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The scented oil obtained from natural sources is called essential oil.

● An essential oil may be defided as a volatile perfumery material derived from a single source of plant or animal origin, which has been separated from that by a physical process.

● There are about 1300 plants in india which are known to be aromatic plant. Out of which 65 plant species
have demand in the world market.

● India share the 3rd largest producer of natural essential oils next to USA and Brazil.

● Futher, 4th largest economy after USA, China, & Japan and second fastest growing economy. Hence there is a demand for the mass consumption.

● Essential oil from aromatic plants are low volume and of high value. They have a longer shelf life at room temp. than horticultural plants. Some of them can be grown in marginal lands through contract farming.

● The world production and consumption of essential oils and parfumes are increasing very fast.

● Essential oil are used in a wide varienty of consumer goods such as detergent, soaps, toilet products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, confectionery food products, soft drinks, distilled alcoholic beberages (hard drinks) and insecticides.
● Distillation & extraction
● absolutes
● co2 extracts
● organic extracts
● resins
●Altough steam distillation is the most well known technique for extracting essential oil
from plants, there are several other methods that are used to remove and concentrate the
aromatic constituents from plant material
● have is a description of each method and their influence on the aromatherapeutic
proprties and fragrance of the oil.
●Essential oils are produced in the cells of aromatic plants and are held in specialized glands.
●Thet are released from the plant and collected (concentrated) most often through steam
distillation (and sometimes hydro or water distillation or a combination thereof)
●distillation is a method of separating components based on differences in volatile constituents in
a heated mixture.
● Steam distillation involves bubbling steam through the plant material
● the temperature of steam is easy to control, making it ideal for heat-sensitive essential
● The essential oils contained in plants are immiscible in water and have a higher boiling
point, allowing the essential oil to vaporize at a lower temperature than in normally would
on its own.
●Other methods used to create pure essential oils are dry or vaccum distillation, dry/destructive
distillation, and expression (for citrus peels).
● Expression, also referred to as “cold pressed”, is a method where oil is obtain by using high
mechanical pressure to literally squeeze the oil from the plant material.
● Absolute are highly concentrated aromatic oils extracted from plants using a solvent method.
● The multi-step proces includes first extracting the aromatic oil from the plant material with a solvent
such as hexane.
● After the hexane is removed what is left behind is a waxy substance colled a concrete.
● The aromatic oils are then extracted from the concrete with ethyl alcohol, and after the ethyl alcohol is
removed, the remaining substance is an absolute-an oil with and aroma close to the plant from which it
● An absolute is the most concentrated from of fragrance and highly regarded in natural perfumery.
● Absolutes differ from essential oils in that they contain not only essential oil, but also a higher density of
coloring, waxes and other constituents from the plant.
● In addition, they usually contain a small percentage of alcohol remaining the second phase of the
extraction process (typically up to 2 or 3 percent).
● Co2 extracts display some of the characteristitics of booth essential oils and absolutes.
● Like essential oils, they contain many beneficial therapeutic properties. But unlike absolutes, they
are not solvent extracted.
● Instead of using a solvent like hexane, they are extracted using Co2 (carbon dioxide) gas under
pressure at ambient temperature.
● Under normal atmospheric conditions Co2 is a gas, but when highly compressed it becomes
supercritical-neither a gas nor a liquid.
● Supercritical Co2 in an excellent organic solvent that can be used to extract aromatic oils from
● The beauty of Co2 extraction is that once the oil is extracted from the plant material, the Co2
returns to its gaseouns state by lowering its pressure, allowing the gas to quickly and completely
● Depending on the pressure used, a “select” or “total” extract will result.
● Select extracts are created at lower pressures, and are more similar to essential oils in that they
are usually mobile liquids, and essential oil constituens make up the vast majority of the extract.
● Rose, Jasmine, Cornation, Orange Blossom, and Tuberose.
● These oils are best used for body care and aromatherapy due to the ‘aliveness’ of the
● However, natural parfumers who wish to create organic parfumes will also love these
● This new technology, for the aromatherapy purposes, whereas previously it had only
been available as an absolute and therefore had not been recommended for therapeutic
● We carry a few other types of natural aromatic oils that have been extracted using other
● These include natural exudates and resign (or resinoids).
● These aromatic essences are collected from the resign that oozes out of the bark of trees
when the trees are tapped (like rubber trees or maple trees [for maple syrup]).
● Another type of aromatic oil we offer comes from the traditional destrictive distillation
method that gives rise to fossilized amber oil.
● In destructive distillation, the starting material (such as benzoid resin) is super-heated and
cooked unti an oil substance is obtained from the solid starting material.
● Thus, oil can be obtained from something that didn’t really have oil in it in the first place.
~ Essential oil discussion
● the effect of the liquid-solid ratio on the yield of CPEO under a certain range of microwave times and
powers is shown in fig 2a. With an increase in the liquid-to-material ratio, the yield of CPEO also increased.
When the liquid-to-material ratio was 4, the yield of CPEO was the highest. The crease in the yield of CPEO
may be because during the extraction process, the geather the ratio of liquid to material is, the greater the
diffusion of CPEO in water in the in crease in the yield of CPEO. However, when the liquid-material ratio
continues to increase, it many lead to the hydrolysis and dissolution of some compounds in water, resulting
in a decrease in the yield of CPEO.
● Fig 2b shows the effect of different pretreatment durations (5-200 min) on the yield of CPEO. First, the
extraction rate of CPEO increased with prolonged pretreatment time. When the pretreatment time reached
150 min, the yield of CPEO reached 8.45 ml/kg. DW (dry weight: DW). These result may be caused by the
long-term immersion of salting out helping to increase the osmotic pressure of the cell wall inside the
pericarp, which causes the cells to swell and subsequently become brittle, there by destroying the cell wall,
enhancing mass transfer and increasing the rate of CPEO outflow from the raw material. After 150 min of
pretreatment, the CPEO yield increased gradually and became nearly flat, which indicated that an
appropriate pretreatment time was conducive to the ability of the salting out solution to penetrate plant
tissue and soften the cell wall and the salting out effect was fully achieved after 150 min. As shown in fig 2c,
with the gradual increase in the amount of salting out solution, the yield of CPEO also increased significantly.
When the addition of salting out solution reached 5%, the yield of CPEO increased slowly, reaching a yield of
approximately 10 ml/kg DW (dry weight: DW), after which the yield continued to balance. We employed
spectrophotometer to scan the aqueous solution of essential oil in the extraction procedure. Sampel A is
normal, and B has been treated with a salting out solution.
Fig.1extractionof essential oil from cinnamomum camphora seed pericarp (separation of the
pericarp and kernel from the cinnamomum camphora seed).

level (W) (min)

-1 3 385 100
0 4 540 150
1 5 700 200

Fig.2 effects of different factors on the yield of CPEO

They all have a distinct absorption peak at 295 nm (as is shown fig.3). However, the absorbance of a is slightly
higher than b during full-wavelength scanning, this indicaters that the absorption peak of the sample after salting-
out treatment is smaller, salting out solution can recude the loss of cpeo and recude the solubility of some nonpolar
components of cpeo in water. Full-wavelength scanning of extracted samples was perfomed by spectrophotometer,
and the sample yield increased significantly after treatment with LiCl solution which similar to the conclusion of this
study. The reason for this result may be that osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell reaches aquilibrium,
hindering the separation of CPEO and water formed an emulsion. When salting out of solution is added, the loss of
CPEO can be avoided, and the solubility of some nonpolar components of CPEO in water can be reduced.
Moreover, it can increase the density of water and serve as a polarizing electrolyte, facilitating the separation of
CPEO from water.
Fig 3. Microwave-assisted extraction of the absorption value of equeous solution in the extraction process of
samples before (A) and after (B) NaCl treatment.
~Response surface test and model analysis.
● The P value of the regression model was less than 0.01, indicating that the model was extremely
statistically significant. The misfit term P = 0.1062 indicated that the model fitting degree was good, the
unknown factors had tittle interference on the model fitting result, and the model error was small. =
0.9955, which indicated a high degree of fit of the equation. The effect of each factor on the yield of CPEO
was in the order of >>. The primary term and the secondary terms and had significant effects on the
extraction yield of CPEO (P<0.01). The primary terms and quadratic term , and the interaction terms , ,
and had significant effects on the yield of CPEO (P < 0.05). The regression equation was obtained as
follows :
Y= 15.59-0.23 + 1.06 + 1.06 - 0.26 - 0.17 - 0.24 + 0.23 - 0.27 - 1.00 - 0.4
Where Y is the yield of CPEO (mL/kg DW) and , , and are the liquid-solid ratio, microwave power, and
pretreatment time, respectively, A term with a positive coefficient has the opposite effect.

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