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The Daniel Spargo-Mabbs

• It’s a drug and alcohol education
What is the DSMF? • Aims to support young people to
make safe choices about alcohol and
drugs, to decrease the risk of harm.
• They do this through increasing
understanding of the effects and risks
and helping to develop life skills and
resilience. and r
• It was set up in January 2014 by Fiona
and Tim Spargo-Mabbs, in response to
their son, Daniel (16), dying from
overdosing on ecstasy.
What do they do?
• They deliver interactive drug and alcohol education workshops for students from Years 6-13, delivered by
experienced drug educators.
• They provide planning and resources for evidence-based drug and alcohol education to be delivered by
teachers in schools as part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education. Three programmes
offer a spiral curriculum from years 7-18, years 9-11 and sixth forms, which is age-appropriate and builds on
prior learning and is adapted to be delivered in lessons or shorter form-time sessions.
• They deliver training to teachers prior to the PSHE programme being delivered, and drug and alcohol
awareness training to teachers, school staff and other professionals working with young people.
• They deliver drug and alcohol awareness workshops to parents and carers.
• Use drama- ILYM-IPIWD to portray the dangers and consequences
• Lastly, they have a Youth Ambassador programme trains and supports 16 to 18-year-olds to become positive
peer influences in their communities, to develop skills and to support the activities of the Foundation in a
range of ways.
Objectives of the DSMF
-To provide evidence-based and innovative educational resources and
programmes, support and advisory services about substance misuse for
promoting healthy, informed choices for young people.
-To work directly with young people, schools, families, professionals and the
community in increasing awareness about substance misuse.
-To empower young people with the knowledge, life skills and confidence
they need to choose lives free of substance misuse.
-To support initiatives to educate young people about substance misuse
through partnerships with them, schools, families, professionals, charities,
universities and other agencies.

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