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• A uniform ladder weighing 200 N

leans in a frictionless vertical wall
making an angle of 65˚ with the
ground. If a man weighing 50 kg
climbs at the ladder and stops in the
middle, determine:
• A. Reaction at A
• B. Reaction at B
• C. Direction of A
• A beam rests on a fulcrum, 1.3 m from
one end. A weight of 360 kg is the
suspended from this end causing the
beam to balance. If the weight of 360 kg
is suspended on the opposite end of the
beam it is necessary to suspend a 1000
kg weight on the first end in order to
effect an even balance. Find the length of
the beam. (20 pts.)
• A 20 ft beam with a vertical
support in both end weighs 300 lb.
If a concentrated downward loads
of 100 lb were applied 5 ft. from
both ends, determine:
A beam weighing a 140 N is
supported by a cable shown in
figure 2, determine the:
a.) tension in (10 pts.)
b.) horizontal & vertical (10
reaction at point C pts.)
c.) Reaction at (10
point C pts.)

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