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• A pressurized heavy-water reactor (PHWR) is a nuclear
reactor that uses heavy water as its coolant and neutron
• PHWRs frequently use natural uranium as fuel, but
sometimes also use very low enriched uranium.
• The heavy water coolant is kept under pressure to avoid
boiling, allowing it to reach higher temperature (mostly)
without forming steam bubbles, exactly as for
a pressurized water reactor
• PHWRs are known for their efficiency in generating
electricity and are considered to be one of the safest
types of nuclear reactors. They are commonly used in
countries such as Canada, India, and Argentina for
commercial electricity generation.
• calandria also serves as a moderator, helping to slow down neutrons released
during the fission process, which increases the likelihood of further nuclear
reactions. The heavy water coolant flows through the calandria, absorbing heat
produced by the nuclear reactions and transferring it to the heat exchangers for
electricity generation.
• Moderator: In a pressurised heavy water reactor, the moderator is usually made
of heavy water (deuterium oxide), which slows down the neutrons emitted during
the nuclear fission process, allowing for a sustained chain reaction.
• Coolant: The primary coolant in a pressurised heavy water reactor is ordinary
water which is maintained at high pressure to prevent it from boiling. The coolant
absorbs the heat generated during the nuclear fission process and transfers it to
a secondary cooling system.
• Control rods: Control rods are used to regulate the rate of the nuclear fission
process by absorbing neutrons and slowing down or stopping the chain
reaction. They can be inserted or withdrawn from the reactor core as needed
to control the reactor's power output.
• Steam generator: The primary coolant absorbs heat from the reactor core and
then transfers it to a secondary coolant loop through a heat exchanger called a
steam generator. In the secondary loop, the heat is used to produce steam,
which drives a turbine generator to produce electricity.
• Reactor pressure vessel internals: These include structures such as core
support structures, baffle plates, and instrumentation that help maintain the
core's stability and monitor its performance during operation.
• Fuel assemblies: Fuel assemblies contain the nuclear fuel (usually enriched
uranium) that undergoes fission in the reactor core, generating heat. The fuel
assemblies are arranged in a specific configuration within the reactor core to
facilitate the efficient production of energy
• The working principle of a Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)
involves the controlled nuclear fission of uranium fuel to generate heat,
which is then used to produce steam and generate electricity. Here is a
detailed explanation of how a PHWR works:
• Nuclear fission: The process starts with the fuel assemblies in the reactor
core, which contain enriched uranium fuel. When uranium atoms are
bombarded by neutrons, they can split into smaller fragments, releasing a
large amount of energy in the form of heat. This is known as nuclear
• Moderator: In a PHWR, the moderator used is heavy water, which slows
down the neutrons emitted during nuclear fission, making them more
likely to be captured by other uranium atoms and sustain the chain
reaction. The heavy water also serves as a coolant, absorbing heat from
the reactor core.

• Coolant: The primary coolant in a PHWR is ordinary water, which

circulates through the reactor core, absorbing the heat generated by
nuclear fission. The water is kept under high pressure to prevent it from
boiling at the high temperatures inside the reactor.
• Heat transfer: The hot primary coolant is then pumped out of the
reactor core and into a heat exchanger called a steam generator. In the
steam generator, the heat from the primary coolant is transferred to a
secondary coolant loop, which contains ordinary water. The primary
coolant cools down and flows back to the reactor core to absorb more
• Steam production: The secondary coolant in the steam generator is
heated by the primary coolant, causing it to boil and produce steam.
This high-pressure steam is then directed to a turbine, where it
expands and drives a generator to produce electricity.

Condensation: After passing through the turbine, the steam is

cooled and condensed back into water in a condenser. The water
is then pumped back to the steam generator to repeat the cycle,
while also serving as the feedwater for the heat transfer process.
Control systems: The reactor control systems monitor various
parameters, such as reactor power output, coolant flow rate, and
temperature, to ensure the safe and stable operation of the
reactor. Control rods are inserted or withdrawn from the reactor
core to adjust the rate of the chain reaction and maintain
• Reactor Scram System: Reactor scram is an emergency shutdown
mechanism that allows all control rods to be rapidly inserted into the reactor
core to halt the chain reaction and shut down the reactor in case of an
emergency or abnormal operating conditions.
• Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS): ECCS are systems designed to
provide additional cooling to the reactor core in the event of a loss of coolant
accident, ensuring that the core remains adequately cooled to prevent
overheating and potential meltdown.
• Containment System: PHWRs are equipped with containment structures
designed to contain and mitigate the release of radioactive materials in the
event of a severe accident or loss of reactor integrity. The containment
system helps prevent the release of radioactive substances into the
• Safety and Relief Valves: Safety valves are installed to
relieve excess pressure in the reactor coolant system to
prevent over pressurization. Relief valves can also
release coolant or steam to reduce pressure under
specific conditions.
• Multiple Redundant Systems: PHWRs are equipped with
multiple layers of redundant safety systems and
components to ensure that critical safety functions can be
maintained even in the event of failures in one or more
• Use of abundant fuel: PHWRs use natural uranium as fuel, which is
plentiful and widely available compared to other types of nuclear fuel. This
helps reduce dependence on imported fuel sources and ensures long-term
fuel availability.
• High thermal efficiency: PHWRs have high thermal efficiency, converting a
significant portion of the heat generated from nuclear fission into electricity.
This makes them efficient in power generation and cost-effective in the
long run.
• Passive safety features: PHWRs are designed with passive safety features
that rely on natural processes like gravity and convection to maintain
safety and cool the reactor in case of emergencies. These features
enhance safety and reduce the reliance on active safety systems.
• Flexible operation: PHWRs can operate at varying power levels and
have the flexibility to load-follow, meaning they can adjust their power
output to meet fluctuating electricity demand. This flexibility makes them
suitable for balancing the grid and integrating renewable energy sources.
• Stable and reliable operation: PHWRs have a proven track record of
stable and reliable operation, with many reactors operating safely for
decades. This reliability contributes to grid stability and the consistent
supply of electricity.
• Minimal greenhouse gas emissions: Nuclear power generation with
PHWRs produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, helping to
mitigate climate change and reduce the environmental impact of
electricity generation.
• Radioactive waste management: PHWRs produce
radioactive waste, including spent fuel, which poses
challenges for long-term storage and disposal. Managing
and storing radioactive waste securely for thousands of
years is a complex and costly process.
• Limited fuel efficiency: While PHWRs use natural uranium
as fuel, they have lower fuel efficiency compared to other
reactor types like Pressurised Water Reactors (PWRs) or
Advanced Reactor Designs. This can lead to higher fuel
costs and increased reliance on imported fuel sources.
• The coolant water must be highly pressurized to remain
liquid at high temperatures. This requires high strength
piping and a heavy pressure vessel and hence increases
construction costs
• Water consumption: PHWRs require a large amount of
water for cooling purposes, which can have implications
for water resources, especially in regions prone to water
scarcity. Water consumption by nuclear power plants can
compete with other uses, such as agriculture or municipal
water supply.
• In conclusion, pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs)
are an important and widely used type of nuclear reactor
that utilizes natural uranium fuel and heavy water as a
moderator and coolant. They are known for their
efficiency, safety, and reliability in generating electricity for
various countries around the world. PHWRs have a
proven track record of safe operation and have played a
significant role in meeting energy demands while reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. While challenges still exist,
such as managing nuclear waste and ensuring safe
operation, PHWRs remain a valuable option for clean and
sustainable energy generation.

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