make?
• What level of skill is How much will it sell for?
involved in making the Is it worth it?
product. Aesthetics

Is this product Product Analyses

Who is going to
capable of Function Mini golf project Consumer buy or use this
performing the product?
function it was
designed for.
Safety Environment

• What impact will
making the
product have on
the environment?
Is the product save to use • What impact will
based on its target market Is the product a suitable using the product
size for its indented have on the
purpose environment
Example of Design Specifications G8
Headings Specification Why Testing
Aesthetics What must my website look Why do the aesthetics need How will you know you
like. Describe the style, to look like this? Refer back have achieved this?
text, images, colour to your research in Criteria Surveys? Interviews? User
scheme, sponsors etc. A trial? Expert opinion?


Customer Digital product for
teenagers in UAE…..


Expectations for criterion B
Assessment Criterion
The student:
i. develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success
criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the
ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly
interpreted by others
iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection
with detailed reference to the design specification
iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and
outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
Expectations for criterion B
Assessment Criterion

develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s)

and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others
LO: develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed
annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Adequate Developing Proficiency Excelling


Sketch an initial design idea. Sketch a clear initial design idea Sketch an initial design idea
that can be interpreted by that can be interpreted by
others. others, annotate how this
design meets the
Specifications from B1.
Strand 2 (Sketching)
Strand 2
Cardboard Modelling
Assessment criteria

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