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UX Researcher

Mata Kuliah Kapita Selekta

Bona Utama D Actomy

About Me

• T. Informatika UII
• IT Support - Indoluxe Hotel 2014-2015
• IT Support and Multimedia - CV. Tatonas
• Web Designer - Waroeng Steak 2018
• UX Designer - Prudential (Pruaccess) 2019-
• UI/UX Designer - Widya Skilloka 2020-2021
• Sr. UI/UX Designer - DSF Mitsubishi Corp
Group 2021-Present

Mana yang lebih baik
Why UX

• menjembatani kesenjangan antara

manusia dan teknologi yang akan
meningkatkan kehidupan dengan
membuat teknologi dapat diakses oleh
banyak orang, seperti anak anak, oleh
orang tua, orang yang rentan, dan orang
sehat dan orang yang sakit dan
mempermudah penggunaan teknologi.
UX Designer

Three type UX Researcher

of UX
UX Writer
- Interface
- Color psychology
UX Designer - Button size
- etc
• User Flow

UX Researcher • User behavior

• Analytics
• Wording

UX Writter • text hierarchy

• Font Size
UX Researcher is the first

- Who are they?

- Where are they from?
- What do they want?
- Why do they want it?
- How can your product help them get what they
Type Of Research

• Quantitative research
• Qualitative research
• Behavior research
• Attitudinal research
UX Research Methods

• Card Sorting
• Usability testing
• A/B testing
• User Interview

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