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Networks Part 2

By: Ms. Marie Abigail Caneo

Internet History of Internet

Massive Global Network 1969 Advanced Research

created from connections Projects Agency
Hard Drive devices and their
capacity to connect and exchange
ARPANET stretched
data right across the country
51% of the world is online 1990’s individuals began to
more than 3.5 billion people connect prompting the net to
become more commerce -
Internet users in every country
on every continent, the net’s
only getting bigger and faster.
History of World Wide Web
World Wide Web

In 1989, English Engineer Tim

Global Filing System Berners –Lee came up with a
solution to flatten the tree

Consist of many Making related files link to

each other w/ clickable
Contains code, text, and Users could simply jump from
multimedia files together one relevant document to the
next instead of backtracking
Hyperlinks are special through a maze of folders
interconnections, between
webpages that help users to
navigate world wide web

Data was stored in a tree

structure, the way files are
stored on personal computer
Cloud Computing

Cloud Storage Hybrid Cloud Storage

Hybrid Cloud
Cloud Storage storage

Storage is in
accessing Stored at a hard
through network drive

It is paid storage
that ask for Synchronized
upgrades and and updated
Pros Cons

cloud services
If a device is lost, need a fast
damaged, or internet
stolen the files or connection
programs are still

Files can be There is

dependency on
accessed from the cloud service
anywhere provider for
security and back

There are information over a
probability issues network always
when operating carries risks,
precaution such as
system is changed encryption are
Bandwidth is the amount
of data that can flow into a Unicast vs Multicast
network. In other words, Multicast allows a signal to
it’s be sent to multiple devices
the number of bits a at once. Unicast, on the
computer other hand, limits each
receives per second. transmission to a single


TCP vs UDP When streaming, a computer
TCP and UDP are protocols for stores
transmitting data. Unlike UPD, a bit of data ahead of what is
TCP establishes a link between already playing. Buffering
computers, making it slower prevents
but more reliable and secure. irregular, jerky playback by
controlling the rate of live stre
Advantages Disadvantages
A good internet
Users don’t have to connection is
wait for a long needed throughout
download to finish. the streaming

To watch a video
Streaming is
again, users have to
especially useful
start streaming
for mobile devices.
from scratch.

It helps prevent
It can end up
piracy as there are
costing more, as it
files to copy and
up bandwidth.

If a provider
Content quality
decides to remove
can be adapted to
it can’t be accessed
network speed.
Worms Spyware
Similar to viruses, worms tag along Spyware is a general term
with legitimate downloads. They’re for any program that tracks
self-replicating and can spread data without permission.
through networks, often via Examples include keyloggers
automated email spam. Unlike (programs that track what keys
viruses, worms are stand-alone are pressed in order to gain
software. They don’t need human access to passwords and other
triggers and are only installed on information) or programs that copy
each computer once. browser history and Google searches.
are tiny pieces of code that sneak in by
attaching themselves to pre-existing
files, such as email attachments. The Trojans
goal of a virus is to spread to as many
files on as many systems as possible.
They corrupt data and slow down
Malware Named after the Greek tale of
the Trojan Horse, a trojan is a
operating systems malicious program that looks
safe. Once downloaded, the
Rootkits hide inside an operating trojan installs its payload on
system. They gain root (administrator) the computer. This could be a
access to a computer and modify keylogger, a backdoor, or any
critical files, which can lower security
and let in other types of malware. As
number of malicious programs.
they hide inside operating systems,
they are difficult to detect and destroy.

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