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Trade Unions

By Yewo, Damien and

What are trade unions?
Trade unions are
organisations of
workers that aim to
promote and protect
the interest of their
members (workers)
Aims of Trade Unions
Trade unions aim to :
• Negotiate pay and working conditions with employers
• Provide legal protection for members
• Put pressure on the government to pass legislation that
improves the rights of workers
• Provide financial benefits, such as strike pay
In the 1980s, following disputes with the government, Trade unions
were weakened with new laws:

• They required a secret ballot before a strike

• They were banned from secondary picketing ( striking for workers

at a different workplace)

• Closed shops were made illegal ( shops where every worker must
belong to one particular trade union)
Effects on wage & employment

• A strong trade union may force wages up as it can

negotiate wages with the employer

• This will result in a decrease in labour as quantity of

labour is inversely proportional with wages
The End
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