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Security Surveillance, Access Control & Intrusion

Detection In Iot

Awais Riaz, M.Yasir, Abdul Wahab, Junaid, M. Khan, Hammad Khan
2203230, 2203169, 2211135, 2203010, 2223172, 2203099
Title and Content Layout with List

▪ Introduction
▪ Security Surveillance
▪ Access Control
▪ Intrusion Detection
▪ Integration Of Systems
▪ Case study & Real World Examples
▪ Conclusion

▪ In the IoT ecosystem, security surveillance, access control, and intrusion detection are
crucial for maintaining robust security. Security surveillance utilizes IoT-enabled cameras
and sensors to monitor environments in real-time, providing instant alerts and detailed
analytics on suspicious activities. Access control systems use IoT technologies like
biometric scanners and smart locks to regulate who can enter specific areas, ensuring
only authorized personnel have access. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) leverage IoT
devices to continuously monitor network traffic and device activities, using advanced
algorithms to identify and respond to unauthorized access or anomalies. Together, these
technologies enhance security, protect sensitive information, and ensure the integrity of
IoT networks.
Surveillance System

▪ What is Security Surveillance?

Security surveillance involves monitoring activities and behavior in various environments to
enhance safety and security. This is achieved using cameras, sensors, and other technologies
to deter crime, gather evidence, and ensure public safety. It is widely used in public spaces,
private properties, and critical infrastructure to detect and respond to potential threats
Purpose Of Surveillance System

▪ Deterrence: Discourage criminal activity and misconduct by the presence of surveillance

▪ Monitoring: Keep an eye on activities and behavior in real-time to ensure safety and
▪ Evidence Collection: Record incidents for later review and use in investigations or legal
▪ Response Coordination: Enable quick and informed responses to security breaches or
▪ Safety Assurance: Protect people and property in various environments, including public
spaces, private properties, and critical infrastructure.
Applications Of Security Surveillance in public places

▪Crime Prevention: Monitoring streets and parks to deter and detect criminal activities.
▪Traffic Management: Using cameras to manage traffic flow and detect violations.
▪Public Transportation: Ensuring safety in bus/train stations and onboard vehicles.
▪Crowd Control: Managing large gatherings and events to ensure public safety.
▪Critical Infrastructure: Protecting utilities, power plants, and water supply systems.
▪ Public Buildings: Securing government offices and educational institutions.
Applications Of Security Surveillance in private spaces

▪Residential Security: Monitoring homes to deter burglary and ensure family safety.
▪Commercial Buildings: Protecting offices, retail stores, and warehouses from theft and v
▪Industrial Facilities: Ensuring the safety of employees and securing valuable equipment
and materials.
▪ Parking Lots/Garages: Monitoring for vehicle theft and vandalism.
▪ Gated Communities: Enhancing security and monitoring visitor access.
▪ Private Estates: Providing comprehensive security for large properties and high-value
Applications Of Security Surveillance in private spaces

▪Power Plants: Monitoring for unauthorized access and potential threats.

▪Water Treatment Facilities: Ensuring the security and safety of water supplies.
▪ Transportation Hubs: Securing airports, seaports, and railway stations.
▪ Communication Networks: Protecting data centers and network facilities from
▪ Oil and Gas Facilities: Monitoring pipelines, refineries, and storage areas for safety and
▪Government Buildings: Ensuring the security of sensitive government facilities and
Types Of Surveillance Systems

▪CCTV Systems: Analog Cameras & Digital/IP Cameras

▪PTZ Cameras: Pan, tilt, and zoom functionality.
▪Wireless Systems: Wi-Fi Cameras and 4G/5G Cameras
▪Bullet Cameras: Cylindrical, typically outdoor.
▪Dome Cameras: Dome-shaped, often indoor.
▪Thermal Cameras: Detect heat signatures.
Sensors used in Surveillance Systems

▪ Camera Sensors:
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor): Commonly used in digital
CCD (Charge-Coupled Device): Used in high-quality imaging.
 Motion Sensors:
Passive Infrared (PIR): Detect body heat and movement.
Ultrasonic: Use sound waves to detect motion.
Microwave: Emit microwaves and detect changes in reflection.
▪ Audio Sensors:
Microphones: Capture sound for audio surveillance.
 Thermal Sensors:
Infrared Sensors: Detect heat variations, useful in low-light conditions.
Sensors used in Surveillance Systems

▪ Glass Break Sensors:

Acoustic Sensors: Detect the sound frequency of breaking glass.
▪ Vibration Sensors:
Detect vibrations on windows, doors, and walls.
▪ Magnetic Sensors:
Door/Window Contacts: Detect the opening and closing of doors and windows.
▪ Magnetic Sensors:
Door/Window Contacts: Detect the opening and closing of doors and windows.
Advance Surveillance Technologies

▪ Advanced surveillance tech, such as biometric recognition and facial recognition, utilizes
unique traits for identification. Predictive analytics and AI analyze vast data for behavior
patterns. IoT sensors and drones provide real-time monitoring, while smart cameras enhance
data collection. GEOINT integrates satellite imagery and GPS for geographic analysis. These
technologies raise ethical concerns about privacy and individual rights, necessitating the
development of privacy-enhancing technologies.
How we implement surveillance technology in iot?

▪Define Objectives: Identify the specific monitoring needs and goals of your surveillance system.
▪Choose Devices: Select appropriate IoT-enabled cameras and sensors with features like motion
detection and high-resolution imaging.
▪Network Setup: Establish a secure and reliable network, using Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or other
communication protocols to connect devices.
▪Data Storage and Processing: Decide on data storage options (cloud, local servers, or hybrid) and
implement edge computing for real-time data processing.
▪IoT Platform: Integrate devices with an IoT platform to manage devices, collect data, and facilitate
▪Security Measures: Ensure robust cybersecurity measures, such as encryption and access controls,
to protect data and devices.
▪Integration and Testing: Integrate the system with existing infrastructure and conduct thorough
testing to ensure functionality and reliability.
What is Access Control?

▪ Access control is about controlling who can access certain resources or areas. It involves
using methods like passwords, biometrics, or key cards to verify someone's identity and
determine what they're allowed to access. It's important for security, both physical and
▪ Purpose: The purpose of access control is to restrict and manage who can access certain
resources or areas to maintain security and confidentiality.
Applications Of Access Control

▪ Buildings: Controlling entry to rooms and restricted areas.

▪ IT Systems: Managing access to networks and data.
▪ Data Centers: Securing servers and critical infrastructure.
▪ Banks: Protecting secure areas and customer information.
▪ Healthcare: Limiting access to patient records and medical equipment.
▪ Government: Restricting entry to classified areas and sensitive information.
▪ Industry: Ensuring safety around machinery and hazardous materials.
▪ Transportation: Managing access to airports, train stations, and ports.
Sensors Used In Access Control

▪Proximity Sensors: Detect keycards or badges.

▪Biometric Sensors: Scan fingerprints, facial features, or iris patterns.
▪Motion Sensors: Detect movement to control automatic doors.
▪Magnetic Sensors: Monitor door and window status.
▪RFID Sensors: Read radio-frequency identification tags.
▪Infrared Sensors: Recognize heat signatures and movements.
▪Touch Sensors: Detect touches or presses on screens or panels
Advanced access control technologies

▪ Biometric Authentication: Uses fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans for identification.
▪Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Combines two or more verification methods, such as
passwords and biometrics.
▪Smart Cards and Mobile Credentials: Uses encrypted cards or smartphones for secure
▪ Cloud-Based Access Control: Manages access remotely via cloud platforms.
▪ Artificial Intelligence (AI): Analyzes behavior patterns to detect anomalies and enhance
▪ Blockchain: Ensures secure, tamper-proof access logs.
▪ Geofencing: Restricts access based on geographic location using GPS.
▪ Wireless Access Control: Utilizes wireless technologies for flexible and scalable access
How we use access controls in iot?

▪Identify Access Requirements: Determine which devices, data, and services need to be
accessed and who should have access.
▪Implement Authentication: Use methods like passwords, biometrics, or multi-factor
authentication (MFA) to verify user identities.
▪Set Access Permissions: Define and assign permissions based on user roles and
responsibilities, ensuring that users only have access to what they need.
▪Use Secure Communication Protocols: Employ protocols such as HTTPS, TLS, or MQTT
with SSL to ensure secure data transmission between IoT devices and users.
How we use access controls in iot?

▪Deploy Access Control Mechanisms:

▪ - **Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)**: Assign permissions based on user roles.
▪ - **Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)**: Use attributes (e.g., time of day,
location) to grant access.
▪ - **Policy-Based Access Control**: Define access policies and enforce them across
▪Regularly Update and Monitor: Keep access control policies and systems updated, and
continuously monitor for unauthorized access attempts or anomalies.
▪Encrypt Sensitive Data: Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest
to prevent unauthorized access.
▪Audit and Review: Conduct regular audits and reviews of access logs and policies to
ensure compliance and detect potential security issues.
Intrusion Detection

▪ Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring and analyzing network or system

activities to identify and respond to unauthorized access or abnormal behavior. It helps
protect against security breaches by detecting potential threats in real-time.
▪ Purpose?

▪ The purpose of intrusion detection is to identify and respond to unauthorized access or

malicious activities within a network or system. It aims to enhance security by detecting
potential threats, preventing security breaches, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring the
integrity and availability of resources.
Applications of Intrusion Detection

▪ Network Security: Monitoring for suspicious activities and unauthorized access on computer
▪Enterprise Systems: Protecting corporate networks and data from internal and external threats.
▪Cloud Environments: Securing cloud-based resources and services.
▪Healthcare: Safeguarding patient data and medical systems.
▪Financial Institutions: Preventing fraud and protecting sensitive financial information.
▪Government Agencies: Ensuring the security of classified information and critical infrastructure.
▪Industrial Control Systems: Protecting operational technology and industrial processes from cyber
▪E-commerce: Securing online transactions and customer data.
Types Of Intrusion Detection System

▪ Network-based IDS (NIDS): Monitors network traffic for suspicious activity.

▪Host-based IDS (HIDS): Monitors a single host or device for signs of intrusion.
▪Signature-based IDS: Detects known threats by comparing activity to a database of attack
▪Anomaly-based IDS: Identifies unusual behavior by comparing activity to a baseline of
▪Hybrid IDS: Combines elements of both signature-based and anomaly-based detection for
comprehensive monitoring.
▪Protocol-based IDS (PIDS): Focuses on monitoring and analyzing the protocol activity for
▪anomalies and violations.
Sensors Used in Intrusion Detection System

▪ Network Sensors: Monitor network traffic for unusual patterns.

▪ Host Sensors: Monitor activities on individual devices, such as file changes and system
▪Signature Sensors: Detect known attack patterns and malware signatures.
▪Anomaly Sensors: Identify deviations from normal behavior.
▪Wireless Sensors: Monitor wireless network activities and detect unauthorized access
▪Application Sensors: Track application-specific events and activities.
▪Physical Sensors: Detect physical intrusions using motion detectors, door/window sensors,
and infrared sensors.
Advance Intrusion Detection Technologies

▪ Machine Learning and AI: Use algorithms to analyze patterns and detect anomalies,
improving the accuracy of threat detection.
▪Behavioral Analysis: Monitors and analyzes user and system behavior to identify unusual
▪Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): Examines the data part (and sometimes the header) of
packets as they pass through an inspection point.
▪Threat Intelligence Integration: Incorporates external threat data to enhance detection
capabilities and respond to emerging threats.
▪Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Provides continuous monitoring and response to
threats on endpoints.
▪Deception Technology: Uses decoys and traps to detect, deflect, and analyze potential
How we use intrusion detection technologies in iot?

▪ Identify Threat: Assess potential security threats in your IoT environment.

▪Choose IDS Type: Select Network-based (NIDS) or Host-based (HIDS) IDS.
▪Deploy Sensors: Install IDS sensors at critical network points.
▪Integrate with Platform: Ensure IDS integrates with your IoT management platform.
▪Use AI/ML: Apply AI and machine learning to detect anomalies.
▪Set Alerts: Configure alerts and automated responses for detected intrusions.
▪Update Regularly: Keep IDS signatures and rules up to date.
▪Monitor Continuously: Continuously monitor traffic and activities.
▪Encrypt Data: Encrypt sensitive data in transit and at rest.
▪Perform Audits: Regularly audit and assess IDS effectiveness.
These steps enhance IoT security by detecting and responding to intrusions effectively.
Integration Systems

▪ Unified Management: Centralizing the control and monitoring of various security systems,
such as access control, intrusion detection, and surveillance, into a single platform.
▪Interoperability: Ensuring different systems and devices can communicate and work together
seamlessly, often using standardized protocols and interfaces.
▪Data Sharing: Allowing systems to share data and insights, improving threat detection and
response times.
▪Automated Responses: Enabling systems to trigger automated actions, such as locking doors
or sending alerts, in response to detected threats.
▪Scalability: Designing the integrated system to easily expand and accommodate new devices,
sensors, or locations as needed.
▪Enhanced Analytics: Combining data from various sources to provide deeper insights and
more accurate threat assessments.
How we use integration system in iot?

▪ To integrate systems in IoT:

▪ Define Objectives: Determine your integration goals.

▪ Choose Compatible Devices: Select devices and platforms that support standard
▪ Set Up Network: Ensure a reliable and secure network.

▪ Use IoT Gateways: Facilitate communication between devices and the cloud.

▪ Implement APIs: Enable interaction and data sharing between systems.

How we use integration system in iot?

▪ Employ Middleware: Manage communication and data processing.

▪ Standardize Data: Ensure data formats and protocols are compatible.

▪ Centralized Management: Use a platform to monitor and control devices.

▪ Focus on Security: Implement strong security measures.

▪ Test and Optimize: Continuously test and improve the system.

▪ These steps help create a seamless and efficient IoT integration.

Case Study: Integration of Access Control and Intrusion
Detection at a Financial Institution

▪ Background:
▪ A large financial institution needed to enhance its security posture due to increasing threats and regulatory
requirements. The organization sought to integrate its access control system with advanced intrusion
detection technologies.

▪ Solution:
▪Unified Management Platform: Implemented a centralized security management system that
integrated access control, video surveillance, and intrusion detection.
▪Biometric Authentication: Upgraded access control to include fingerprint and facial recognition for high-
security areas.
▪AI-Powered Intrusion Detection: Deployed AI-based anomaly detection to monitor network traffic and
endpoint activities.
▪Automated Responses: Set up automated alarms and lockdown procedures triggered by detected

▪ Improved Security: The integration provided real-time monitoring and quicker response
times to potential threats.
▪Enhanced Compliance: Met stringent regulatory requirements for data protection and
physical security.
▪Operational Efficiency: Reduced false alarms and streamlined security operations through
automated processes.

▪ The integrated system significantly bolstered the financial institution's security measures,
demonstrating the effectiveness of combining access control and advanced intrusion
detection technologies.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart Retail Store

▪#### Overview
▪A smart retail store implements IoT technologies to enhance security through surveillance,
access control, and intrusion detection. This case study details the implementation, benefits,
and challenges of using IoT in a retail environment.
▪#### Security Surveillance
▪The retail store deploys IoT-enabled cameras at critical points, such as entrances, exits,
aisles, and cash registers. These cameras are connected to a cloud-based management system
with AI capabilities.
▪1. **Real-Time Monitoring:** Store managers and security staff can monitor live camera
feeds via mobile devices and computers.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart Retail Store

▪2. **AI-Enhanced Analytics:** The system uses AI to identify suspicious behavior, such as
shoplifting or loitering, by analyzing video feeds.
▪3. **Cloud Storage:** Video footage is stored securely in the cloud, enabling easy access
for review and evidence.
▪- Continuous monitoring without the need for constant human oversight.
▪- AI reduces false positives and identifies genuine threats more accurately.
▪- Scalable and secure video storage.
▪- High initial cost of AI and cloud-based systems.
▪- Ensuring video data privacy and protection against cyber attacks.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart Retail Store

▪#### Access Control

▪The store uses IoT-based access control systems, including RFID card readers, biometric
scanners, and mobile app-based entry systems for employees and authorized personnel.
▪1. **Multi-Factor Authentication:** Employees use RFID cards and biometric data
(fingerprint or facial recognition) to access restricted areas such as stock rooms.
▪2. **Remote Access Management:** Store managers can remotely adjust access
permissions for employees as needed.
▪3. **Access Logs:** The system logs every access attempt, providing a detailed record for
security audits.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart
Retail Store

▪- Enhanced security with multi-factor authentication.
▪- Flexibility in managing access permissions remotely.
▪- Detailed logs improve accountability and security audits.
▪- Ensuring reliable operation of biometric systems in various conditions.
▪- Balancing security measures with employee convenience.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart Retail Store

▪### Intrusion Detection

▪The store is equipped with IoT-based intrusion detection systems, including motion sensors,
glass break sensors, and door/window sensors. These devices are integrated into a centralized
security platform.
▪1. **Immediate Alerts:** The system sends real-time alerts to security personnel and store
management if an intrusion is detected.
▪2. **Surveillance Integration:** Intrusion detection triggers nearby cameras to focus on the
breach area and start recording automatically.
▪3. **Automated Responses:** The system can sound alarms, lock down areas, and notify law
enforcement agencies automatically.
Case Study: IoT-Based Security System in a Smart Retail Store

▪ **Benefits:**
▪- Quick response to potential security breaches.
▪- Reduced false alarms with intelligent sensor integration.
▪- Increased safety with automated lockdown features.
▪- Minimizing false positives from environmental factors.
▪- Integrating diverse sensors and ensuring they work seamlessly.
▪ Conclusion:The smart retail store leverages IoT technologies to create a comprehensive
security system that enhances surveillance, access control, and intrusion detection. By using
real-time data, AI, and cloud-based solutions, the store ensures a high level of security while
maintaining flexibility and efficiency. However, challenges such as initial costs, data
privacy, and system integration must be addressed to fully leverage the benefits of IoT in
retail security.

▪ Surveillance, access control, and intrusion detection are key components of modern
security systems. Surveillance technologies like biometric recognition, facial recognition,
and AI-powered cameras monitor activities and detect threats in real-time, enhancing
security but also raising privacy concerns. Access control ensures only authorized
individuals can access certain areas or resources using methods such as passwords,
biometrics, and smart cards. Advanced systems integrate features like multi-factor
authentication and AI. Intrusion detection monitors network or system activities to
identify unauthorized access or abnormal behavior, using technologies like machine
learning and behavioral analysis. Integrating these systems provides a cohesive security
solution, improving protection and operational efficiency, as seen in examples like
financial institutions enhancing their security with combined biometric access and AI-
based intrusion detection. This integration strengthens overall security while balancing
privacy and ethical considerations.

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