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GEC 5-Purposive Communication

Activity 1

1. What is communication?
2. What qualities do you think great communicators have?
3. Are you an effective communicator? why? why not?
Activity NO.2 :Try to visualize the basic communication process.
Try to visualize the basic process of communication.

1.Ogie, the CEO of a multinational company, sent a memo to the different department heads regarding the
profit and loss report of each department. Upon reading the memo, the department heads prepared their profit
and loss reports.
2.Tess, a songwriter, shares a message to her audience by writing songs and arranging the melody. Malou, the
singer, will interpret the song so that the message will be delivered to the audience.
3.Caesar want to send a message to a girl he likes by writing love notes or texting sweet messages. The girl,
comprehending the intention of the messages back to Caesar.
4.Anne, the owner of Sweet Cravings, wanted to introduce a new cake product and tell the consumers that their
product is better than the competitor’s product. She hired an advertising company to produce an advertisement
and broadcast it in different forms of medium. The consumers reacted positively to the advertisement.
5. Edgar, a traffic enforcer, wanted to warn Hannah not to cross the street because it is dangerous . He makes a
sign with his hands by waving them and maneuvering a stop sign to Hannah. Upon realizing the warning being
given by Edgar, Hannah hesitated to cross the street.
Identify the sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback

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