L3 Airpollution

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Saturday, 14 October 2017

Carbon footprint and pollution

LO: To explain how greenhouse gases
contribute to climate change
Starter: question grid on global
What is deforestation and why is it a Explain how the oceans have formed
Fill in the missing words of the
following paragraph:
In the early atmosphere on Earth
________________ produced gases
such as carbon dioxide, ____________,
water _________________ and
ammonia. Eventually
______________evolved that performed
Name two sources of methane gas Complete the percentages of gases in ____________________ to make
the Earth’s atmosphere today:
oxygen and glucose- this
Oxygen -
___________________ carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide -
levels. Carbon dioxide also decreased
Nitrogen -
due to being __________________ into
Argon -
oceans and became ‘locked up’ in
__________________ rocks and
Using the diagram, explain the greenhouse effect and how it contributes to
global warming ____________ __________ when plants
and animals
What is deforestation and why is it a Explain how the oceans have formed
Fill in the missing words of the
following paragraph:
Less photosynthesis Water vapour from In the early atmosphere on Earth
occurring meaning volcanoes produced gases
volcanoes condensed ________________
more CO₂ in and turned into
such as carbon dioxide, ____________,

atmosphere and less methane

water _________________ and
water ammonia. Eventually
O₂ vapour
______________evolved that performed
Name two sources of methane gas Complete the percentages of gases in ____________________ to make
the Earth’s atmosphere today:
oxygen and glucose- this
Oxygen - photosynthesis
Farming (cattle) Carbon dioxide -
21 ___________________ carbon dioxide
levels. Carbon dioxide also decreased
Decomposing Nitrogen - 0.03 reduces
due to being __________________ into
Argon - 78
waste in landfill oceans and became ‘locked up’ in
0.9 __________________ rocks and
Using the diagram, explain the greenhouse effect and how it contributes to
global warming dissolved
____________ __________ when plants

The sun’s shortwave radiation and animals

passes to earth but long wave sedimentary


radiation is absorbed by molecules fossil fuels

such as methane and re-emitted
back to earth, causing decompose/ decay
temperatures to rise
LO: To explain how greenhouse gases
contribute to climate change
If you have been successful in this lesson you will have…

2: To describe 3. Explain the

1: and explain the difference
To recall what a problems caused between complete
carbon footprint by oxides of and incomplete
is and explain sulfur, nitrogen combustion of a
how to reduce it and oxygen fuel
What is a carbon footprint?

carbon footprint video

What do we mean by ‘carbon
The total amount of
carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse
gases emitted over
the full cycle of a
Can you explain any of these product, service or
government initiatives used to event
reduce carbon footprints:
• Carbon capture
• Carbon off-setting
• Carbon neutrality
Calculate carbon footprint for the year

Extension: why is it difficult to reduce levels of

carbon dioxide and methane?

Think about:
Economic issues
Lifestyle considerations
Scientific disagreement
International cooperation
Calculating your carbon Footprint
1. Number of miles traveled by car each week _____ , multiplied by 0.75 lbs
CO2/mile = _____ pounds of CO2
2. Number of miles traveled on public transport(bus, train) _____ , multiply by 0.5 lbs
CO2/mile = _____ pounds of CO2
3. Number of hours spent using computer each week _____ , multiply by 0.4 pounds
of CO2/hour = _____ pounds of CO2
4. Number of hours spent watching TV each week _____ , multiply by 0.3 pounds of
CO2/hour = _____ pounds of CO2
5. Number of hours spent using hair dryer each week _____ , multiply by 2.1 pounds
of CO2/hour = _____ pounds of CO2
6. Number of hours spent listening to music each week _____ , multiply by 0.08
pounds of CO2/hour = _____ pounds of CO2
7. Number of hours spent using hair straighteners each week _____ , multiply by 0.15
pounds of CO2/hour = _____ pounds of CO2
Multiply by 52 to get ______ pounds of CO2 per year
OPTIONAL: divide by 2000 pounds to get tons per year
What is carbon capture?
carbon capture video

Use the diagram to

explain how carbon
dioxide can be
prevented from
entering the
idea trap / store / lock the carbon dioxide
in the oil reservoir or under the sea bed
do not accept ‘into the oil’ / ‘under the sea’
paris agreement v
The Paris agreement – greenhouse gas

What is carbon neutral and carbon off-
What is the difference between carbon
footprint, carbon capture, carbon off-setting
and carbon neutral?
Key terms: carbon footprint, carbon capture, carbon
off-setting carbon neutral
Taking carbon dioxide from an industrial process and
depositing it into underground rocks to prevent it entering
the atmosphere.
The total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases produced over the full lifecycle of a product, service
or event.
Any process that has no overall release of carbon dioxide by
balancing the amount of carbon dioxide released with the
amount taken in.
Carrying out activities that will increase the natural rate of
removal of CO2 from the atmosphere such as reforestation
and tree planting.
Taking carbon dioxide from an industrial Taking carbon dioxide from an industrial
process and depositing it into underground process and depositing it into underground
rocks to prevent it entering the atmosphere. rocks to prevent it entering the atmosphere.

The total amount of carbon dioxide and other The total amount of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases produced over the full greenhouse gases produced over the full
lifecycle of a product, service or event. lifecycle of a product, service or event.

Any process that has no overall release of Any process that has no overall release of
carbon dioxide by balancing the amount of carbon dioxide by balancing the amount of
carbon dioxide released with the amount taken carbon dioxide released with the amount taken
in. in.
Carrying out activities that will increase the Carrying out activities that will increase the
natural rate of removal of CO2 from the natural rate of removal of CO2 from the
atmosphere such as reforestation and tree atmosphere such as reforestation and tree
planting. planting.

Taking carbon dioxide from an industrial Taking carbon dioxide from an industrial
process and depositing it into underground process and depositing it into underground
rocks to prevent it entering the atmosphere. rocks to prevent it entering the atmosphere.

The total amount of carbon dioxide and other The total amount of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases produced over the full greenhouse gases produced over the full
lifecycle of a product, service or event. lifecycle of a product, service or event.

Any process that has no overall release of Any process that has no overall release of
carbon dioxide by balancing the amount of carbon dioxide by balancing the amount of
carbon dioxide released with the amount taken carbon dioxide released with the amount taken
in. in.
Carrying out activities that will increase the Carrying out activities that will increase the
natural rate of removal of CO2 from the natural rate of removal of CO2 from the
atmosphere such as reforestation and tree atmosphere such as reforestation and tree
planting. planting.
LO: To explain how greenhouse gases
contribute to climate change
If you have been successful in this lesson you will have…

2: To describe 3. Explain the

1: and explain the difference
To recall what a problems caused between complete
carbon footprint by oxides of and incomplete
is and explain sulfur, nitrogen combustion of a
how to reduce it and oxygen fuel
Hidden Drawing
In teams of 4, you need to re-create the
picture I have at the front of the room.
You will each have 30 seconds to see
the drawing

Think about how you will

work as a team
Gases are carried by
the wind
Acidic gases
(sulphur dioxide
and nitrogen oxide) Gases dissolve in the rain
are released into water to form acid rain
the atmosphere

Acid rain damages

buildings (reacts with
limestone) and can
damage plants and
Acid rain also causes change the pH of
respiratory problems lakes/rivers
in humans
Acid rain formation

Sulphur in water
Sulphur &
dioxide vapour of
& nitrogen clouds to
oxides form
in fossil
released sulphuric
when and nitric
burnt acids

Falls as acid
rain, less
Air pollution – information stations
Atmospheric How is it How can we What does it
pollutant caused? reduce cause?
Air pollution – sulfur dioxide, SO₂
Coal contains sulfur, therefore the burning of Leads to acid
coal in oxygen (combustion) produces sulfur
dioxide. The sulfur is oxidised. rain

What will happen if this gas was bubbled

into water containing universal indicator
and why?

To reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide produced

from combustion of fossil fuels we can react sulfur
dioxide with powdered limestone to form calcium
sulfate. This can be used to make plasterboard for
lining interior walls, so turning a harmful product
into a useful one.
Air pollution –nitrogen oxides, NOx
Nitrogen oxides form due to a reaction
Leads to acid rain
between nitrogen and oxygen in the air and global dimming
when under high temperatures. This
often happens in car engines due to the
heat from combustion (burning) of

To reduce levels of nitrogen

oxides released from cars, a
catalytic converter can be fitted
which reduces nitrogen oxides
(NOx) to nitrogen (N₂)
Air pollution –carbon monoxide, CO
Carbon monoxide forms when there Leads
is carbon monoxide
not enough oxygen available for a fuel

Instead of forming carbon dioxide and

water, carbon deposits and carbon
monoxide are formed

To reduce levels of carbon

monoxide a catalytic converter
can be fitted which oxidises
carbon monoxide (CO) to
carbon dioxide (CO₂)
Match the product to the type of pollution it
LO: To explain how greenhouse gases
contribute to climate change
If you have been successful in this lesson you will have…

2: To describe 3. Explain the

1: and explain the difference
To recall what a problems caused between complete
carbon footprint by oxides of and incomplete
is and explain sulfur, nitrogen combustion of a
how to reduce it and oxygen fuel
Carbon monoxide
A poisonous gas made from
incomplete combustion with
fuels. It reduces the amount of
oxygen that red blood cells carry
around the body. It combines
with haemoglobin in red blood
cells, preventing the oxygen
from combining with it.
Natural gas contains the hydrocarbon called methane. Some
water heaters use methane as a fuel. People could die from
breathing the fumes produced by heaters that have not been
checked and serviced. Explain how these fumes are
produced and why they are dangerous.
(3 marks)

poor ventilation
accept limited air supply
accept insufficient oxygen1

causes incomplete combustion

accept produces CO 1
(fumes contain) carbon monoxide which dangerous
toxic is not awarded a mark
do not accept harmful or poisonous1
Particulates – produced from combustion
How do we test for
How do we test for
carbon dioxide gas?

Complete combustion
Fuel + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

Incomplete combustion
Fuel → carbon monoxide + carbon dioxide + water
This also releases carbon particles into the air
Global dimming and effects
Reduces the amount of sunlight that can
reach Earth’s surface
Use the diagram to
explain how carbon
dioxide can be prevented
from entering the

idea trap / store / lock the carbon dioxide

in the oil reservoir or under the sea bed
do not accept ‘into the oil’ / ‘under the sea’
Task – complete the questions
Sulfur dioxide


Oil is a non-renewable/ finite/ limited resource/oil is

running out/more electricity generated using
renewable sources of energy
carbon dioxide produced (from burning wood) 1
ignore global warming
carbon dioxide used by plants / trees or for photosynthesis

carbon dioxide (1) causes global warming (1)

carbon (particles) (1) causes global dimming (1)
carbon monoxide (1) is toxic (1)
sulfur dioxide (1) causes acid rain (1)
carbon / diesel / it reacts / burns in oxygen / air

limited supply (of oxygen / air)/incomplete combustion

occurs / 2C + O2 → 2CO
/C + CO2 → 2CO
any two environmental problems with linked explanations
• global warming (1)
caused by (formation of) carbon dioxide / greenhouse gas (1)
ignore greenhouse effect
• acid rain (1)
accept effects of acid rain
ignore respiratory problems
caused by ( formation of) sulfur dioxide (1)
accept sulfur oxide
ignore sulfuric acid
Thermal decomposition takes place where
the limestone breaks down

Calcium carbonate (limestone) reacts with sulfur dioxide to

form calcium sulfate

Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere becomes carbon compounds

in plants and decomposes to form fossil fuels and sedimentary
rocks that are a store of carbon
red / orange / yellow
do not accept any other colours

because sulfur dioxide (when in solution) is an acid

High temperatures
Cause oxygen and nitrogen from the air to react

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