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110420 임동빈
• Realism art
사실주의는 1844 년부터 1850 년 프랑스에서 발달한
미술의 한 종류이다 .
사실주의는 추상표현주의와 달리 말 그대로 사실적인
모습을 최대한 그림으로 담아내는 미술이다 .
이러한 미술이 발달하게 된 이유는 산업혁명로 인해
발달하는 사회를 정확한 장면으로 남겨두고 싶은
미술가들로 인해 발달했다 .
• 현대예술
현대예술은 1960-1970 년대에 유명해진 미술의
한종류이다 .
현대예술은 전통적인 예술을 벗어나 추상을
지향하며 , 사실주의와는 다르게 특정한
가이드라인이 존재하지 않는다 .
현대예술이 발달하게 된 이유는 창의성이나 자기
표현을 하고 싶은 미술가들에게 의해 발달되었다 .
Gabriel orozco
1962 년 4 월 27 일에 출생한 현대예술가로 모든
미술의 장르를 넘나드는 작품들을 만들었다 .
특징으로는 끊임없이 움직이는 예술가로 불리며 ,
국가적 지역적 제한을 벗어나 다양한 곳을
여행하며 현대 도시에서 흔히 볼 수 있는
사물이나 풍경을 소재로 본인 특유의 시선을
통해 평범한 사물을 예술적 대상으로 승화시킨
다 . 다른 예술가들과는 다르게 작업장이 없으
며 , 영감을 받는 그 즉시 , 그 장소에서 예술을
만드는 예술가이다 . 대표작으로는 samourai
tree 가 있다 .
Paragraph 1
가브리엘 오로즈코 소개

Topic sentence
For more than a quarter of a century , artist Gabriel Orozco (b. 1962) has 12 forged a
career marked by constant surprise and innovation, blurring the boundaries between art
and reality.
Orozco resists confinement single medium in order to engage 13 they' re imaginations.
He roams freely among drawing, photography , sculpture, installation, and painting.

Confinement: 제한 restraint imprisonment

Basing his work on a series of recurring themes and techniques, Orozco 14 divides his
time between Mexico City, New York, and France, One work might consist of exquisite
drawings scribbled on airplane boarding passes; another could involve sculptures made
from recovered trash.
His exploration of such varied materials allows audiences to investigate 15 associations
between objects that are hidden.

Exquisite: 절묘한 superb excellent

A . No change
커리어를 쌓다라는 의미가 forged 밖에 없다
B. derived

c. fabricated

d. claimed
A . No change
Subject pronoun
B. their imagination
Their 누군지 말을 안해줬다
c. you're imagination
They are 과 똑같은 이유로 틀렸다
d. viewers' imagination
보는사람의 상상을 자극한다는 의미로 possesion pronoun 을 써서 올바르게 바꾸었다 .

일상생활에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 물건들을 사용해서 예술로 승화시켰다 .
15 change

B. hidden associations between objects.

B 만 숨겨진 연관성을 정확히 표현함
C. associations hidden between objects.
물건들이 숨겨졌다는 뜻으로 해석될수도 있어서 틀림
D. associations that are hidden between objects.
Paragraph 2
오로즈코의 예술방식

Topic sentence
Orozco's nomadic lifestyle began to strongly inform his work around this time. 16
Once, while wandering through a small town in Brazil, Orozco spotted some oranges
left over from a market, positioned one on each of several tables, and photographed
Unlike many mainstream artists, who often oversaw huge studios with many assistants
and elaborate production techniques, Orozco also worked 17 by himself in solitude or
with a single assistant. He therefore remains free to create art where and when he chose.

Solitude 고독 aloneness isolation

Ozroco 의 nomadic lifestyle 을 표현하기 위해서 있는 문장이니 그대로 둬야한다

A No change

B in solitude
가장 짧지만 의미는 다 똑같으므로 b
C by himself in a solitary way

D alone by his solitary self

Paragraph 3
오로즈코가 예술을 접하게 된 계기

Topic sentence
Orozco was born in 1962 in Veracruz, Mexico. His father, Mario Orozco Rivera, was a
mural painter and art professor at the University of Veracruz.
When Orozco was six, the family relocated to Mexico City so that his father could work
on various mural commissions.
18 Orozco often accompanied his father to mural sites and museum exhibitions. He
overheard many conversations about art and politics.

Relocate : 이주 move shift

어디에서 들었는지 안알려줬다
Orozco 가 메인이 되어서 틀렸음
미술관에 가서 들었다는것을 정확히 설명함
C 와 같이 모든 정보를 포함하고 있지만 c 가 더 짧다
Paragraph 4
오로즈코가 현대예술을 시작한 이유

Topic sentence
In 1981, Orozco entered the National School of Fine Arts in Mexico Cily, but he found the curriculum
conservative 19 and the work uninteresting.
When a friend invited him to study in Spain, he eagerly accepted. In 1986; he enrolled at Madrid's 20
Circulo de Artes; one of the leading art schools in Spain.
It was there that his instructors introduced him to a broad range of contemporary artists working in non-
traditional formats.

Conservative: 보수적인 traditional stable

19 change
And 로 커리큘럼과 일로 연결했고 , 지금도 흥미롭지 않기 때문에 a
B and the work being interesting

C the work was uninteresting

D and the work was uninteresting also

20 change

B Circulo de artes, one

C Circulo de artes: one

D Ciculo de artes, it was one

Paragraph 5
여행을 시작하는 오로즈코

Topic sentence
Orozco then returned to Mexico, where he began to collaborate with other artists, including Damián
Ortega, Gabriel Kuri, and Abraham Cruzvillegas.
The group 21 hung out once a week for five years, and Orozco's home became a place where many
artistic and cultural projects took shape.
In the early 1990s, however, Orozco relocated once again, this time to New York. He also began to
spend increasing amounts of time in Paris.

Collaborate 협업 cooperate joi

21 change

B convened

C met
모이다라는 뜻으로 가장 적절하다
D chilled together
Paragraph 6
오로즈코가 현대예술에게 미친 영향들

Topic sentence
Although Orozco has exhibited in works around the world and won dozens of awards, he considers his
art a process of continuous exploration.
Combining his passion for life with the poetry of chance encounters, Orozco's work offers a distinctive
model for the ways in which artists can affect the world with their work.

Distinctive 독특한 distinguishing particular

A. Where it is now

B after paragraph 3

C after paragraph 4

D after paragraph 5
Wandering 을 본격적으로 시작하는 문단 뒤에 위치함

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