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THE CONCEPT OF PRAKRITI – kayakalppalampur


(Body Natures According to Ayurveda)

Definition: Prakriti is an inherent nature of an individual determined at the time of your birth,
which can not be changed during your lifetime. Ayurveda broadly classifies human nature in
two types – Mental and Physical Nature.

There are 7 types of Sharirika Prakriti:

Vata Prakriti Pitta

Prakriti Kapha


Vata Pitta Prakriti

Pitta Kapha Prakriti

Kapha Vata Prakriti


Each Prakriti has different characteristic features. The concept of Prakriti makes Ayurveda
unique from other medical systems. Selection of treatment, medicine is different for each
individual depending upon their Prakriti. Ayurveda also suggest about food which is conductive,
foods which need to
be avoided according to Prakriti. Assessment of Prakriti analysis will not only help in
understanding the physical and mental constitution of patient, but also plays a vital role in
prognosis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Features Vata Pitta Kapha

Body Frame Thin Medium Broad

Body Weight Low Moderate Over Weight

Soft, Thin,
Dry, Rough, Thick, Oily,
Skin Tendency for Acnes &
Cracked Cool, Clear Complexion

Dry, Thin, Soft, Early

Hair Thick, Oily
Prone to Break Greying

Teeth Protruded, Moderate Strong, White

Big, Gums Emaciated , in Size, Yellowish, Soft Gums

Small, Dull, Big, Attractive,

Eyes Sharp, Shiny
Dry Thick Eye Lashes

Brittle, Dry, Thick, Strong,

Nails Soft, Pink
Cracked Shiny

Tongue Cracked Red White Coated

Frequent, Excessive Stable

Food Habits
Variable Food Food Habits

Thirst Variable Excessive Scanty

Dry, Hard,
Bowl Soft, Loose Thick, Oily

Physical Activities Very Active Moderate Lethargic

for Seasonal Cold Intolerant Heat Intolerant
to Both Heat and Cold

Sharp, Incisive Less

Communication Talkative Communication with Vocal; with Good
Analytical Abilities Communication Skill

Initiation Moderate,
Quick, Responsive Slow
Capabilities Understanding

Quick Slow
Memory Grasping but Poor Grasping but Good
Grasping and Retention
Retention Retention

Emotional Fearful, moody, Calm, Attached,
Temperament unpredictable Likeable

Thready, Moderate,
Slow, Moves
Pulse Feeble, Moves like a Jumping like a
like a Swan
Snake Frog

Food According to Different Prakriti:-

A) Vata Prakriti:

Beneficial Foods
The food which are beneficial to Vata Prakriti are those that are sweet and hot in properties. Since
Vata Prakriti people have variable digestive capacity, it is recommended to them to follow an
appropriate dietary routine. Food should be consumed in small quantities. Ginger and garlic shall
be used to maintain proper digestive abilities. Cereals such as wheat, sesame. Pulses such as black
gram, green gram. Milk products such as curd, ghee, butter, cheese. Oils such as sesame oil, castor
oil, cod liver oil. Vegetable such as white gourd, drumstick, onion, asparagus, radish. Fruits such as
mango, coconut, grapes, dates, pineapple, almonds, figs.
Non-Beneficial Foods
Food which are not beneficial to Vata which are dry, cold and astringent in properties.
Cereals such as barely, horse gram.
Pulses such as sprouted pulses, peas, masur, chana. Vegetables
such as dry leafy vegetables, potato, bitter gourd. Fruit such as
jamun, cucumber, watermelon.
Spices such as chillies, pepper.
Honey and sugarcane juice are not beneficial.

B) Pitta Prakriti:
Beneficial Foods
Food which are cold , dry, sweet and bitter are beneficial to Pitta Prakriti. Cereals such as
wheat, barley.
Pulses masur, greengram, channa.
Ghee, butter, fresh buttermilk.
Vegetables such as snake gourd, white gourd, carrot, beetroot.
Fruits such as dried grapes, apple, pomegranate, ripe bananas.
Old jaggery.
Spices such as coriander, rock salt.
Meat of deer or goat.
Non-Beneficial Foods
Food which are hot, pungent and sharp (teekshna) in properties are not beneficial to Pitta
Pulses such as blackgram, horsegram, sprouted pulses.
Sour curds and butter milk.
Beef, mutton, sea fish.
Vegetables such as bringal, drumstick, green leafy vegetables.
Fruits such as oranges, lime, tamrind, unripe mango.
Spices such as garlic, pepper, chillies, asafoetida.

C) Kapha Prakriti:
Beneficial Foods
Food which are light, hot, dry, pungent in properties are beneficial to Kapha Prakriti.
Cereals such barley.
Pulses such as masur, horse gram, green gram. Oil
such as mustard oil, sesame oil.
Vegetables such as bitter gourd, drumstick, snake gourd, onions.
Fruits such as pomegranates, lemon.
Spices such as dry ginger, black cumin seeds, garlic, pepper.
Meat of deer.
Old wine and substances such as honey.

Non-Beneficial Foods
Food which are sweet, cold, heavy in property are not
Cereals such as fresh rice.
Pulses such as black gram.
Buffalo’s milk, curd, ghee, butter.
Oils from animal fat.
Vegetables such as sweet potato,
Fruits such as banana, guava, grapes, coconut, jack fruit.
Mutton, egg, fresh water fish.
Sugarcane juice, jaggery.
Freshly prepared beverages.
Spices such as coriander.

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